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 Right-Wing Press Rips Mueller’s Testimony, According to

TheRighting’s Daily Aggregation of Articles from Conservative Media

 July 25, 2019, New York, NY – The conservative press had harsh words about former special counsel Robert Mueller’s testimony yesterday, according to TheRighting’s daily round-up of articles from right-wing media outlets. 

 The following 12 articles about Mueller’s testimony were included in today’s newsletter:

 Did Mueller Testify on a Report He Never Read?

The Daily Caller

He seemed so disconnected from the material that he couldn’t have possibly written it himself. While it is not uncommon for staff to prepare a first draft of a report, and while 438 pages is a lot to recall, it is clear that Mueller did not even possess a baseline command of the material with which he claimed to have spent the last two years.


Is Mueller Hearing This Stuff for the First Time?

Rush Limbaugh

I think it’s entirely possible that Robert Mueller hasn’t a lot of knowledge about what really went on here. I think it’s entirely feasible and entirely possible, and I think that he was chosen precisely because he can’t be hands-on anymore. He was chosen purely for the puffery of it all. He was chosen for the PR value of it all, for the reputation…


Mueller Isn’t Senile; He Was a Dirty Cop Forced to Testify


They told us Robert Mueller was Captain America: Crusader for Truth, and instead we got George Costanza and all the inept deception, sweaty stalling, and blundering dishonesty that comes with him.


If You Did a Shot of Booze Every Time Mueller Said “Could You Repeat the Question,” You’d Be Dead

Fox News

Democrats wanted so badly for Mueller to give his report life. Instead, he took it to the woods and shot it.


Dems on Suicide Watch Following Mueller Meltdown

The Gateway Pundit

It was so bad even Michael Moore admitted that Mueller was a complete disaster.


Reporters Get Their High Hopes Crushed by Mueller “Disaster”


If the left-wing media were hoping for a slam dunk during Special Counsel Mueller’s testimony on Capitol Hill Wednesday, it’s clear from their reactions that they don’t think they saw one.


Mueller’s Bad Day

National Review

If this had been a confirmation hearing, he would have flunked.

Jul 25, 2019


Mueller’s Testimony Ends Trump Impeachment Talk

NY Post

Bumblin’ Bob was a train wreck of epic proportions. The fallout is immediate, starting with this: Impeachment is no longer an option. It had a slim chance before Wednesday’s painful slog and no chance after it.


Dems Come Up Empty-Handed Again and It’s Not Mueller’s Fault

The Washington Examiner

Democrats are, without question, worse off now than they were before former special counsel Robert Mueller gave his five hours of testimony.


Mueller Deflected Questions a Shocking 198 Times While Testifying Yesterday

Big League Politics

Mueller was reticent about facing Congress for questioning, and it’s now clear as to why. He was unequipped to give testimony, and now Democrats are left with egg on their faces as the impeachment of Trump seems like a pipe dream.


Mueller Has a Reputation…

Ann Coulter

It is apparently part of Robert Mueller’s contract with the media that he must always be described as “honorable” and a “lifelong Republican.”… If it matters that Mueller is a “lifelong Republican,” then I guess it matters that he hired a team of left-wing zealots. Of the 17 lawyers in Mueller’s office, 14 are registered Democrats. Not one is a registered Republican.


Mueller’s Testimony a Complete Disaster for Dems

The Federalist

If Democrats believed that Robert Mueller would provide them with additional ammunition for an impeachment inquiry, they made an extraordinary miscalculation. Not only was Mueller often flustered and unprepared to talk about his own report—we now have wonder to what extent he was even involved in the day-to-day work of the investigation—but he was needlessly evasive.

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