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The MSNBC Election Deniers

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

It is worth recalling for the record just what the real record at MSNBC is on election denial. 

Who Put Marjorie Taylor Greene in Charge?

source: Newsmax


MTG, as she is known, essentially is crack for cable news biggies. She validates the sneering class's poor opinion of conservatives. So of course she's on TV news with amazing regularity.

Hell Hath No Fury Like a Single Liberal Woman

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The left gives single women a lot of rationale to feel better about themselves and the poor choices they’ve made. The message was that sex without commitment is empowering, despite the very real possibility of it leading to dreadful outcomes, including sexual abuse.

Jon Stewart, the Tribeca Trickster of Real Estate

source: Townhall


Stewart clearly felt he could pompously mock Trump and no one would ever notice how he made out like a bandit on his real estate deal. The liberal elites didn't care. Jon Stewart is always beyond suspicion. Comedians are their most honored spin soldiers.


A Terrorist Attack Is Coming to America

source: Townhall


The odds of a massive terrorist attack on the United States are high, and the Left not only isn’t preparing for it, they would welcome it.

Are You Ready for a Major Jihad Attack?

source: FrontPage


What’s coming is as plain as day. Our nation can hardly be said to have a southern border at all anymore. Even if the border were magically to reappear tomorrow, millions of people are already in the country without anyone knowing who or what they are.

NBC’s Ronna McDaniel Tantrum

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

The conformity caucus chases the former RNC chairwoman off the air.

Ronna McDaniel’s NBC News Firing Is Must-See-TV That Proves Leftist Media Set Rules They Never Follow

source: NY Post

NY Post

The “Mean Girls” pile-on at NBC against Ronna McDaniel is the perfect demonstration of what bullies these leftists are — while pretending to be paragons of compassion. They impose disastrous “anti-bullying” measures on schools only because they want to reserve this instrument of social control for themselves. 

“Diverse” NBC Gives Ronna McDaniel the Boot


Well, well, well, NBCNews, aren’t you just the epitome of diversity? Oh, wait, scratch that. Turns out you’re about as diverse as a vanilla milkshake in a snowstorm.

What NBC’s Ronna McDaniel Debacle Reveals About the State of Journalism Today

source: Fox News

Fox News

Ronna McDaniel attacker Maddow was a leader of journalism's Collusion Corps about Russian interference.

Move Over Peacock and Make Room for Mika and Maddow

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

To bring political diversity to NBC and MSNBC would expose their audience to a storyline that would be very foreign to them. It may also prompt people to view the network as a biased entity that has been gaslighting since its inception. That is something we have been trying to tell them for years.

Nicole Who?

source: Human Events

Human Events

Nicole Shanahan, RFJ Jr’s pick as VP, is none other than the ex-wife of Google founder Sergey Brin. Her entrée to RFK came in the form of a $4 million donation, which reportedly paid for RFK Jr.’s deliberately retro ad mimicking JFK from this year’s Super Bowl.

With VP Pick, RFK Jr. Is Gunning for the Dems

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Nicole Shanahan appeals to the disaffected, West Coast–style leftist voters who feel lost in the Democratic Party.

The Ever-Continuous Villaining of Biden and His Minions

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

We must turn them out of power as thoroughly as possible this fall.

Trump’s Criminal Trials Only Powering Him to Win in November

source: Newsmax


By Dick Morris: The core assumption of the Biden campaign is wrong. The criminal prosecutions of Donald Trump are not only not hurting him; they are helping to reelect him.

Prominent LGBT Activist Arrested on Child Porn Charges

source: Daily Fetched

Daily Fetched

Princeton University grad and leader of the school’s “queer” alumni club was arrested on child porn possession charges on Friday. LGBT activist Roy “Trey” Farmer, 53, was arrested and charged after police descended on his home in Princeton next to the Ivy League’s main entrance.

Does Transgender Visibility Day Override Resurrection Sunday?

source: Washington Stand

Washington Stand

In a 9-0 vote on March 19, the Fairfax County, Va. Board of Supervisors proclaimed March 31 as Transgender Visibility Day. Fairfax County’s latest action provoked unusual outrage because, this year, March 31 is also Resurrection Sunday.