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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The near-round-the-clock coverage of pro-Palestinian protestors has been a huge political gift for Donald Trump. The lead story on news broadcasts, newspapers and websites has been dominated by student unrest, while the sordid details of Trump’s hush money trials get second billing. The campus disruptions have been red meat for right wing media allowing them to attack higher education, elite universities and any form of campus wokeism. Furthermore, Biden looks weak by not forcefully speaking out on the issue leading the Washington Free Beacon to call him the invisible president. I’m getting the awful feeling that Israel may be Biden’s Viet Nam. Key event in the next four months: the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The echoes of 1968 are getting louder….Podcast superstar Joe Rogan calls woke universities “cult colleges” in his latest program. Hollywood in Toto has the colorful details… Fair question: Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann asks if “dictator” Trump would kill his political rivals in this column. I must say, that chilling thought crossed my mind too…And finally, in my bid to take your mind off the unsettling news of the week, I give you a list of the creepiest towns in America, courtesy of Outkick….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Right Is All Wrong About “Girlbosses”

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

The right uses “girlboss” as a pejorative to push young women into family life. But what if the right's premise is off? What if women’s drive to become “girlbosses” stems not from undervaluing family life but rather from placing a high value on it?

The Boys Will Be OK, But What About the Young Women?

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

They proudly wear another nation’s flag on their heads and around their shoulders. These women are actively protesting to “make change” for a country of terrorists most of them have never been to while their own country falls apart. It’s because they hate America and everything it stands for.

For Dems, the “October Surprise” Came in 2023

source: WND


"Muslim is the new gay," said Canadian pundit Mark Steyn only half-jokingly, and he was more right than he knew. According to Abdur-Rahman Muhammad, an Islamic activist turned truth teller, Islamists consciously decided to mimic homosexual activists.

“Film Noir Made Me Conservative”

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

By John Rossi: From them I learned that life was not fair, that good men could behave badly, and that you must be careful of beautiful brunettes who would lure you to your death.


Ideological Cocktail Poisons American Campuses

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Today, the “woke” decree that Jews are White enough to deserve denunciation as “settler-colonists,” even in the Judean Hills and the Jewish Quarter of the Old City of Jerusalem. They claim every inch of Israel is a colony. Of what foreign empire, they don’t say.

Marxism and Cowardice Are the Hallmarks of America’s College and Universities

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

If this nation’s colleges and universities are not drastically reformed, then the United States is facing an extremely bleak future.

Violent, Anti-Jewish Riot at Columbia

source: Geller Report

Geller Report

It looks like a lawless third world country not an 90K per year American Ivy League university.
Here’s the thing, it never ends with the Jews. They are an easy target, is all. Fair game. This is about destroying America.

Our Elite Universities Need More Than Free Speech

source: National Review

National Review

The cure for bad speech on campus isn’t more speech — more speech is just the mob. The cure for bad speech on campus is wisdom.

“We Finally Found a ‘Free Palestine’ Protestor Who Is Kinda Hot”

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

We love her. She's an idiot. (Includes video)

Northwestern U. Responds to Pro-Hamas Riots with Free Terror Scholarships

source: FrontPage


How do you ensure more campus pro-terror riots? By subsidizing them. 

Northwestern Surrenders

source: Campus Reform

Campus Reform

University to pay off protestors to disband encampments. Administrators agreed to fund Palestinian faculty and grant full-rides to five Palestinian students.

How George Soros Helped Hamas Go Mainstream

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

The left-wing billionaire and his Open Society Foundations have poured untold millions into pro-Palestinian, anti-American groups. We’re seeing the results on college campuses across the country.

The Trump Trial Witnesses Don’t Pass the Laugh Test

source: Human Events

Human Events

The aptly named King of Fake News -- David Pecker of the National Enquirer -- was brought in to tar Trump with allegations that he agreed to not run negative stories on the former president. Why is Pecker testifying in a trial that is centered around what may at worst be an accounting error? Who knows.

NY vs Trump: A Trial in Search of an Imaginary Crime

source: Fox News

Fox News

The Trump hush money trial is like 'Waiting for Godot' —a chaotic and nonsensical plot of absurdist fiction.

Trump Jr. Is Interested in Running the NRA

source: The Reload

The Reload

As the NRA searches for new leadership in the wake of Wayne LaPierre’s resignation, one board member suggests a big-name replacement: Donald Trump Jr.

Why Won’t Dems Protect Kids from School Shootings?

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Because it entails arming teachers, and Democrats hate that.

The Biden Administration Is Trying to Guarantee a Forever War in Ukraine

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Washington and Kiev are negotiating a bilateral security agreement that mirrors the 10-year commitments Ukraine has entered into with several European powers.