Meet the Maker: Ray Cardello, Conservative View from New Hampshire
A series profiling the people and powers behind the some of the right-wing media’s most provocative websites.
By Howard Polskin, Jan. 19, 2022
Ray Cardello may be the smartest school bus driver in New Hampshire. He’s undoubtedly one of the most politically aware.
Since launching his website Conservative from New Hampshire (CVNH) a year ago, Cardello has been writing one 550-word column a day, seven days a week, nonstop. That requires him to fully immerse himself in the political events of the day. His media diet is comprised of heavy doses of Fox News, sprinklings of CNN and MSNBC, and a few helpings of Sky News, which Cardello thinks provides honest coverage of current events.
The 67-year-old Massachusetts native moved to New Hampshire 40 years ago when his children were born so they could be raised in what he considered a more conservative setting. He retired in 2018 after a long career as a sales and marketing executive for a number of regional companies. He became a 25-hour-a-week school bus driver in March 2020. Along the way, he was a relentless writer of letters to area legislators and regional newspapers like the Manchester Union Leader, Nashua Telegraph and Lawrence Eagle Tribune.
That passion for expressing his conservative point of view in an articulate, even-handed manner eventually led to the creation of his website, his second. His first was – no surprise here – Make New Hampshire Red Again. Thanks to his 1976 degree in electrical engineering from University of Massachusetts at Lowell, he had an affinity for technology and was thus able to tackle the mechanics of creating his website on WordPress. He works from his home in Exeter, NH, where he lives with his girlfriend and two rescue dogs.
Within three months of launching on January 13, 2021, CVNH quickly drew a following in the blogosphere. Two conservative website, USSA News and Conservative Daily News began linking to his stories. He is now syndicated by about a dozen other conservative websites in the U.S. and Canada including The Blue State Conservative, Main Street Examiner and Right Wire Report. Cardello claims his stories have been published in more than 65 countries. “This activity tells me there is a yearning for conservative content,” he says.
His big break came last October, when The Liberty Loft reached out to him. It’s a two-year-old North Carolina-based website that posts several new stories a day with a conservative slant. The editors were eager to add more original content. Furthermore, The Liberty Loft sold advertising against his daily stories, and the modest revenue was shared with Cardello.
Recent headlines from his daily posts include “An Angry, Aged President and His Incompetent Sidekick,” “A Phony Anniversary to Mask a Year of Failures” and “Covid Is the New Flu. Treat It So.”
He posts his stories every night between 1-3 a.m. ET and The Liberty Loft runs the same pieces at about 9 a.m. ET. Often, conservative aggregation sites link to his essays on the Loft, ignoring his original post on CVNH. And he’s not bothered by this arrangement.
“It’s more important if I can reach more people on The Liberty Loft, than the ego of building my own brand,” Cardello says.
Looking forward to 2022 and beyond, he is bullish on the political careers of Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Senator Tom Cotton (R-AK). Cardello also likes Ron DeSantis who he thinks will be the GOP candidate in 2024. He also hopes he can repair some relationships with acquaintances on the other side of the aisle. “I’ve lost contact with friends and family,” he recalls. “A couple weeks ago, I called my best friend of 50 years to wish him a Merry Christmas and he unloaded on me. It’s sad that this is what we’ve come to.”
And while he’s no fan of Biden, he nonetheless hopes his administration straightens out. “I would love to write some good things about it,” Cardello says. “I didn’t vote for him, but he’s my president.”
Are you fully vaxxed?
“I have two vaccinations, but I’m not sold on the efficacy of the booster. There appears to be no limit to the number of boosters they feel are enough”
Do you believe the 2020 Presidential election was stolen?
“No. But were there irregularities? Absolutely.”
Would you support Trump for president in 2024?
“I would support Trump if he ran. But, I hope he doesn’t run again. It would further polarize the country. I don’t think the country needs gasoline thrown on the fire.”
Do you believe in climate change?
“I believe everything that happens on earth has an impact on the atmosphere…You can’t have the industrialization that’s gone on in the last 150 years and not have an impact on the planet.”
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Cardello at home in New Hampshire, with his “sweetheart” Sharon Osborne and his 12-year-old Border Collie Jazzee Girl. “They are my inspiration and relief from politics,” says Cardello. He has two other dogs.