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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Yesterday’s newsletter set two records. One bad, one good.  First, the election results triggered the largest number of one day unsubscribes in TheRighting’s seven-year history by a wide margin.  My guess is these subscribers understandably can’t take the rhetoric from the right anymore along with the grim reality of the next four years.  As one reader told me, “What you do is so important.  I just have to shut down the poison from the right. Reading the headlines in the email today physically hurt.” Another subscriber simply stated, “I have to limit my news consumption for the sake of my health. I’m sorry.”  On the flip side, I received a record number of emails thanking me for the work I’m doing and encouraging me to keep on Righting. From time to time, I toy with the idea of halting publication (or selling), but earth-shaking events like Tuesday’s election keep me in the game…Yesterday, a distraught pre-school principal send me this note and I want to share part of it with you: “Given my past life as the head of a school for children, it feels like the school bully just punched all the nice kids in the gut after telling us we were all dumb as hell and just plain trash, as all the other kids cheered.  Feels like the principal got punched too, as well as all of the teachers who tried so hard to instill values of kindness and the golden rule. Feels pretty awful”…It’s 1460 days until the 2028 White House race. Readers, pace yourselves. It’s gonna be a long four years, but I’m with you on this journey….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Election Results Were Only a Shock to Smug Elites

source: NY Post

With a few exceptions, our self-appointed national elites remain utterly clueless about the nature of the nation they purport to lead. They think Americans are happy with an economy that downgrades work with your hands and overcompensates work with your mind.

Sucky Democrats We’re Still Stuck With


Despite Republicans winning many of the big-ticket seats thanks to Donald J. Trump, a handful of “sucky” Democrats managed to cling to their seats like a bad stain.

Will the Democrats Ever Learn?

source: The American Conservative

The message and the messenger were both flawed in now familiar ways.

Minority Voters Reject the Democratic Party’s DEI Candidate

source: Washington Examiner

Minority voters have rejected the diversity, equity, and inclusion ideology of the Democratic Party and the DEI candidate that the party put forward. It should be the end of the DEI racialization of our politics.

Trump’s Morning in America

source: American Spectator

Freedom will be the theme of his Reaganite next term.

God Saved Him, Because There Is More Work to Do

source: Conservative View from NH

Only a non-believer could deny the divine intervention we have witnessed since July. If not for the last-second turn of his head in Pennsylvania, the country would have lost the one man who could get this listing ship back on course.

We Won and We Need to Act Like It

source: Townhall

By Kurt Schlichter: Breathe deeply and savor the musky scent of broken leftist dreams. Mmmmmmm. Smells like freedom! Now, we must get busy pummeling our enemies. Some silly people will say that you shouldn’t kick an opponent when he’s down. That’s actually the best time to kick him.

Trump’s Victory Takes Rocky Career and Turns Him into a Real-Life “Rocky”

source: Fox News

No American has ever fallen from grace this far to come back on top like Trump has.

No, Trump’s Win Is Not a Nightmare for Europeans

source: European Conservative

U.S. election result marks a new high point in the democratic revolt against Western elites

Trump Family Takes a Well-Deserved Victory Lap

source: PJ Media

It will certainly be a great improvement to have the Trump family instead of the corrupt Biden family in the White House once again.

Trump and Vance, Heavyweight Champs

source: Washington Times

We know the big winner on Election Day: Donald Trump. He’s on top with a vengeance, capping the biggest comeback since Richard Nixon rose from his political obituary to win the White House in 1968.

How Kamala Killed the Celebrity Endorsement

source: NY Post

Splashy performances, boldface speakers and a carefully rolled out succession of endorsements from La La Land's most coddled citizens didn't bode well at the ballot box.

Crybaby Celebrities Melt Down After Trump Win

source: The Federalist

The collective leftist celebrity freakout over Trump’s second presidential win has been absolutely insane — and delightful.While a bit muted compared to his stunning presidential election victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016, the gnashing of elitist teeth since the Blue Wall’s fall has been GLORIOUS!

R.I.P. Celebrity Endorsements

source: Breitbart

The combined star power of Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez, George Clooney, Julia Roberts, Bruce Springsteen, Leonardo DiCaprio, Robert De Niro and many more failed to carry Harris over the finish line.   It was a humiliating defeat for the entertainment industry, which had mobilized many of its biggest celebrities in the service of the Democrat party.

Bannon’s 90-Second Warning to the Deep State

source: Revolver

After Trump’s historic, game-changing victory, Bannon—who’s fought tooth and nail—delivered a scorching 90-second message aimed straight at the Deep State swamp creatures who’ve worked tirelessly to tear this country apart. The message? We’re coming for you

Ode to Joy

source: Unleash Prosperity

Well, we will hand it to Kamala Harris. She promised she would bring back joy to America – and she’s done it.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The American people have spoken. This is who we are…If there’s a slim ray of sunlight in the  election outcome, it’s likely there will be a peaceful transfer of power come Inauguration Day. Remember the good old days when we used to take that for granted?...Homepage headline from the right this morning: Breitbart’s Trump Towers…Can’t say the election results surprised me.  Since the Veep debate between J.D. Vance, and Tim Walz, I felt a vibe shift toward Team Trump from Kamala & crew. And I feared correctly that Trump’s increasingly incendiary language and coarse gestures the last month created an unusual opportunity for him to appeal to hard-to-reach young male voters…I spent the bulk of last night surfing between CNN and MSNBC. Enough with Steve Kornacki's shtick and I’m off the MSNBC data geek for at least the rest of the month.  Amazon Prime’s election coverage featuring Brian Williams was shockingly poor.  I’m a long-time Williams fan, but he seemed rusty and off his game. The newscast’s digital  backdrop inexplicably made it look like Williams at times was anchoring from some lonely country road, adjacent to a cornfield…As of 10:45 a.m. EST today, Trump has been silent on Truth Social about the election results…Stormy Daniels and Michael Cohen were among the notable guest commentators for the UK’s Channel 4 election night coverage. If I were Daniels  and Cohen, I’d keep a much lower profile for the next four years…One of the many sad parts of Trump’s second presidential victory, is that he’s likely to be remembered as a major transformative figure in our nation’s history, rather than an early 21st century political aberration…An unusually warm November sun shines today on TheRighting’s global headquarters here in NYC, but it’s nonetheless a very dark day….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

You’re Fired, Kamala!

source: WND

Trump wins momentous election