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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Betcha didn’t know that June was “Hetero Awareness Month.”  This month, the Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho (natch), celebrates heterosexuality with free beer Monday for guys who identify as straight. Hetero couples and women get discounts too. No word on what kind of I.D one needs to prove you’re Old State Saloon discount worthy. (Fox News)…Youth book publishing giant Scholastic just released a “Read with Pride” resource guide and  The Federalist is up in arms. “The guide, associated website, and list of books and resources all, as the left loves to boast, unapologetically send parents, educators, and kids toward the most extreme left-wing sources on LGBT ideology,” opines The Federalist’s  Chad Felix Greene…Dept. of Grievance: I’m spending half my week deleting and blocking political text messages from both sides of the aisle.  It’s  a Sisyphean task; the more messages I block, the more seem to flood my inbox and phone. Enough political messaging pollution already…. Doug Burgum got a huge boost this weekend in The Donald’s Veepstakes.  The NY Times gave the North Dakota governor one wet kiss of a profile.  Tiny Granite Grok begs to differ with The Times, saying Trump selecting Burgum as a running mate would be a “terrible mistake”… Former TIME magazine senior editor Richard Zoglin offers up an ad campaign for Biden to use against Trump.  Key line: “He says he’s out for you, but he’s only out for revenge.” Sounds like ad copy for a horror movie. (…If  you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Media Outlets Panic After Right-Wing Parties Surge in European Elections

source: Daily Wire

News organizations, from The New York Times to Reuters to the Associated Press, labeled right-wing parties as “far-right,” “extreme right,” and “radical right.” Meanwhile, left-wing socialist parties were simply labeled as “center-left” and “pro-democracy” parties.

Can We Trust the November Outcome?

source: Conservative View from NH

By Ray Cardello: . I accept that Joe Biden is our president, but not how he found his way to the Oval Office. With America in the grasp of a global pandemic and Joe Biden rarely leaving his Delaware basement, there is no logical explanation for Biden garnering over 12 million votes more than Barack Obama did when he set the previous record in 2008.

We Should Worry About What Columbia Is Teaching Teachers, Too

source: National Review

A review of courses offered exposes an obsession with the same radical politics as those of the campus protesters.

The Left Knows Leftism Doesn’t Work

source: American Greatness

If Biden and his handlers have taught us anything, human nature cannot be fooled, and the current four-year experiment will have to end before it ends us—and soon.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Looks like Steve Bannon may be spending July 4 weekend grilling and chillin’ behind bars.  The “War Room'' motor-mouth and ex-chief strategist in Donald Trump’s White House has been ordered to report to prison July 1 for ignoring a  Congressional subpoena to testify about his involvement in the J6 insurrection. (Fox News)…. If Bannon does a four-month stint in the slammer, he’ll miss Flagstock on September 2.  The free country-western music festival is a fundraiser in support of University of North Carolina frat bros who supposedly defended the U.S. flag from pro-Palestinian protestors.  Talent and venue location have yet to be announced…Ben Shapiro, the nation's most popular right wing podcaster and occasional Trump critic, believes the convicted felon and ex-President is poised to win the White House again…. “60 Minutes” correspondent Lesley Stahl owes Trump an apology, opines TownHall. Here’s why…Our eagle-eyed Right Wing Biz Watch columnist David Lieberman reveals that Wall Street has soured on three  right wing stocks: Rumble, Public Sq and Salem.  Dear readers, I hope you shorted all three….And thanks to all of you who expressed concern about my health scare earlier this week. It lifted my spirits almost as much as Trump guilty verdict. I’m back from the hospital and planning to publish on a regular schedule next week….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden Almost Collapses at D-Day Celebrations

source: The Gateway Pundit

Biden once again reminded the world how mentally and physically unfit he is for office by randomly crouching down during war celebrations in France. Appearing at D-Day 80th anniversary celebrations with French President Emmanuel Macron, Biden started leaning forward and appeared on the brink of collapse before eventually restoring balance.

Did Biden Poop Himself at the D-Day Event?

source: PJ Media

If there was any doubt that the United States is no longer a serious country with a serious mainstream media, let's consider it settled science after the internet erupted this morning when it appeared Joe Biden pooped his pants during the D-Day event at Normandy.

Biden’s Awkward Moments of Confusion in Normandy

source: RedState

He slurred throughout his remarks, stumbling over words like "sir," which he made "sore" because he was having trouble with the teleprompter, and he mispronounced "sorties."  He said we're not far off from the time when their voices will be silenced (maybe don't say that right in front of those warriors).

Normandy Continues on America’s Shores

source: American Thinker

We must be as driven as the brave men of the Normandy invasion to protect freedom in our beloved land.

Biden’s Senility Freaks Out DC Just As Much As It Does Everyone Else

source: NY Post

A new Wall Street Journal report reveals that the president is exactly as bad behind the scenes as he is in public.

How Covid Repression Helped Inspire Jan. 6

source: Uncategorized

By Jack Cashill: In researching my new book, "Ashli: The Untold Story of the Women of January 6," I was surprised to find just how direct a role COVID oppression played in inspiring people to go to Washington.

Fauci’s Reappearance Is Awkward for Both Candidates

source: The American Conservative

The man who embodied science now embodies the uncomfortable truth of Covid-era incompetence and malfeasance.

Fauci Absolutely Tortured Beagles

source: Daily Caller

Fauci  admitted this week, for the first time, to signing off on numerous experiments that used millions of taxpayer dollars to torture animals. In his response, he tried to claim that the NIH uses strict regulatory processes for this testing and prioritizes the humane treatment of the animals.

Pride Events Aren’t Safe for Children

source: The Federalist

Why do queer people get a complete pass to be blatantly, publicly, sexually creepy in ways we never, ever tolerate for heterosexuals?

Isn’t It Pride Month?

source: American Spectator

Why do this year’s pride celebrations feel muted?

The Hamas Role in the Worst Massacre of Gay People in America

source: FrontPage

On the anniversary of the Pulse massacre, “Queers for Palestine” rally for their own killers.

Trump’s Trial Shows the Ominous Evolution of Our Criminal Justice System

source: Fox News

Some prosecutors and judges might see the Trump case as a new path forward.

The Myth That Biden Had Nothing to Do with the Prosecutions of Trump

source: American Greatness

It is past time for the media and Democrats to drop the ruse of Biden’s “neutrality and admit that they are terrified of the will of the people in November and so are conniving to silence them.