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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! WND clams that Trump has a new theme song.  Its name is – prep the air sickness bags – “The Chosen One.”  If you can stomach it, here’s the video featuring nonstop images of Trump over the last eight years.  The song has all the musical sophistication of a sweet 16 birthday tune…Here’s the week’s craziest headline from the right even though it’s only Tuesday, courtesy of PJ Media: “It’s time to arrest James Clapper and Antony Blinken.” Because the story is behind a paywall, I have no idea about the twisted logic behind the headline, nor am I especially interested….Those jokesters at the staid Washington Free Beacon keep dropping satirical articles on their website.  The latest is a fictitious account of a secret Biden plan to capture the youth vote including the fake script of a Biden campaign ad.  For the record, I didn’t think it was that funny…Right wing critics are reportedly angered over the Disney+ series “The Acolyte” because it’s the “gayest ‘Star Wars’” yet featuring a “lesbian R2-D2.” (Forbes)…News websites on both sides of the aisle are experiencing significant audience erosion, according to TheRighting’s latest analysis of April traffic.  The Washington Times and Washington Examiner got hit worse than almost any other websites surveyed….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

It’s Open Season on Normal People

source: Townhall

If you live in a Democrat-controlled city and are physically attacked on the street, don’t expect the law to help you. Charges that could be brought won’t be, and any charges that are brought will be downgraded or dropped once enough time has passed that people forget.

Inflation Denialism Is Hurting Media Credibility

source: The Dispatch

Opinion journalism is still supposed to be journalism.

Blue American vs Red America

source: Fox News

Blue America staffs the legacy media, which is why Red America walked away from blue media.

More Woes for News Websites as Election Year Traffic Plummets in April

source: TheRighting

TheRighting’s analysis showed the vast majority of news websites on all sides of the political spectrum experienced significant declines in year-over-year unique visitors.  Of the 21 websites monitored by TheRighting, only two – The Epoch Times (+18%) and Newsmax (+3%) – increased their audience in the four-year span.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Betcha didn’t know that June was “Hetero Awareness Month.”  This month, the Old State Saloon in Eagle, Idaho (natch), celebrates heterosexuality with free beer Monday for guys who identify as straight. Hetero couples and women get discounts too. No word on what kind of I.D one needs to prove you’re Old State Saloon discount worthy. (Fox News)…Youth book publishing giant Scholastic just released a “Read with Pride” resource guide and  The Federalist is up in arms. “The guide, associated website, and list of books and resources all, as the left loves to boast, unapologetically send parents, educators, and kids toward the most extreme left-wing sources on LGBT ideology,” opines The Federalist’s  Chad Felix Greene…Dept. of Grievance: I’m spending half my week deleting and blocking political text messages from both sides of the aisle.  It’s  a Sisyphean task; the more messages I block, the more seem to flood my inbox and phone. Enough political messaging pollution already…. Doug Burgum got a huge boost this weekend in The Donald’s Veepstakes.  The NY Times gave the North Dakota governor one wet kiss of a profile.  Tiny Granite Grok begs to differ with The Times, saying Trump selecting Burgum as a running mate would be a “terrible mistake”… Former TIME magazine senior editor Richard Zoglin offers up an ad campaign for Biden to use against Trump.  Key line: “He says he’s out for you, but he’s only out for revenge.” Sounds like ad copy for a horror movie. (…If  you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

AG Garland Deserves Impeachment, Not Praise

source: NY Post

While Garland was raiding Trump’s home over a classified document dispute, he was letting the statute of limitations on the foreign influence-peddling by Biden’s family run out. While left-wing pro-Hamas protesters were rioting and targeting Jews, Garland was still fearmongering over the coming MAGA extremist revolution, inflating the threat with bogus statistics.

Biden Steals Reagan’s Speech at Normandy Beach on D-Day Anniversary

source: The Gateway Pundit


Where Is Dems’ Outrage at Biden’s Authoritarianism?

source: Uncategorized

If you want to see the abuse of norms and standards, check out what the 46th president and his cronies are up to.

Jet-Setting Jill Likes Being First Lady

source: Townhall

She did not have to make four 3,741 mile trips, across the Atlantic Ocean to France and back to the United States, crossing six time zones, on the taxpayer’s dime. Such unnecessary and extravagant travel will upset the climate extremists that the Biden administration tries to continually placate.

Biden’s Crusade Against U.S. Energy Harms America

source: Fox News

By Governor Rick Perry: Bipartisan congressional opposition stands up to Biden's anti-energy crusade.

Civil War If Trump Goes to Prison?

source: American Thinker

By John Kudla: I find it difficult to believe that we are still discussing the possibility of a second American Civil War. Yet here we are.

Tim Scott Is Trump’s Ideal Running Mate

source: American Spectator

We can only hope that Trump himself has the foresight to see that blindingly obvious reality.

The Revoking of Steve Bannon’s Bail Is Reckless

source: Newsmax

There’s no intrinsic rush or societal need for Steve Bannon to be incarcerated.

Washington Post Touts Nasty Pro-Hamas Protest as “Largely Peaceful”

source: NewsBusters

While the networks mostly skipped over Saturday's nasty pro-Hamas demonstrations outside the White House, The Washington Post filed a story Saturday evening, and the word "whitewash" came to mind. Despite smoke bombs, vandalizing statues, and overt celebration of Hamas the headline was bland: "Thousands circle White House to demand Biden enforce Gaza ‘red line’."

Anti-America Mob Throws Bottles at Park Ranger Near White House

source: Outkick

A park ranger near the White House had to deal with some absolute idiots at a massive anti-America/anti-Israel rally unfolded over the weekend. Many protesters openly sided with terrorists. This is where we're now at in America. People are so dumb that they openly cheer for the side that targets and kills innocent people.

No Arrests Made at DC Hamas Rally

source: FrontPage

But driving over a BLM or Pride crosswalk will get you busted quickly.

Corrupt Colbert Spins WSJ’s Damning Biden Report

source: Hollywood in Toto

Inflation? The border? Hamas? Crime? Oct. 7? Name the hot-button topic, and Colbert will spin it to benefit Team Biden. He, like Jimmy Kimmel, literally fundraises for the elderly president.

Another Late Night “Comedian” Hosting Fundraiser for Biden

source: Washington Free Beacon

Jimmy Kimmel, the ABC late-night personality best known for his racist"comedy," is hosting a fundraiser for President Joe Biden in Los Angeles next week to "help keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office." Celebrity actors George Clooney and Julia Roberts are expected to attend, as is celebrity author and film producer Barack Obama.