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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The Trump marriage is doomed.  That’s the prediction on X from Bruce Barlett, a former Reagan domestic policy advisor.  “I have serious doubt that the Donald-Melania marriage will last much longer. Not because she is shocked by Stormy's testimony, but because Donald no longer needs her. She was his ‘beard,’ allowing him to pretend to be a normal husband. Now there's no longer any point,” he wrote on X…Speaking of Stormy, I sure wish she didn’t say she “hated” Trump on the witness stand yesterday.  Why didn’t the prosecutors coach her to use a less inflammatory phrase like “not a fan”…Peacock is showing a documentary about the porn star who alleged that she had a sex romp with the ex-POTUS…The Washington Free Beacon reports with apparent glee that pro-Palestinian protesters at University of Ottawa committed an unforgivable spelling error.  They spray-painted on the steps of the school’s largest building “Free Palastine.” The Beacon’s headline says it all: “Idiots Against Israel”… And finally, Bugs in the News:  The NY Times reports that Presidential candidate RFK Jr. says doctors found a dead worm in his brain. That explains a lot. The Times also spotlights the joy of eating bugs with the emergence this season of a trillion cicadas.  The Time calls them “lobsters of the trees.”  Hard pass on that for me not matter how you spin it…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

DEI in the Control Tower Threatens Airline Safety

source: Fox News

It's no exaggeration to say the aviation industry is courting death and destruction.

The UN Is Coming for Your Guns

source: Granite Grok

We cannot ignore the UN’s historical prejudice against firearms that is portrayed in a sculpture of a pistol with a knotted gun barrel in front of UN headquarters. Guns insure liberty

America Doesn’t Need Momala Harris

source: The Free Press

Drew Barrymore slavered over Kamala as though she was the second coming. But the past four years proves the empress had no clothes.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Victory Girls mourns the death of New York City’s famed theater district.  The blog claims Broadway has turned into a “migrant district.” Pray tell why? Because the Square Hotel adjacent to “the great white way” is being used to house migrants and is staffed by National Guardsmen…Judge Juan Merchan keeps threatening Defendant Donald Trump with jail for being in contempt of court.  Merchan’s next step may be to  take a page from Dean Wormer’s “Animal House'' playbook and  put Trump on “double secret probation” (here’s the 18-second clip from the 1978 hit comedy)… Given the P.R disasters Harvard University has experienced as of late, it’s no surprise it’s looking for a new director of public affairs (job listing here), to help manage crisis communications among other tasks.  In a fit of snark, TheWashington Free Beacon offers three possible hires including the former deputy director of digital media and drone warfare for Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City… And speaking of Harvard, this year’s commencement speaker is crusading Filipino journalist Maria Ressa, who compared Israel to Nazi Germany according to The College Fix… New in bookstores: Jen Psaki’s Say More.  The subhead says Psaki offers “lessons from work, the White House, and the World.”  If  you don’t know who she is, this book ain’t for you (but it might be a good Mother’s Day gift for a left-leaning mom)….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

“Saturday Night Live” and Colbert Can’t Condemn Antisemitism

source: Hollywood in Toto

It's late night shame.So-called comedians ignore violent, illegal protesters and are pushing radical agendas. Late-night comedians are doing their best to ignore the raging protests. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Michigan Is More Important Than Israel to Biden

source: Conservative View from NH

Biden is more concerned with votes in Michigan than the safety and sovereignty of Israel. Joe Biden should be impeached for abandoning Israel, and where is Chuck Schumer, the highest-ranking Jewish member of Congress, with a condemnation of Biden’s actions?

Biden’s Student Bailout Sends Tax Funds to Campus Mobs

source: TheFederalist

After seeing Biden’s illegal loan forgiveness scheme, can anyone blame the would-be jihadis on campus for their entitlement to break the law?

Thoughts on the Protest Industrial Complex

source: American Thinker

The last time we had genuine protests for genuine victims was the civil rights era.

Anti-American Losers Desecrate WWI Memorial, Burn the Flag

source: Outkick

Anti-America morons in New York City disgracefully attacked a WWI memorial. A mob defaced and desecrated the 107th Infantry Memorial in Central Park during unrest targeting the Met Gala Monday night, and one idiot even lit the American flag on fire. Yes, we've now reached the point where war memorials meant to honor all the brave men and women who have defended this nation are under attack.

Campus Protests. Free Palestine! Free Pizza!

source: Wall Street Journal

There was a day when Americans looked at universities as ideals for how to live peacefully in a free society guided by the accumulated wisdom of the past. Now Americans see them as home to the unreasonable and mindlessly destructive.

Vicious, Anti-American, Antisemitic “Protests” Should Be Quashed

source: Human Events

It’s disingenuous to observe what’s happening and whine about the First Amendment. Commentators do it because it sounds noble and it’s much easier to discuss than the dark underbelly of these protests that is the rank antisemitic and anti-American sentiments that continues to just cascade from these students.

Florida’s Schools Are Ivy League in Handling Campus Unrest

source: Newmax

If Ivy League university presidents truly had open minds and strategic sense, they would look to Florida’s thriving institutions and at least mimic the state's education leaders’ constitutionally minded resolve.

Columbia University Caves to the Mob

source: Daily Signal

The school cancels graduation ceremonies.

How the Deep State Plans to Foil Trump’s Return

source: The Blaze

The Democrats will not cease to be our rulers, no matter how the election turns out in November, unless a Trump administration does something to take back the reins of power.

As Jewish Heritage Months Begins, Let’s Recognize Trump’s Achievements

source: Townhall

It was President Trump who followed through on more than two decades of promises to move the American Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It was President Trump who recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel

Dems Use Legal System to Target the Right

source: NY Post

While prosecutor NY Country DA Alvin Bragg leaves no stone unthrown in his assault on Trump’s creatively designed “crimes,” he’s letting thieves, murderers and illegal immigrants who assault cops run free. He’s not policing the streets, he’s policing threats to Democratic power.

Prosecutor Jack Smith Admits to Tampering with Trump Evidence

source: American Spectator

By Jeffrey Lord: This corruption of the American legal system must never happen again.

Stop Greenlighting High School Walkouts

source: National Review

When public schools abandon political restraint and impose ideological partisanship on students, it results in bias, pressure, manipulation, and division.