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Dems Don’t Deserve the Jewish Vote

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Leftists' abandonment of Israel is a betrayal.

Dems Plot Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce’s Visit to White House as Gavin Newsom Waits for Biden Benching

source: Loomered


Democrats are salivating at Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift’s upcoming visit to the White House following the Kansas City Chiefs’ Super Bowl victory.

Dem Strategy in 2024 Is All Abortion, All the Time

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

The Democrats held a meeting to decide their Grand Strategy for 2024. Suprise! It’s “abortion”. The same Democrat strategy every year.

Tucker Carlson Is Not Wrong About Moscow

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The faux outrage over Carlson’s comments is indicative of agenda-driven sycophants who care more about partisan politics than the truth about how dirty, grimy, polluted, and crime-infested many of this great nation’s cities have truly become.

Mass Migration More Worrying Than Russia

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

A report released on Monday reveals that Russia is no longer perceived as the biggest security threat by people living in the largest economies in the world, while issues like mass migration, terrorism, climate change, and cyber attacks rank high on the list of perceived threats.

Jimmy Kimmel’s Jokes About Christian Ads Are Weak and Ignorant

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

“Where did Jesus get the $7 million for a Super Bowl commercial? Did he turn water into money []?” asked late-night talk show host Jimmy Kimmel while attempting to lampoon Super Bowl advertisements for the Catholic prayer app Hallow and nondenominational “He Gets Us” campaign.

Impeaching Mayorkas Was a Violation of the Constitution

source: National Review

National Review

Convicting a Biden-cabinet official might be a powerful way to satisfy the base, but the long-term consequences of undermining the Constitution are unacceptable.

The Truth About Jihad in Dearborn, MI

source: FrontPage


From the mayor on down, Dearborn is a terrorist state.

These Ivy League Students Went on a Hunger Strike for Hamas

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

We can’t stop laughing at this Brown University students.

It Looks Like the Houston Church Shooter Is a Hispanic Transgender Bernie Sanders Supporter


Although there is nothing the leftists would like better than to complain about mentally ill people getting guns, they sure as heck don’t want to discuss the fact that the gun“woman” charged with shooting up Lakewood Church appears to be a pro-Palestinian. And a possible transgender.

The Left Decides Slavery is Fine as Long as It Brings in the Migrants

source: Human Events

Human Events

Lisa Hillebrand of Brookline, Mass., has opened up her apartment to a family of Haitian illegal immigrants and now she feels like she has a personal chef. Hillebrand is offering nothing but housing for help with chores, cooking, and whatever else. 


Biden Should Resign Now

source: Fox News

Fox News

By Hugh Hewitt: We all see it. We all know it. But will the president act in the country's best interests?

NY Times Gets a Neuroscientist to Say Biden Is a Smidge Forgetful

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The Official Publication of the Democratic National Committee — more familiarly known as The New York Times — enlisted a neuroscientist to assure the American public that Joe Biden's brain isn't the functionless pile of bird seed that he continually leads us to believe it is. 

Is Obama Ready to Pull the Plug on Biden?

source: Townhall


With Biden on life support both mentally and politically, there’s no question Obama is already fielding calls along those lines from Party pooh-bahs at his Martha’s Vineyard mansion.

The Last Time an Unfit Incumbent Ran for Reelection

source: National Review

National Review

We should be mindful of the lessons of 80 years ago: No one close to the president is going to tell the truth.

Biden’s Latest Target Is Christian Colleges

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

The reason for this crusade is twofold: to protect the higher education cartel from any potential competition, and to persecute any Christian institution that refuses to bend the knee to cultural marxism.

Kamala Was Biden’s Smartest Decision

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

So long as she keeps her job, the president will be on the 2024 ticket.