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Republicans Seek to Prevent Biden from Importing Gazans to America

source: Breitbart


Reps. Andy Ogles (R-TN), Tom Tiffany (R-WI), and Scott Perry (R-PA), as well as dozens of Senate Republicans, are moving to prevent President Joe Biden from resettling Palestinians in American communities.

The Left’s Phony “Fake Electors” Crusade Ramps Up as Election Draws Closer

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The litigious left has run into some problems trying to sell its legally flawed narrative that alternate electors for Trump tried to overthrow the 2020 election.

The World Economic Forum as the Progenitor of Global Fascism

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Many of its projects are initiated with the best intentions. Yet, it has increasingly become corrupted and now acts as a source of fascist anti-human ideology worldwide.

Kentucky GOP House Candidate Ed Massey Is Exposed for Supporting Dems

source: Big League Politics

Big League Politics

Massey was revealed to have donated to the presidential campaign of failed candidate Hillary Clinton. He has appeared to have caught a nasty case of Trump Derangement Syndrome during the administration of former President Donald Trump. 


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The near-round-the-clock coverage of pro-Palestinian protestors has been a huge political gift for Donald Trump. The lead story on news broadcasts, newspapers and websites has been dominated by student unrest, while the sordid details of Trump’s hush money trials get second billing. The campus disruptions have been red meat for right wing media allowing them to attack higher education, elite universities and any form of campus wokeism. Furthermore, Biden looks weak by not forcefully speaking out on the issue leading the Washington Free Beacon to call him the invisible president. I’m getting the awful feeling that Israel may be Biden’s Viet Nam. Key event in the next four months: the Democratic National Convention in Chicago. The echoes of 1968 are getting louder….Podcast superstar Joe Rogan calls woke universities “cult colleges” in his latest program. Hollywood in Toto has the colorful details… Fair question: Progressive radio host Thom Hartmann asks if “dictator” Trump would kill his political rivals in this column. I must say, that chilling thought crossed my mind too…And finally, in my bid to take your mind off the unsettling news of the week, I give you a list of the creepiest towns in America, courtesy of Outkick….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The Invisible President

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

For more than a week now, the anti-Israel and anti-Semitic protests convulsing university campuses have been the biggest news story in the country. We’re not in the business of offering political advice to President Joe Biden, but it is hard to miss his absence from the situation.

For Whom Do Biden and Blinken Work?

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

The duo certainly doesn’t have American interests at heart.

Biden Brings the Gender War to Work

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

President Joe Biden’s appointees continue to push the radicalism that keeps his approval ratings at record lows. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has done it again with new rules to force speech of a specific type when people are at work.

Columbia Is Reaping What It Sowed, and So Is America

source: Townhall


They made DEI hires and put unqualified people into administrative positions.  They tenured Leftist professors who know nothing about the true purpose of education, i.e., to improve the whole person, morally and mentally, to prepare youths for productive, honorable, civilized lives among their peers.

Get Tough on Student and Faculty Demonstrators

source: Newsmax


If we finally get strong leadership in the White House, that will be the time to employ the FED principle: Fire the faculty protesters. Expell the student agitators. Deport foreign student rioters

Can the Current Universities Be Saved?

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Politicized faculty, infantilized students, and mediocre classes have combined to erode the prestige of college degrees, even at once elite colleges.

Protesting Trust Fund Kids Know Nothing About Oppression

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Champagne Marxists smash ‘things and creatures’ with little regard for how much disruption or harm their actions will cause others.

Coddled Children Become Entitled Student Protestors

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

With each passing day, this situation will be more ugly and brutal to terminate. The police are poised and ready and should be called in to do their jobs and end this ugly chapter in history.

The Pro-Palestinian Campus Protestors Are a Bunch of Childish Cosplaying Phonies

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

There is a level of pathological, insane, delusional narcissistic entitlement that we’re dealing with here. It’s exactly the mentally that these college campuses intentionally instill, and which is now being wielded against them.

Hate Watchdogs Need Glasses

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Too bad the Jewish students being harassed on campuses don’t have the Proud Boys around to protect them. They can thank the Anti-Defamation League’s Jonathan Greenblatt for making that impossible.

The Show Trial of Donald Trump

source: Fox News

Fox News

The railroading of the former president is in plain sight.

Climate Ideology Ignores Science, Threatens Humanity

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Climate scientists would be less likely to issue dire warnings of planetary doom if only they gave more credence to the geological history of the past several million years.

Climate Jihad Joins Campus Jihad

source: FrontPage


Fueling the surge of violence from the Neo-Nazi Left.