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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The American people have spoken. This is who we are…If there’s a slim ray of sunlight in the  election outcome, it’s likely there will be a peaceful transfer of power come Inauguration Day. Remember the good old days when we used to take that for granted?...Homepage headline from the right this morning: Breitbart’s Trump Towers…Can’t say the election results surprised me.  Since the Veep debate between J.D. Vance, and Tim Walz, I felt a vibe shift toward Team Trump from Kamala & crew. And I feared correctly that Trump’s increasingly incendiary language and coarse gestures the last month created an unusual opportunity for him to appeal to hard-to-reach young male voters…I spent the bulk of last night surfing between CNN and MSNBC. Enough with Steve Kornacki's shtick and I’m off the MSNBC data geek for at least the rest of the month.  Amazon Prime’s election coverage featuring Brian Williams was shockingly poor.  I’m a long-time Williams fan, but he seemed rusty and off his game. The newscast’s digital  backdrop inexplicably made it look like Williams at times was anchoring from some lonely country road, adjacent to a cornfield…As of 10:45 a.m. EST today, Trump has been silent on Truth Social about the election results…Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were among the notable guest commentators for the UK’s Channel 4 election night coverage. If I were Daniels  and Cohen, I’d keep a much lower profile for the next four years…One of the many sad parts of Trump’s second presidential victory, is that he’s likely to be remembered as a major transformative figure in our nation’s history, rather than an early 21st century political aberration…An unusually warm November sun shines today on TheRighting’s global headquarters here in NYC, but it’s nonetheless a very dark day….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

America to Kamala: Na Na Na Na, Hey Hey-ey, Goodbye!


In a historic blowout that appears to be on track to defy all of the experts’ predictions of a close race, Donald J. Trump has soared back to the White House. It wasn’t a nail-biter or a photo finish – it was an undeniable rout.

“We Blew It, Joe”

source: The Free Press

The Democrats were the party of dishonesty—and people saw right through it.

Trump the Colossus, the Comeback King of American Politics

source: NY Post

There’s never been anything like it. Love him or hate him, he bestrides the narrow world like a colossus.

The New Trump Era

source: American Thinker

Trump’s extraordinary victory isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. Moving forward, he has a lot of work to do, and he is uniquely situated to do it.

Donald Trump Wins!

source: American Spectator

Woo hoo! Donald Trump won and is the 47th president-to-be! Winning is better than losing. Winning means power.

The Rise and Rise of Donald Trump

source: Liberty Nation News

A comeback like no other.

Trump’s Victory Is the Most Remarkable Political Comeback in U.S. History

source: National Review

Neither the Democratic nor the Republican Party will be the same.

Trump Win Could Make Hollywood 2.0 a Reality

source: Hollywood in Toto

Fading industry, rise of new media offer hope for a more creative tomorrow.

America Turns the Page

source: FrontPage

When former President Donald Trump rose to his feet on the campaign trail after an assassin’s bullet clipped his ear, blood streaking his cheek, and then thrust a fist into the air while exhorting his supporters to “Fight!”, was there any doubt thereafter that he was destined to win this country back?

Was the 2024 Election Too Big to Rig?

source: American Greatness

No matter the outcome, pervasive bias by the mainstream media and other platforms favored Harris over Trump, effectively rigging the 2024 election in a way that erodes public faith in fair elections.

It’s the Working Class and Middle America That Run Our Country

source: Fox News

Trump’s win is a victory for Americans who feel abandoned by the coastal elites and a Democratic Party that moved too far from mainstream America

The Lefty Meltdown Begins

source: PJ Media

Donald Trump has won the 2024 presidential election, and the leftist meltdowns are suitably unhinged. You could do deep sea diving in the flood of leftist tears. After all, it ain’t over till the fat lesbian screams.

As Expected, Liberal Media Melt Down Over Multiracial, Working-Class Trump Victory

source: Blaze Media

Not only is Trump expected to surpass 310 Electoral College votes, he is also set to become the first Republican to win the popular vote in 20 years. The liberal media, having made clear in advance that this was not the outcome they wanted, are not handling things well — especially not CNN talking head Van Jones.

2024’s Biggest Loser Is the Corporate Media Industrial Complex

source: The Federalist

Kamala Harris is only the second-biggest loser of the night. Her media shills are nursing wounds that will take far longer to recover from.

Like Clockwork, CNN’s Van Jones Blames Sexism and Racism for Kamala’s Loss

source: NewsBusters

In the wee hours of Wednesday morning, as they were waiting for the election workers in the so-called “blue wall” to tell them what they already knew, CNN’s Van Jones blamed sexism and racism for why Vice President Kamala Harris lost to President-elect Trump.

The MAGA Sun Also Rises Over Hungary

source: Hungarian Conservative

‘Donald Trump’s sweeping election victory will reshape the European power landscape, catapulting Hungary from a state disdained by Washington, whose ambassador routinely and rudely lambasts his host country, into one of America’s most important allies.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Election Day Playlist: If you’re an optimist: The Fifth Dimension’s Aquarius, Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin, and U2’s Beautiful Day.  If you’re a  pessimist: Barry McGuire’s Eve of Destruction, and the Animal’s We Gotta Get Out of This Place.  If you’re Donald Trump: Tom Petty’s I Won’t Back Down and It’s Good to Be King…Question of the day: Regardless of election results, what time tonight will The Donald  declare victory?...The Gateway Pundit offers an election day prayer for Trump.  Here are two lines from it.  Try  not to choke: Lord, in this time of decision and challenge, surround him with Your protection. Shield him from all harm, falsehoods, and any attempts to bring him down…Hooray for Time magazine.  Check out the cover line above the famous logo: “Your Vote Is Safe.”  Here’s the article.  Even if you don’t subscribe to the mag, that headline sends a pitch perfect message to millions who’ve been gaslighted by the MAGA right…A Wall Street Journal op-ed today echoes the same sentiment: You Can Trust the Vote Count.  The WSJ piece is written by Georgia’s Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who famously stood up to Trump’s 2020 pleas “to find” him an extra 11,780 votes, and Utah’s lieutenant governor Deidre Henderson.  Both Raffensperger and Henderson are Republicans…The Election Watch Tonight:  My plan is to go with Brian Williams on Amazon Prime for about 25% of night and then ping pong between MSNBC and CNN. I will also check out Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, as well as  drop in on Jon Stewart’s  “Daily Show” live  at 11 p.m. To keep it fair and balanced, I’ll dip into Fox News and far right WND  livestreaming  too.  My libation of choice will be a bourbon with a Mylanta chaser. See you sometime after sunrise…If you keep voting, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Trump Already Won

source: The American Conservative

A generation has come of age in the shadow of Trump’s America First revolution. For voters under 30, Trumpian rhetoric, theatrics, and grievances are the only politics they’ve engaged with. Many men have embraced Trump’s combative style as a response to an elite culture they feel ignores their economic and social interests.