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Woke West Point Dropping “Duty, Honor, Country” Is a Shameful Disgrace

source: NY Post

NY Post

West Point's gone woke and gotten rid of its central motto, a shameful cave-in to lefty nonsense.

Study Finds “Woke” People More Likely to Be Unhappy, Anxious and Depressed

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

The study – published in the Scandinavian Journal of Psychology last week – found that individuals with attitudes geared toward critical social justice were less satisfied with their lives.

Bernie Sanders Unveils His Latest Insane Idea

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

What if every weekend could be a long weekend? That’s the question some people are asking after Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) introduced legislation this week to reduce the standard workweek to 32 hours — supposedly, with no loss in pay!

The Path to Victory for Trump

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Trump's best chance this fall is to ignore the noise and prove that he is the superior candidate in terms of competence, stability, and sanity. He has the record to prove it.

Biden Does Nothing for Americans Held Abroad

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

The recovery of Americans held in Gaza and elsewhere should be a top priority for Biden. They're not.

Can We Reverse Damage Dems Have Done to Cities?

source: Newsmax


For decades, Democrats have controlled the nation’s largest cities. The results have been catastrophic, including high crime rates, blight, failing public educational systems, rampant poverty, and an expanding homeless population.

Stung by Defeat, Irish Elites Double Down

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Like their counterparts in America, Ireland’s grandees are failing to come to terms with the revolt of the public.

Horrors of the Migrant Crisis Are Just Beginning

source: Howie Carr Show

Howie Carr Show

You’ve heard about the $64 a day per illegal for their three free meals a day, paid for American taxpayers.How many Americans do you know who can’t afford $64 a week for food, let alone a day? Here’s a lesser-known freebie for our “newcomers” — same-day dry-cleaning service.

Fani Willis Is the Resistance

source: National Review

National Review

We’ve seen her ilk before.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Breaking news: Georgia judge rules that Fani Willis may remain on the Donald Trump case, where the much-indicted ex-POTUS faces multiple charges for alleged efforts to overturn the 2020 election. The one caveat? The Fulton County DA must fire her ex-boyfriend and special prosecutor Nathan Wade from the case.(Fox News)…UK’s Guardian newspaper has obtained an advance copy of Christine Blasey Ford’s explosive memoir.  In it, Ford revisits her damning 2018 sexual assault charges against Brett Kavanaugh from their days as high school students.  Ford’s testimony nearly derailed Kavanaugh’s U.S. Supreme Court nomination. Her book, One Way Back, will be published March 19. I found Ford credible. Nonetheless, I don’t have the stomach to relive  the nasty battle over Kavanaugh’s appointment and I suspect most Americans feel  the same way…The sex-research Kinsey Institute will remain at Indiana University “despite (its) disgusting past and present,” according to American Spectator.  A state law barring tax dollars to the Institute had thrown doubt into its residency at the university… Weekend read: Kara Swisher’s Burn Book, an acid-tipped, frequently funny memoir chronicling the digital revolution, complete with unvarnished portraits of the tech titans, and the fearsome influence they wield over our daily lives. Required reading for anyone seeking to better understand the Silicon Valley egomaniacal powers-that-be and their ongoing impact in this election year…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Tik Tok Needs a Conservative U.S. Buyer

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

TikTok has an enormous user base of 170 million in the U.S. Its potential for influencing the population at large is vast, which means Silicon Valley tech companies with an overrepresentation of left-wing views must not be allowed to buy it.

Conservatives Win Big in Washington State

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

It has been 40 years since a Republican presidential candidate won Washington state. Today, Democrats enjoy a “trifecta” there, controlling the governorship and both chambers of the Legislature. But despite Democrats’ firm grip on state government, conservatives just scored their own “trifecta” victory in the deep-blue stronghold.  

The Changes at the Republican National Committee Are Overwhelmingly Positive

source: RedState


Don’t believe the doom and gloom crowd.

TheRighting Unveils Exclusive 2020-2024 Election Year Traffic Comparison

source: A Righting Original

Results Show Steep News Audience Erosion in the Four Years Since Last Election. This new feature, which will be released monthly throughout 2024, examines traffic to 15 right wing news websites from 2020 and contrasts it with their 2024 traffic. TheRighting will also run a similar comparison to the three mainstream news brands it has followed regularly since 2019: CNN, The New York Times and The Washington Post.

Leftists Hypocrisy at Its Finest as Hamas Propagandist Ilhan Omar Endorses Biden-Harris to “Save Democracy”

source: Loomered


Omar’s congressional colleagues have credibly accused her of sharing pro-Hamas propaganda in the halls of Congress.

Why Do Leftists Feel Like They Can Vandalize Classic Art with Impunity?

source: FrontPage


Because they run the system.

The Left’s Outrage Over Gaza Is an Old Trick

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

The Left seems anxious to prove before the whole world that terrorist killings are the same thing as freedom fighting, that excusing murderers is the same thing as caring for peace.

Dems Losing Their Hold on California

source: Townhall


With no viable opposition in the state to Biden or Trump, Democrats cast 59% of presidential votes and Republicans 39%. That's down from the state's 63%-34% margin for Biden over Trump in 2020.