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Florida Bill Would Help Left Sue Conservative Media into Oblivion

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Creating an environment that jeopardizes anonymous sources and encourages frivolous lawsuits will be disastrous for conservative media.

Leftists Ruin Everything and Conservative Media Are Next

source: RedState


Because conservative media outlets have been quite effective in challenging the prevailing narratives over the last decade (and more), leftists have relentlessly tried to silence us through censorship, shadow-banning, and de-platforming. They've severely wounded us, but they haven't been successful – yet.

National Geographic Names a Drag Queen “Traveler of the Year”

source: FrontPage


You’ll never guess who owns National Geographic. That’s right: Disney.

California Brings the Trans Crazy to Maternal Care

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

Can you just imagine what would happen to some midwife who dared to suggest to a male in a dress that chemical-induced “chestfeeding” would not be healthy for the infant produced by his female partner? Or a nurse who said “congrats, mom! She’s a beautiful baby!” to a female with a beard who insists that not only is she “father”, but her infant is genderless?

Blinken Tells Staffers Not to Use “Problematic” Language Like “Manpower” and “Mother”

source: Louder with Crowder

Louder with Crowder

A huge indicator of whether someone is woke or not is their constant use of gender-neutral language. If a woman says “partner” instead of “husband” that means they are 100 percent woke.

Who Will Deprogram the Radicals at NPR?

source: NewsBusters


Trump had roughly talked of "rooting out" the "vermin" of the current government. Leftists don't use "autocratic language" like that. Instead, as they root out the opposition, they call it "deprogramming." 

Lefty George Soros Is Expanding His Radio Empire

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

He’s planning to buy the second-largest radio company in America, and you know that, where he goes, hard leftist ideology follows.

Chair of Harvard History Dept. Belongs to Group Behind Antisemitic Cartoon

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Sidney Chalhoub, the chairman of Harvard University's history department, is a member of a faculty group, Harvard Faculty and Staff for Justice in Palestine, that posted an anti-Semitic cartoon over the holiday weekend depicting a hand emblazoned with the Star of David holding a noose around the necks of one black man and one Arab man.

JD Vance Defense Message to Europe Is Imperfect But Can’t Be Ignored

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Vance’s argument was not that Ukraine doesn’t deserve support but rather that the U.S. must pivot to Asia because its military resources exist in a “world of scarcity.” What Vance is really talking about here is the U.S.’s need to maximize its readiness for a Chinese invasion of Taiwan or an attack on U.S.-treaty ally the Philippines.

America’s Persecuted Pastors Are Fighting for Their Freedom

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Though religious freedom is a fundamental right enshrined in the United States Constitution, it has come increasingly under attack. These pastors are fighting so that normal Americans do not have to.

Can Someone Be Too Brash to Be President?

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

Trump has a portfolio of accomplishments from his first term that he should be able to campaign on. Unfortunately, his personality does not allow him to tout his accomplishments quietly. Trump cannot prevent himself from saying controversial things that become the soundbites for the evening news.

Could October 7 Bring Down the Squad?

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

The progressive House wing’s harsh criticism of Israel is out of step with voters—and it could cost three members their seats.

We May Regret the Move Away from Plastic Bottles

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Aluminum cans could be making us dumber and sicker.


Tucker Carlson Is a Convenient Distraction of Our Failed Elite

source: Townhall


By Kurt Schlichter: Tucker Carlson is an American patriot. Members of our ruling elite will recoil in horror at that reality, but the fact is that they equate patriotism with obedience and respect for themselves, not for America itself. Tucker has neither. He incites our trash ruling class by speaking undeniable truths.

Is Tucker Carlson Right About American Cities?

source: Newsmax


Why are the homeless, the mentally ill and the drug-addicted permitted to live, take drugs and even urinate and defecate in the streets? We're told that's "compassion." Wrong. It's cowardice.

The Moral Blindness of Putin’s Apologists on the Right

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

We have a deeper problem than publicity-hungry provocateurs on ill-timed pilgrimages. A large part of the American right actively embraces the moral equivalence that used to be a defining feature of self-loathing left-wing elites.

Did Tucker Carlson Not Know Grocery Prices Were Cheaper in Russia Long Before Biden Was President?

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Carlson’s video is very disingenuous and reveals more about what he doesn’t know than what he learned. He came off as elitist and out of touch while trying to appeal to the people he was out of touch with.