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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Cynical guy asks: anything worth watching tonight on TV?...With all the Presidential Debate Smackdown hoopla, let’s not forget that July 11 is the date we find out whether The Donald is going to the slammer. Meanwhile, on July 1, Steve Bannon may be on his way to the big house, for a four-month incarceration sabbatical  courtesy of U.S. taxpayers…The generally stuffy  Washington Free Beacon has a satirical piece today about a supposed leaked document containing the questions that CNN moderators will  ask tonight.  Here’s just one cringy question from the fictional list for Donald Trump: “You probably didn't notice that Barron is no longer in the audience. That's because our colleague Jim Acosta is holding him hostage at an undisclosed location and will only release him unharmed if you agree right now to drop out of the race. What do you say?”…Right wing Hollywood in Toto describes the Santa Monica Film Festival – now in its 18th year – as the “subversive film festival” because it celebrates “free speech and diversity of thought.” One major film from last February’s festival  was “Shot Dead,” a documentary about an 18-year-old woman who died after receiving a Covid injection…The Federalist offers up the worst list of summer beachside books I have ever seen. Natch, all the tomes lean right. The list includes The Smear, by Sharyl Attkisson and Big Intel, by J. Michael Waller.  Even The Federalist admits they’re not  “light reads”…Big thanks to all who donated to TheRighting yesterday.  That will help fund keep us until 2025, and who knows what our world will look like then …If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Raising Left Flags and Brainwashing Children

source: Young America’s Foundation

Here's how state Education Departments are celebrating "Pride Month."

Is This the Last Year for July 4th?

source: Granite Grok

The the goal of UN’s Summit of Future, which will take place in September, is “to strengthen global governance for both present and future generations.” These plans, if accepted, could make this July 4th the last day we celebrate independence.

Every Leftist Cause Begins as Humanitarianism and Ends as Terrorism

source: FrontPage

Those who care too much will eventually care enough to kill.

What to Do About Woke Science Journals

source: American Thinker

There’s no disinfectant like a little sunlight exposure to illuminate the misdeeds.

We Should Listen to Tim Scott’s Message

source: Newsmax

His message is that America is not about racism, but opportunity. Does that mean there are no racists in America? Of course not.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Once again, right wing media suggest that Biden’s only hope for vanquishing Trump during tomorrow night’s debate is some type of magical chemical concoction from his doctors that will make him peppy and vigorous.  “You can bet the ranch that his doctors are frantically attempting to find the magic bullet -- the precise dosages of medications that will jack him up to normal or near-normal degrees of consciousness without appearing overly wired,” argues Bill Hansmann in American Thinker….Chase Oliver for president?  Who?  He’s the Libertarian party’s candidate for president and former ABC News correspondent John Stossel appears to make a case for Oliver in his latest column for WND…Audiences to news websites are vanishing, according to TheRighting’s latest research published this morning.  Right wing sites have been particularly hard hit with many experiencing declines of more than 80% in the last four years…Pardon the interruption while I make my brief semi-annual fundraising effort. TheRighting needs your dollars to help us cover the world of right wing media.  It’s especially important over the next six months as we round the bend in the calendar to the critical second half of this election year.  Your contributions will help fund more reporting and ground-breaking research on right wing media and provide needed capital to make improvements to the website and newsletter.  If you’re interested in contributing, please visit TheRighting’s DONATE page.  Thanks for considering….If you keep funding, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Don’t Expect Fairness from CNN’s Debate Moderators

source: Daily Wire

By Ben Shapiro: Attacking the moderators is a popular debate strategy, and in this particular case, it would be worth it to Trump to engage in such a strategy. The moderators are Dana Bash and Jake Tapper, who are obviously and strongly oriented against Trump.

Beware of Shenanigans from CNN’s Debate Moderators

source: NewsBusters

Both Donald Trump and Joe Biden — by rule — can have their microphones muted if they go over time. But who can mute Tapper and Bash when they talk over Trump and hit him with unfair and slanted questions?

Will CNN Ask Biden About Threat His Administration Poses to Women’s Sports?

source: Daily Caller

Undoubtedly, CNN will bring up abortion, Trump’s New York court convictions, January 6, and other “threats to democracy” during the presidential debate. But what about the threat to women’s sports and equal rights under the Biden administration’s rewrite of Title IX?

Trump’s Match Is Handicapped

source: American Spectator

Liberal media won’t let this be a fair fight.

The Presidential Debate Is Trump’s to Lose

source: Wall Street Journal

Even with the moderators in Biden’s corner, the president will have a hard time with the questioning.

Trump 2.0 Won’t Allow Traitors on His Staff

source: WND

All the Never-Trumpers who obstructed Trump from within the Republican Party are gone. No more Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, Pat Toomey and many others whose names have already been forgotten.

Nonwhite Americans’ Fondness for Trump Could Shake Up 2024

source: The Federalist

The support for Trump from black and brown Americans appears to be visceral and based on genuine personal fondness for the former president — something Biden could never achieve.

Jamaal Bowman Will Get Crazier

source: National Review

He will become a big draw on the pro-Hamas speaking circuit — or whatever post-congressional career he is planning as a celebrity Jew hater.

Hopefully, Jamaal Bowman’s Defeat Is the First Against the Radical Left Squad

source: NY Post

One Squad member down, eight to go.Vulgar junior fire marshal Jamaal Bowman lost his Democratic primary to George Latimer Tuesday night, bringing to an end one of the more embarrassing political tenures in New York history.

Rep. Bowman and The Squad’s Election Denial

source: FrontPage

Any election they don’t win is illegitimate.

Whatever Happened to the Gay Activists Accused of Abusing Their Adopted Kids?

source: Townhall

William Dale Zulock and Zachary Jacoby Zulock, frequent faces at the Atlanta Pride Parade, are accused of forming a child-prostitution ring in the Atlanta suburbs.

Leader of National Anti-Trump Group Arrested for Allegedly Soliciting Boy, 15

source: Western Journal

A NeverTrump political consultant, was arrested Thursday near Gainesville, FL, on various charges related to allegedly attempting to meet up with and molest a 15-year-old boy.