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TheRighting is a media company that aggregates articles from various right-wing media outlets and also publishes original reporting on the world of conservative media. The company, which launched in 2017, has a website, a free daily e-newsletter and a social media presence.  TheRighting also researches traffic to conservative websites and podcasts, and publishes its findings in exclusive reports. The purpose of The Righting is to help inform middle-of-the-road and liberal audiences about stories and viewpoints not on their radar that are shaping political opinion across a wide swath of America.

TheRighting has been written about and quoted by a wide variety of mainstream media outlets including the Associated Press (TheRighting Deciphers Conservative Media for Outsiders, November 28, 2022), The New Yorker (A Reporter in Right Wing “Crazy Town,” June 27, 2022), The Washington Post (Enter Here to Explore the Alternate Universe of RIght-Wing Media, Jan. 5, 2020) and Poynter (An Almanac of Conservative Media, Jan. 19, 2019).

Howard Polskin is the President, Founder and Chief Curator of TheRighting.  He spent the first half of his career as a journalist, writing extensively about television news for TV Guide magazine. Polskin has also worked in public relations and corporate communications for a variety of blue chip companies including CNN. Since 2017, Polskin has written articles about right-wing media for several publications including Mediate (What Trump Reads from the Right, September 23, 2024); the Columbia Journalism Review (How the Washington Examiner Became a Traffic Monster, May 15, 2020), The Ballbusters of Mainstream Media, January 13, 2020); and MediaPost (Right Wing Media Roars Over Warren’s Ancestry Claims, October 16, 2018).

TheRighting has a relationship with a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit and is open to accepting support from qualified foundations. Inquiries should be directed to howard(AT)


Editor in chief, President and Chief Curator

Howard Polskin

Managing Editor

David Noonan


J. Max Robins


David Lieberman

Michael Lovito

Giovanna Francesca Wertheimer

Design consultant

Amanda Alic


Want to sponsor the newsletter? Have a question? Letter to the editor? Want to connect? Please contact Howard(at)

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