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The White House Correspondents Host a Biden Rally

source: NewsBusters


It’s only natural that CNN loves live coverage of the White House Correspondents Dinner, where the anti-Trump media celebrate themselves for how essential they are to preserving democracy and how valiantly they warn Americans that Donald Trump is democracy's antonym.

Expect an “Avalanche” of Covid-Shot Dementia

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

Dr. Joseph Mercola, an expert on natural health remedies and avowed critic of the government-mandated Covid shots that were imposed on the American public during the pandemic, now is warning about the evidence of a link between those mRNA shots and dementia.

Speaker Johnson’s Leftist Bailout

source: Townhall


Is this a Democrat majority House? Because this "Republican" seems content with giving Joe Biden an endless number of much-needed legislative wins. He also bungled the impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas

Diversity Means Fewer White People

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Dutch Lawyer Eva Vlaardingerbroek has chosen a side, as she’d say. She is speaking out in defense of Western populations and their cultures in an effort to wake people up about the elite’s commitment to erasing them.

Christian Colleges Should Be Free to Employ People Who Share Their Beliefs

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Methodist universities should not be forced to hire Roman Catholic priests to teach theology. Lutheran colleges should not be forced to hire Oneness Pentecostal ministers to teach religion classes. This is common sense, but a federal court is having trouble seeing it.


Campus Protestors Were Prepped for Antisemitic Ignorance by K-12 Public Indoctrination Mills

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Children who spend their K-12 years in America's public school systems are delivered to colleges with their brains ready to be weaponized with fact-free leftist ideology by commie professors.

Spoiled Children Have Seized the Colleges We Pay for

source: Fox News

Fox News

Biden wants every American to forgive the woke, spoiled children their college debt of $1 trillion.

Take Back the Campus

source: FrontPage


Don’t expel just Hamas supporters – expel the neo-Nazi Left.

Campus Radicals Go Bananas at the Colleges That Created Them

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The same institutions of higher education that have brought us the DEI cult are cowering in fear of offending the genocide-defending pirates.

University of Florida Slams Leftist Protestors

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

“The University of Florida is not a daycare, and we do not treat protesters like children — they knew the rules, they broke the rules, and they’ll face the consequences,” the school said.

The Left’s Goal to Build a Broader Revolutionary Movement Will Not Work

source: America Out Loud

America Out Loud

It takes planning to coordinate a “spontaneous” demonstration on college campuses across the country with matching tents, port-a-potties, and food sources to feed and house the remnants of the ancestral green flagellate (swamp scum) now in possession of those aforementioned areas. Who’s paying for it?

Campus Encampments Only a Warm-Up for Summer of Protests

source: Washington Stand

Washington Stand

Whatever the cause, the Left has cultivated a culture of protest, where students gather simply for the excitement, the thrill of sticking it to the man or the feeling of invincibility reinforced by the inexplicable reluctance of law enforcement agencies to enforce the laws these protestors break.

The DNC’s Gathering Storm in Chicago

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

A repeat of the 1968 convention disaster looms.

Biden: The Lights Are on But Nobody’s Home

source: RedState


Holy crap, he's getting worse. Who is keeping this poor old man up there in the public eye?

Both Obama and Biden Prefer Iran to Israel

source: Human Events

Human Events

Obama believed that the confidence America had projected abroad during the War on Terror had alienated Muslim nations, and sought to project an image that was supposed to be sensitive, but which really came off as weak.

Howard Stern Lost Any Remaining Edge with Joe Biden Interview

source: NY Post

NY Post

On Friday, the once almighty “King of All Media” proved he is now simply a left-wing court jester. A toothless political shill.

DEI Was Never About Profitability

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

The claims from business giants like McKinsey and Mark Cuban have been proven wrong—and in the process reveal their real concerns.