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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Breaking news: Georgia judge rules that Fani Willis may remain on the Donald Trump case, where the much-indicted ex-POTUS faces multiple charges for alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The one caveat? The Fulton County DA must fire her ex-boyfriend and special prosecutor Nathan Wade from the case.(Fox News)…UK’s Guardian newspaper has obtained an advance copy of Christine Blasey Ford’s explosive memoir.  In it, Ford revisits her damning 2018 sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh from their days as high school students.  Ford’s testimony nearly derailed Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination. Her book, One Way Back, will be published March 19. I found Ford credible. Nonetheless, I don’t have the stomach to relive  the nasty battle over Kavanaugh’s appointment and I suspect most Americans feel  the same way…The sex-research Kinsey Institute will remain at Indiana University “despite (its) disgusting past and present,” according to American Spectator.  A state law barring tax dollars to the Institute had thrown doubt into its residency at the university… Weekend read: Kara Swisher’s Burn Book, an acid-tipped, frequently funny memoir chronicling the digital revolution, complete with unvarnished portraits of the tech titans, and the fearsome influence they wield over our daily lives. Required reading for anyone seeking to better understand the Silicon Valley egomaniacal powers-that-be and their ongoing impact in this election year…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Dems Turn on Israel

source: National Review

National Review

What’s fidelity to an ally compared to zeal in pursuit of an embattled president’s election strategy?

LGBTQ+ Adults Double Over 12 Years

source: The National Pulse

The National Pulse

The staggeringly high percentage of zoomers and millennials identifying as LGBTQ+ follow concerted efforts by activists to promote sexually degenerate behavior among young people.

Library Promotes Book That Teaches Kids to “Love Who You Choose”

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

By Beth Scaer: Last June, I found the book “Pride Colors” by Robin Stevenson on the Pride display in the Nashua (NH) Library children’s room. It’s a board book so it’s made for babies and toddlers. It has bright colors and adorable pictures of children. The book promotes Pride celebrations as wholesome affairs.

Adobe’s Woke AI Follows in Google’s Footsteps by Erasing History

source: Breitbart


Adobe’s AI image creation tool, Firefly, has stumbled into the same pitfalls as Google’s Gemini AI by creating woke revisions of history, raising concerns about the limitations and biases inherent in generative AI systems.

Dental Schools Continue to Embrace DEI

source: The College Fix

The College Fix

Dental school educators are receiving prizes for their work focused on “diversity, equity, and inclusion” – even as a medical watchdog organization keeps warning against such initiatives. Two new awards specifically for DEI in dental care were given to educators at the University of Buffalo and University of Colorado dental schools in recent months.

Who Will Be Held Accountable to the Lawfare Against Trump?

source: WND


Fundamental fairness dictates that former President Trump be reimbursed for all his costs of defending himself. And those who contrived to deprive him of his life, reputation and wealth should meet the same fate they wished on him.

2024 Shapes Up to Be the “We Were Right About Everything” Election

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Crime, Covid, the economy, immigration, foreign policy, education — Biden’s poor ratings show voters are starting to ask if Democrats have gotten any issue right in the last four years.

Can Sen. Katie Britt Recover from Her SOTU Debacle?

source: The Dispatch

The Dispatch

Being knocked off Donald Trump’s VP shortlist could be a blessing in disguise.

Bill Maher’s “Dream Unity Ticket” of Biden-Haley Is Not So Nuts

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Americans in the middle want leaders who will help them.

Even in Border State, GOP Fails to Protect Elections from Illegal Immigrants

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Republican-led Texas state House of Representatives failed to pass a state Constitutional amendment requiring proof of citizenship before being allowed to register to vote.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  Popular podcaster Candace Owens has jumped the shark.  Earlier this week, the right wing pundit  declared French President Emmanuel Macron’s wife was actually a biological man. That was too much even for the staunchly conservative Washington Examiner which declared “Candace Owens has lost her mind”…Right wing media attacks on Jill Biden are increasing and getting nastier. Townhall slimes the First Lady today…Support for same-sex marriage declining.  That’s according to the Daily Signal, which quotes a report from the Public Religion Research Institute.  However, still 67% of respondents support the concept, down from 69% in 2022…Richard Zoglin, ex-Time Magazine culture critic and author of the recent book Elvis in Vegas, offers a  laser-sharp deconstruction of a Donald Trump speech in North Carolina on his blog.  Zoglin shreds The Donald on his noxious style and substance…A growing number of right wing websites are entering the documentary biz. Blaze Media is the latest. Today, the Glenn Beck-founded site drops Texas vs. the Feds. The documentary chronicles Texas Governor Gregg Abbott’s battles with federal border agents…The right wing outlet FrontPage may soon be out of business, due to ongoing troubles its parent company has with the IRS, according to Freedom Center founder David Horowitz…Dept. of Good News? The American Conservative throws shade at two autocrats you may have read about.  The headline says it all: “Trump and Orban Are Both Weaker Than They Seem”….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Trump Deserves His Revenge

source: Human Events

Human Events

Trump’s revenge could look like letting Vivek Ramaswamy handle press conferences and treating the Corporate Press the way Sean Strickland treated Sneako in a “sparring” match that saw the UFC fighter beat the popular influencer bloody. Imagine a future Press Secretary Ramaswamy pounding the left into submission.  

Trump’s Big Chance to Put This Election Away Now

source: Fox News

Fox News

Running mates don't usually matter, but this year Trump's pick could impact millions of votes in swing states.

Can We Now Admit Trump Was Right About Haiti?

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Perhaps the most obvious proof Haiti is a shithole country comes from the fact that its neighbor, the Dominican Republic, with whom Haiti shares the island of Hispaniola, has built a wall along the full length of the border between the two countries to keep the Haitians out.

Horny Joe Strikes Again

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

This week new details emerged suggesting the 81-year-old president is indeed suffering from "hypersexuality." According to the National Institute on Aging (NIA), this condition occurs when "people with Alzheimer’s disease are overly interested in sex."

Biden Has New Shoes and People Are Asking Questions

source: RedState


Has he made the move to wearing full-blown old-man tennis shoes with suits now? It sure looks like it.

Biden Can Shout, But He’s No Truman

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

By Karl Rove: More important, Trump is no Dewey. There won’t be a 1948-style comeback.

Colbert Gaslights Viewers on Hur Testimony to Protect Biden

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

Far-left host cherry picks damning testimony, ignores hard truths about President.