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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings on this Juneteenth!  A Daily Signal podcast makes a  belabored case that January 1 is a better  date to acknowledge the end of slavery in the United States… Donald Trump loves linking to Fox News Channel and RSBN. That’s my conclusion after an analysis of all of The Donald’s links on Truth Social and in May.  He linked to FNC 56 times and the little known fringe website RSBN 26 times last month.  The Bedminster Bloviator frequently linked to mainstream news websites too when they had  negative reporting on Joe Biden and fellow Democrats.  Here’s TheRighting’s full findings…The conservative American Accountability Foundation released a report claiming that the powerful  Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers Association is funding a  radical LGBTQ agenda…Who wants to invest in Newsmax? The company, which plans to go public, is pitching a private stock offering for accredited investors.  Think I’ll bet my money on Apple or Nvidia instead (Newsmax)…Jane Fonda, the 86-year-old Oscar-winning actress, activist and fitness guru, is defending Biden’s mental acuity.  “He’s just fine,” Fonda told CNN, noting the President is years younger than she is…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Blocking Biden’s Trans Madness in Schools

source: WND

In the last week, four different federal courts concluded that Biden's policy to impose his transgender ideology on public schools is unlawful. Biden insists, beginning with the upcoming school year, that every public school in America open its girls' restrooms and locker rooms to boys who think they are girls.

Our Intel Agencies Celebrate Pride by Prioritizing Nail Painting Over National Security

source: FrontPage

We are officially a fundamentally unserious nation.

The Left Is Repeating the Most Shameful Episode in U.S. History

source: American Thinker

The Democrats' treatment of Jan. 6 prisoners isn't all that different from what Democrats did to loyal Japanese-Americans in 1942.

BLM Traded MLK’s Christianity for Kendi’s Critical Race Theory

source: The Federalist

Critical race theory is destroying the traditional Christian legacy of abolition and the civil rights movement.

Fauci Finally Tells the Truth That Trump Saved “Millions” of Lives

source: Washington Free Beacon

Almost twice as many Americans dead from Covid-19 on Biden's watch.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The Washington Free Beacon theorizes that Kamala Harris may have a “secret lover” in Atlanta because of her frequent trips to Georgia’s biggest city. No evidence was cited in its report…New on bookshelves today: Apprentice in Wonderland: How Donald Trump and Mark Brunett Took America Through the Looking Glass.  The 272-page tome, from Variety’s editor in chief Ramin Setoodel, examines Trump’s years starring in the NBC reality show “The Apprentice,” which served as a potent training ground for the celebrity-obsessed Queen’s real estate developer and fabulist…Is this the curse of Trump? The Gateway Pundit notes that 85-year-old actor Sir Ian McKellen fell off the stage during a performance in London “just weeks after bashing Trump”…Trump continues to trumpet his friendship with U.S. Open golf champ Bryson DeChambeau on Truth Social.  It makes me wonder if he’s courting the popular golfer to stump for him in the final months of the presidential campaign….The right wing website American Greatness also slobbers all over DeChambeau calling his victory Sunday “one of the greatest moments in sports history.” A tad overstated, but it was thrilling….Avocado prices are starting to skyrocket and American Thinker blames Biden…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Doug Burgum Is Trump’s Best VP Pick

source: NY Post

He’s sharp as a tack, a real doer when it comes to business deals (reinforcing Trump’s brand) and knows his way around the tech world. He ran several successful companies before ably leading his state — the only one of the three with real executive experience.

Europe Is Turning Right. Could Trump Lead the Way for the U.S. Next?

source: Fox News

Voters on the European continent are rebelling. They are moving away from entrenched liberal parties and their suffocating policies. Is America next?

Nigel Farage Makes the Trump Moment Permanent

source: WND

First came Brexit, then came Trump – and now it's happening again. In June 2016, Britain voted to leave the European Union. This month, Brexit's mastermind, Nigel Farage, returned to the fore of British politics.

Trump’s Washington Tour de Force Was a Remarkable Sign of Republican Unity

source: Washington Times

By Newt Gingrich: Unity was a key message in the House and Senate GOP meetings. There was a clear sense from Mr. Trump and the elected legislative members that they were now on a five-month closing campaign. They know they need a unified and enthusiastic Republican Party to be victorious.

Trump vs Biden: Can We Overcome Our Disbelief?

source: Wall Street Journal

We’re asked to accept that the incumbent is sharp as a tack and the challenger has the character to lead.

Biden Campaign Ad Accusing Trump of Sexual Assault Backfires

source: American Spectator

Ad unintentionally reminds Biden was accused by ex-staffer Tara Reade of sexual assault.

Networks Promote Biden Fundraiser, But Omit Him Seemingly Freezing Up

source: NewsBusters

Although all of the networks mentioned Biden’s fundraiser, they seemingly forgot to mention another one of Biden’s slip-ups. At the end of the night, Biden seemingly froze as he attempted to leave the stage. He stared at the audience for a full ten seconds before Obama took his hand and led him offstage.

Liberal Media at the Crossroads

source: Daily Caller

Outlets like WaPo, The New York Times and NPR have all experienced high-profile inner conflicts between management and underlings in recent months. These battles underscore a shift in media where reporters see themselves as the vanguard for democracy rather than objective fact-finders

Turning Point Is Harming the Conservative Movement

source: Washington Examiner

Turning Point USA was once merely a somewhat controversial right-wing student organization, but it has quickly turned into one of the most destructive forces in Republican politics.

Yes, We Need “Camps” for Illegal Immigrants

source: National Review

Detention is a key part of enforcement.

The California Exodus May Be Just Beginning

source: PJ Media

Will the last person to leave California please turn off the lights? Assuming they aren't in the middle of one of California's increasingly frequent brownouts, that is.

Ignore the Feminists

source: Human Events

We still need fathers.