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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Ronny Jackson, ex-White House physician, during the Obama and Trump administrations, calls for Joe Biden to take a drug test ahead of Thursday’s debate, according to his post on X.   “The American people deserve to know if their ‘President’ is taking performance enhancing drugs,” Jackson wrote, apparently seriously. Worth noting: Jackson is running for Congress in Texas with The Donald’s endorsement…FrontPage claims the University of Minnesota’s Dept. of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies  is a “vile front for Jew hatred.”  The pointed article concludes, “For its politicized use of official university resources to promote antisemitism and glorify Hamas, the University of Minnesota's Department of Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies belongs on the list of the worst Jew-hating academic departments in America”…The Federalist’s executive editor Joy Pullmann suggests Amazon employees are conspiring to sink sales of her just published right wing tome  False Flag: Why Queer Politics Mean the End of America.  (The Federalist)… contributor Liberty Paige has a bee in her bonnet because students at University of Arizona are “encouraged to put themselves in the tiny shoes of bugs to better understand these ‘marginalized’ groups.” “Requiring students to embrace DEI in every aspect of their education, even the study of insects, distorts academic honesty,” opines Paige. “What’s next? Sensitivity training for amoebas?”…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The First Presidential Debate Is Obviously Rigged

source: Daily Caller

Americans are very aware that President Biden is entering friendly territory at the first presidential debate on Thursday. If Biden wanted to display normalcy or strength, it won’t happen because most voters believe there is no chance the moderators would remain neutral regarding former President Trump.

Dems May Ditch Biden After Debate

source: WND

This week's performance viewed as 'last chance' for incumbent.

The Debate Should Expose a Frail Biden

source: American Greatness

It remains to be seen how CNN intends to put its thumb on the scale, but even in the face of such interference, Trump will probably do circles around the mediocre figurehead now in the Oval Office.

Debate Could Be the Most Consequential in U.S. History

source: Washington Examiner

Trump will win the night if he can remain calm and resist Biden’s taunts. Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich recommended that Trump use humor, rather than anger, to defeat Biden. Trump has a sharp wit, and it has certainly benefited him in the past.

CNN Releases Statement Downplaying Obvious Anti-Trump Bias of Debate Moderators

source: Outkick

Skepticism is warranted. Jake Tapper and Dana Bash are not impartial journalists on the topic of Donald Trump.  Let's start with Tapper, who has repeatedly likened Trump to Adolf Hitler.

How Trump Can Win the Debate

source: National Review

By Rich Lowry: No need for showmanship. Just contrast Biden’s record with his own.

Rep. Jamaal Bowman and the Toxic Rot of the Squad

source: American Spectator

The congressman can't seem to shake his hideous antisemitism, and the rancid ‘Democratic Socialists of America’ don't mind.

Jamaal Bowman Must Go

source: National Review

We are fully aware that the world of Democratic politics is well-stocked with fools. But Bowman’s behavior has been far worse than mere comic folly.

Antisemites Rally to Save Jamaal Bowman from Primary Loss

source: Washington Free Beacon

Prominent antisemites are rallying behind Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D., N.Y.), who faces a much-contested primary on Tuesday, as the radical lawmaker seeks to avoid becoming the first "Squad" member to lose his seat.

Is Tyler Cherry a Diversity Promotion or a Joke?

source: Conservative View from NH

With Cherry, we have much more than a gay white man. We have someone who has views that are very dangerous for America and should have disqualified him from the job. Among the thousands of tweets he erased were some that showed his pure angst for the police,

Meet Tyler Cherry, the Latest Deviant to Join the Biden Administration

source: PJ Media

The deviency runs deep in this White House. Cherry not only worked as a Media Matters hack but also spent the last three years speaking on behalf of OUR Department of Interior—when he wasn't busy attacking police, promoting Hamas, and calling for ICE to be abolished.

The Culture War We Are Poised to Lose

source: Victory Girls

Pride Month was declared by Bill Clinton in 1999, and over the past 10-15 years the ‘celebrations’ have become not just omnipresent with corporations and national brands falling over themselves to outdo each other in rainbow mania, but from public streets to public school rooms, the elevation of LGBTQ+ to state religion status is the new reality.

Climate Kooks Spoil Another Sporting Event

source: Townhall

It was a beautiful afternoon as the Travelers Championship golf tournament was coming down to a fantastic finish with two great players battling. Then, all of a sudden, six degenerates stormed the 18th green while spraying smoke and powder and causing mayhem because they mistakenly believe that climate change is an existential crisis.

Tim Scott for VP

source: Washington Times

South Carolina senator would consolidate Black voters' recent rightward shift.

Europe May Be Declining, But America Isn’t

source: Wall Street Journal

The Continent has already seen empires fade, but the U.S. remains dynamic.

Return the Ten Commandments to the Public Square

source: The Federalist

Ten Commandments displays were prevalent before 1971, when they began to be censored by the application of the Lemon test, which has now been overruled.

In 2020, Alex Jones Exposed That the Covid Shot Takes Over the Entire Body

source: Infowars

Seven months before the mRNA and viral vector Covid gene therapy exotic technology injections were implanted into the public, Alex Jones warned the world that the ‘vaccine’ will colonize the entire body.