TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin
It’s Not a Good Month for Weirdo Talking Heads
source: American Spectator
It turns out that regularly spouting the dumbest things on cable news, as Reid does, ultimately chases off even the most loyal automatons in your audience. And, eventually, as the viewership shrivels, they replace you with a trio of similar nincompoops who haven’t quite irritated the country as Joy Reid has.
Joy Reid, MSNBC’s Bitter Race Arsonist, Has Her Swan Song
source: NewsBusters
Reid kicked the show off with an unhinged monologue, per longstanding custom, equating federal employees’ struggle to continue working from home with the civil rights movement, and issuing a call to Resistance
Reid’s Final Monologue Is Exactly the “Fascist” Dreck You’d Expect
source: RedState
Reid is a bitter, divisive personality who did everything in her power to widen the racial divide in this country. It’s beyond the pale that NBCUniversal let her peddle her hate-filled spewings for as long as they did.
Canceled Joy Reid Shows Why MSNBC Has Outlived Its Purpose as Lefty Propaganda
source: NY Post
MSNBC existed primarily to put the legit news gathered by NBC (itself already plenty left-leaning) through a progressive meat grinder. And to generate increasingly strident seal-claps and screeches of laughter from its Boomer/Gen X audience.
Megyn Kelly Celebrates Cancellation of Joy Reid’s Show
source: MegynKelly.com
"People say you shouldn’t celebrate when somebody loses their job. Well, I am celebrating. She deserves it. She never should have been on there to begin with. Her so-called talent is being a racist on TV,”
RIP, Joy Reid
source: Daily Caller
In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to Reverend Al Sharpton’s non-profit, National Action Network. (Satire)
Joy Reid Concludes Lackluster Career at MSNBC
source: Washington Free Beacon
Reid was widely regarded among normal Americans as one of the most consistently unhinged purveyors of racially charged invective to be allowed on television.
How Trump Makes Europe Stronger
source: PJ Media
Since the Cold War ended, European elites have seen their countries as little more than administrative zones where a desire for an easy life is the one thing uniting everybody. The truth is nations are built on readiness to share in sacrifice, not prosperity.
Never Trumpers Gather to Celebrate Their Growing Irrelevancy
source: Victory Girls
While CPAC was loud, packed, and full of energy this past weekend, the Principles First Summit was… quiet. Down the street, CPAC was booming with big speeches, cheering crowds, and excitement. The Principles First Summit? Not so much.
Musk Dares to Ask Federal Workers: What Have You Done for Us Lately?
source: Unleash Prosperity
The federal government has been compared to a run-away train driven by a sleeping engineer that’s heading for a blown-out trestle bridge over a deep canyon. Elon to the rescue!
Is Musk Being Aggressive Enough?
source: American Thinker
Overall, Musk is doing a great job with DOGE, but his lack of appropriate aggression toward the fed workers is also evident in his almost apologetic justification in saying the federal worker email is designed to spot fraud.
Leftist Political Theater Is Back at GOP Town Hall Meetings
source: The Federalist
The leftist network is working overtime again to gin up indignation against Trump and MAGA Republicans, recruiting protesters for “raucous” demonstrations lapped up and mass marketed by the Pravda press.
How Left-Wing Activism Corrupted America’s Schools
source: City Journal
Trump was right to slash education contracts. He should keep going.
The Dark Truth About Planned Parenthood Is Now Undeniable
source: National Review
It’s now obvious that the abortion giant prioritizes influence over providing quality health care to women in need. Pregnancy centers offer a better way.
Not a Dime to California for Fire Relief
source: Fox News
Trump and Secretary Burgum should take over the disaster areas, help victims rebuild, and stiff the grifters and the state and local governments.
Bring Warriors Back to the U.S. Military
source: Wall Street Journal
The military doesn’t want someone who signs up for a great retirement plan and is surprised to find himself in combat; it wants someone who signed up for combat and is pleasantly surprised by the retirement benefits.