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Dems Demonize Rural Voters at Their Peril

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

A new study of ‘White Rural Rage’ is built on shoddy data—and is typical of progressive contempt for the ‘bigoted’ and ‘undemocratic’ countryside.

If “Democracy Is on the Ballot,” Kamala Shouldn’t Be

source: National Review

National Review

Democrats are apparently more worried about hurting an overmatched vice president’s feelings than their stated goal of saving the republic.

Our Universities Are Raising Domestic Terrorists

source: WND


Where would one expect to find lessons taught from a book entitled "How to Blow Up A Pipeline"? Perhaps at a terrorist training camp run by ISIS? While such teachings would be part of their curriculum, one would not expect to learn at least 16 state universities in the U.S. are providing such teachings as well.

Social Media Erupts After Depraved Ex-NBC Executive Posts Creepy Tweet Targeting Barron Trump

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

A depraved former NBC executive set off an internet firestorm Wednesday after posting a creepy tweet targeting President Trump’s youngest son on the day he turned 18. Mike Sington, who served as the Director of Operations for NBC Universal from 1986-2016, sent a now-removed tweet calling Barron Trump “fair game” now that he was a legal adult.

Christine Blasey Ford Never Actually Said Kavanaugh Tried to Rape Her

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Christine Blasey Ford made waves when she accused Justice Kavanaugh of — something. She is back in the news again, now that she is peddling a book about the Kavanaugh kerfuffle that almost derailed his appointment to the Supreme Court.

The Fourth Estate Should Have an Estate Sale

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

If the media had not dumbed down America, we would have better candidates and be more engaged in the issues.


The IVF Industry Must Be Regulated

source: Heritage Foundation

Heritage Foundation

There are profound moral issues with the way IVF is practiced in the U.S.—in many cases, amounting to eugenics. Over 75 percent of fertility clinics offer preimplantation genetic testing for genetic issues; 73 percent offer testing for sex selection or hair, eye, and skin color. Children born through IVF have a higher likelihood of cancer, autism, minor cleft pallet, or a congenital heart defect..

NY AG Letitia James Could Seize Trump’s Property Over a Non-Crime with No Victims

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

As President Trump continues the impossible process to obtain a bond large enough to cover the entire amount of the judgment against him in New York state, AG Letitia James has warned she will start confiscating his wealth and property and selling it off.

We Need an Adult to Intervene in New York

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

We need someone to step up in New York City to end this childish play for attention by corrupt, power-hungry State Attorney General Letitia James and the cartoon figure Judge Engoron. This mockery of justice has gone on too long and is now a threat to future businesses operating in New York or even this country.

Letitia James Is Single-Handedly Destroying America

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Leftist judge Arthur Engoron, in concert with N.Y. Attorney General Letitia James, is demanding Trump put up another $464 million in cash so he can appeal their monstrous judgment against him. Of course, no one has that much cash on hand, even people worth billions, and Trump is no exception.

The Melting Pot Myth Is Destroying America

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

The fact is that there are a wide array of people, customs, cultures, practices, traditions, and beliefs that we Americans should not want melting into our country, and that we have every right to refuse them entry to our national pot. America, as it turns out, is not a melting pot at all.

America Isn’t Nazi Germany, But It Looks a Little Like 1933

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Trump’s firebrand words and the left’s obsession with race are reminiscent of far darker times.

Media Give Blasey Ford Another Chance to Smear Brett Kavanaugh

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The press is once again treating Christine Blasey Ford with little journalistic skepticism as they promote her splashy new memoir.

Half a Decade Later, Christine Blasey Ford Still Has No Corroborating Witnesses

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

More than half a decade after Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh became the second of three Supreme Court justices appointed by former President Donald Trump, Christine Blasey Ford has reemerged from the wilderness of #Resistance-era one-hit wonders.

What the Hell Does Christine Blasey Ford Want?

source: Townhall


Not this woman again. Also, who thought it best for Christine Blasey Ford to pen a memoir? She obviously can’t remember key details about her life because she’s full of crap.

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Might Save Trump $355 Million

source: Newsmax


As Trump scrambles to secure a bond in the multimillion-dollar judgment against him, the presumptive GOP presidential nominee might look to the unlikeliest of figures for legal aid from the late, liberal Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. In one ruling, she laid out a compelling case against excessive fines.

Trump on Jews Who Hate Their Religion and Israel

source: Victory Girls

Victory Girls

By Toni Williams: On Monday, Donald Trump, elderly but spry Christian man went on the radio program of Conservative Sebastian Gorka to accuse Jews who vote Democrat of hating their religion and Israel. Oy vey. I hope we have enough fainting sofas for the Loony Left. Somebody catch Nancy Pelosi.