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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Taylor Swift is facing the “digital guillotine” for not speaking out about the war in Gaza.  According to Breitbart, several celebrities, including Swift, Justin Bieber and the Kardashians, are being pressured by left wing groups wanting these boldface names to come out against the conflict raging in Gaza.  Breitbart says the celebs’ silence  puts them at risk of losing  thousands of social media followers…NY Jets QB Aaron Rodgers, who tosses more looney conspiracy theories than touchdown passes, showed up on “The Tucker Carlson Show” this week discussing fake vaccine cards in the NFL, VP rumors and more. Here’s the video.  The Gateway Pundit reports that Rodgers even claimed Biden poops in his pants. Nothing but class!...The apocalypse doesn’t have to taste bad. That’s the theme of The Late Prepper. The site explains that most long-term storage food tastes awful and  offers six palate-pleasing food suggestions that are easy to digest as democracy crumbles…Some of the world’s smartest people in the room are listening to the Acquired podcast, according to the Wall Street Journal. Each multi-hour program examines one major business success story (past programs includes segments on Microsoft and Nvidia).  New episodes drop monthly.  I’m halfway through the show on the NFL and I’m hooked…Dept. of Vaccine Conspiracies: Doctors are being bribed up to $250,000 a year to “push Covid shots,” claims  Vigilante News…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Paris Olympic Games Will Be a Snapshot of Progressive Hell

source: European Conservative

It’s an eagerly awaited event, but one that many French people dread. The cause: the fierce determination of the French organisers to turn the Games into the most desolate showcase for a civilisation corrupted by veganism and transgender propaganda.

Michael Cohen’s Testimony Proves He’s the King of Liars

source: New York Post

By Jonathan Turley: Cohen has lied to Congress, courts, special counsels, the IRS, the banks, and virtually every creature that walks or crawls on the face of the Earth. Notably, his past conviction for business and tax fraud were not taken in the interests of Trump but himself.

Liar Michael Cohen Can Run, But He Can’t Hide from the Truth

source: Fox News

By Greg Jarrett: Disbarred and disgraced, former Trump attorney Michael Cohen’s name is now synonymous with "serial perjurer."

Trump Allies Pack Courtrooms and Denounce Bragg’s Show Trial Circus

source: Blaze Media

The slow trickle of congressional allies at former President Donald Trump’s trial is finally turning up. Tuesday's delegation to the trial, led by House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), includes onetime presidential candidate and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, as well as Reps. Cory Mills and Byron Donalds of Florida.

Why Trials Like Trump’s Must Be Televised

source: The Gatestone Institute

By Alan Dershowitz: The New York trial of Trump is a national scandal. The public has the right to see this abuse with their own eyes, so that we all can judge for ourselves and not allow possibly biased reporters to judge for us.

The Rise of the Never Biden’s

source: The Free Press

By Eli Lake: Donors who once worried more about Donald Trump now see the president’s bid for a second term as the greater threat to America.

Biden’s Nefarious Plot to Destroy Democracy

source: Washington Free Beacon

President Joe Biden and his closest advisers are laying the groundwork to delegitimize the results of the 2024 election and destroy what's left of the public's faith in our sacred democracy.

Biden’s Campaign Is Dead in the Water

source: Townhall

In the past six months, Biden has traveled the country, touting what he believes are his economic accomplishments. He has spent zillions of dollars on advertising.  And he is still unable to catch Trump.

Biden Joins Hamas Against Israel

source: Conservative View from NH

Israel is supposed to be our greatest ally in the Middle East, and Joe Biden is doing his best to sabotage that alliance and destroy 75 years of unity between our two countries. For this, Joe Biden should be impeached.

New Poll Numbers Will Likely Have Biden Melting Down

source: RedState

Joe Biden has debased himself with flip-flopping like a fish on the Israel issue and withholding arms in order to appease the left and help his chances in states like Minnesota. It looks like that was for naught. He and his team have to be tearing their hair out at this point, not knowing what to do.

Who’s Ready for President Harris?

source: American Greatness

Those two words should terrify everyone who loves this country and hopes for its peace and prosperity. The only thing scarier than a second Biden term is one in which Harris becomes in charge of the nuclear codes.

Kamala Won the Race to the Bottom Long Ago

source: Newsmax

She’s now contributing to the coarseness of our culture. Perhaps this assessment is too harsh. There is reason to believe that Kamala doesn’t know what the word “culture” is.

Some College “Men” Seem Willing to Donate Testicles to “Trans Men”

source: American Thinker

We seem to have entered the end stage of American culture, at least on American college campuses.

Colleges Side with Radicals

source: FrontPage

The Left and their media allies want you to believe the protests roiling college campuses are spontaneous uprisings of morally fervent students worried about Gaza war victims. Don’t fall for that claim. It’s a scam. These protesters don’t represent most students or the American public.

Muslim Students in Minnesota Beat White Girl Because She Isn’t Muslim

source: The Lid

A mother in Minnesota has reported that a gang of Muslim students beat her 9-year-old girl at school because the white girl “wasn’t a Muslim.” This is what Obama and Biden have turned America into, a place where white Christians have to constantly worry about their safety.

Hillary Clinton’s Conspiracy Privilege

source: NewsBusters

Hillary Clinton appeared on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" to denounce Trump for squashing the bimbo stories.She was treated as a therapist for their Trump angst, and no one interrupted and asked about all the squashing, burying, and killing of stories that Hillary engaged in when Bill first sought the White House in 1992.

Censorship Is a Global Pandemic

source: John Stossel

It’s good that so far, American police say their campus arrests are for trespassing or property damage, not words. I don’t agree with what most of the demonstrators say. But I’ll defend their right to say it.