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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Popular podcaster Candace Owens has jumped the shark.  Earlier this week, the right wing pundit  declared French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife was actually a biological man. That was too much even for the staunchly conservative Washington Examiner which declared “Candace Owens has lost her mind”…Right wing media attacks on Jill Biden are increasing and getting nastier. Townhall slimes the First Lady today…Support for same-sex marriage declining.  That’s according to the Daily Signal, which quotes a report from the Public Religion Research Institute.  However, still 67% of respondents support the concept, down from 69% in 2022…Richard Zoglin, ex-Time Magazine culture critic and author of the recent book Elvis in Vegas, offers a  laser-sharp deconstruction of a Donald Trump speech in North Carolina on his blog.  Zoglin shreds The Donald on his noxious style and substance…A growing number of right wing websites are entering the documentary biz. Blaze Media is the latest. Today, the Glenn Beck-founded site drops Texas vs. the Feds. The documentary chronicles Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s battles with federal border agents…The right wing outlet FrontPage may soon be out of business, due to ongoing troubles its parent company has with the IRS, according to Freedom Center founder David Horowitz…Dept. of Good News? The American Conservative throws shade at two autocrats you may have read about.  The headline says it all: “Trump and Orban Are Both Weaker Than They Seem”….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Jill Biden Is an Absolute Disgrace

source: Townhall


There’s a word for when someone knowingly says something untrue, or at least there used to be. What used to be “liar” is now expanded to “Democrat,” “liberal,” “progressive,” “scumbag,” “president,” and now “first lady.” 

Hunter Biden Knows He’s Untouchable While Daddy Has Merrick Garland on a Leash

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The stink around Hunter eventually leads to Joe. That's why Hunter knows he can't be touched right now. Yes, he has a high-powered attorney, but he also has the full weight of the Executive Branch working to keep the wolves at bay.

School Librarians Hid Card Catalog from Parents While Pushing BLM, LGBTQ Issues

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

At least one school library in a South Carolina school district restricted access to its online card catalog in order to hide “critical race theory books” from parents, internal documents obtained by the parental rights group Moms for Liberty show.

The “Detransition” Time Bomb

source: National Review

National Review

We are physically altering thousands of young kids, because they say something that few if any previous societies would have taken seriously.

Brian Kemp Proves That Conservatism Wins

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The idea that being a conservative is some sort of electoral liability in swing districts or states or that Republicans must abandon things like the pro-life position to win elections is disproven by both Kemp and DeSantis.

George Stepanopoulos Has to Go

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

George Stephanopoulos has proven for all to see that he's nothing more than a Democrat operative behind an interviewer's chair.

How Donors Can Shake Up Woke Higher Education

source: NY Post

NY Post

The better approach is to support specific scholars or academic centers that directly align with a donor’s values. It’s much harder for universities to co-opt this money.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Tucker Carlson's big “get” for this week’s  X interview (behind a pay wall) is Jake Chansley, aka the QAnon Shaman.  Chansley is the whack-job who stormed the Capitol on January 6 bare-chested, in warpaint, with a  furry horned headdress atop his insurrectionist dome.  A screenshot of Chansley from the Carlson interview has him garbed with an American flag kerchief around his head, complimenting a sharp white sport jacket, over a black shirt with matching pocket square. It's an astonishing fashion makeover that I dub insurrectionist couture…This is not an early April Fool’s story: the National Review thinks Jets conspiracy-spouting QB  Aaron Rodgers should be RFK Jr’s running mate…Beware of Islam in Iceland! FrontPage sounds the alarm after a meeting of the country’s governing body was interrupted by three Muslim protesters in late 2023.  FrontPage’s  Bruce Bawer cautions, “How soon before tiny Reykjavik starts looking like the iciest ever version of Karachi or Lahore or Peshawar?”…Conservative comedian K-von says he was canceled by the University of Connecticut this week just three hours before he was about to hit the stage…Newsmax calls for a new Oscar category: Religiophobia.  “It would prove to be a very competitive field, and would have the benefit of raising awareness about Hollywood’s long suffering malady,” according to author Bill Donohue, presumably tongue-in-cheek…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Republicans’ Latest Diversity Train Wreck

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Republicans’ embrace of “diversity” has been an unmitigated disaster, as illustrated most recently by Sen. Katie Britt, whose response to President Biden’s State of the Union address came with a double dose of diversity.

Was Future MVP Aaron Rodgers at an Ayahuasca Retreat When RFK Jr News Broke?

source: Outkick


There would be no bigger story in 2024 than New York Jets QB Aaron Rodgers leaving the team after playing just four snaps for them last season to be on the RFK Jr. presidential ticket.  Imagine the shirts! RFK-Rodgers '24. Sales would be astronomical.

MAGA Needs Grow Up

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The MAGA movement has not achieved anything like its true electoral potential — and it likely never will. That’s because it refuses to grow up. The movement, like its woke counterpart, is animated primarily by its addiction to grievance and attention-seeking behavior, not by an authentic desire to implement its vision.

Transitioning Kids Can Result in Cancer or Death

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health is a go-to resource for everyone promoting the gender surgery laundromat. They provide excuses for neutering kids and ruining their lives, giving them cancer or causing premature death. They don’t admit those risks in public, but they do discuss them in private.

New York Magazine’s Transgender Critic Andrea Long Chu Promotes Sex Changes for Children as “Biological Justice”

source: Breitbart


Andrea Long Chu — a biological man who identifies as a woman– penned a nearly 8,000 word essay for New York in which he leads the reader through a dense thicket of gender epistemology, sex deconstructionism, post modern everything, and Judith Butler. Do you know the difference between a TERF and a TARL? You’re about to find out.

Trans Movement Thinks Kids Have Right to Mutilation

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The latest cover of New York Magazine is clear. The transgender movement is coming for your kids — and not trying to hide it.

The Collapse of Cultural Christianity and the Rise of Cultural Queerness

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

Around 25% of Gen Z in America now identify as LGBT, compared to 3% of the general population.

Biden’s Age Is Still a Liability

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

A successful State of the Union isn’t going to bury the age issue for the oldest-ever president.

Biden and the “Old Man Defense”

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

We're entering an era of selective victimhood since some old dotards get prosecuted, and some (who are Democrats) do not.

A New Campaign Slogan for Biden: “I Ain’t Dead Yet”


Yes, the standards to be president (at least the ones for Democrats) have fallen to a new low.