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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings!  And welcome to a special Debate Disaster edition of TheRighting.  Let’s start on a positive note for Joe Biden: The debate dispelled ugly gossip that Biden would be on performance-enhancing drugs to spark his mojo.  Shame on those of you who swallowed that rumor.  In fact, it seemed more plausible that Jill accidentally slipped POTUS a Klonopin before he shuffled onto the stage instead of an Adderall...Where was the State of the Union Joe Biden who impressed the world with his March speech?  Last night, he projected confusion while Trump projected strength, despite the torrent of lies and his unwillingness to answer direct questions…There were so many low moments in the evening, but the sophomoric exchange about golf handicaps was cringy especially as war rages in Ukraine and Gaza. And discussions about The Donald’s  weight were more suited to a high school locker room….Dept. of Irony: just before the debate started, Trump launched a new website Fact Check Biden ….Pundit Ryan James Girdusky had one of the night's funniest tweets: “I hope the final question is to draw a clock”…Movie suggestions for Dem operatives this weekend: Trainwreck and Titanic…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Dems Pushing the Panic Button

source: Conservative View from NH

Joe shuffled onto the stage in Atlanta, and his voice and confidence left him on his first answer. He hesitated, coughed, cleared his throat, and mumbled through his first answer. The night was done.

A Debate to Remember…For Those Who Still Can

source: National Pulse

If Republicans don’t immediately start talking about the 25th Amendment, they’ll miss a trick. Because the Democrats will now face an at least semi-serious attempt to replace Biden anyway

Remember Who Lied to You

source: National Review

By Charlie Cooke: The people who lied about Biden’s senility have stopped lying for a moment. That doesn’t mean they aren’t liars.

Dems Can’t Avoid the Biden Problem

source: Wall Street Journal

The debate showed the President clearly isn’t up to four more years in office.

What the Hell Happened?

source: FrontPage

You can’t debate if you can’t think. Biden can talk, but he can’t think.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Cynical guy asks: anything worth watching tonight on TV?...With all the Presidential Debate Smackdown hoopla, let’s not forget that July 11 is the date we find out whether The Donald is going to the slammer. Meanwhile, on July 1, Steve Bannon may be on his way to the big house, for a four-month incarceration sabbatical  courtesy of U.S. taxpayers…The generally stuffy  Washington Free Beacon has a satirical piece today about a supposed leaked document containing the questions that CNN moderators will  ask tonight.  Here’s just one cringy question from the fictional list for Donald Trump: “You probably didn't notice that Barron is no longer in the audience. That's because our colleague Jim Acosta is holding him hostage at an undisclosed location and will only release him unharmed if you agree right now to drop out of the race. What do you say?”…Right wing Hollywood in Toto describes the Santa Monica Film Festival – now in its 18th year – as the “subversive film festival” because it celebrates “free speech and diversity of thought.” One major film from last February’s festival  was “Shot Dead,” a documentary about an 18-year-old woman who died after receiving a Covid injection…The Federalist offers up the worst list of summer beachside books I have ever seen. Natch, all the tomes lean right. The list includes The Smear, by Sharyl Attkisson and Big Intel, by J. Michael Waller.  Even The Federalist admits they’re not  “light reads”…Big thanks to all who donated to TheRighting yesterday.  That will help fund keep us until 2025, and who knows what our world will look like then …If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Trump Preps for Debate by Visiting Nursing Homes and Arguing with Dementia Patients

source: Babylon Bee

Trump's debate prep is a distinct departure from previous campaign years when he spent time studying government policy and took part in mock debates against former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. (Satire)

How Trump Will Lose the Debate

source: Ann Coulter

With help from his clueless donors and even more clueless wingman, Fox News, he’s blowing off his available voters in order to chase the pipe dream of winning the black and Hispanic vote.

Geriatric Grudge Match Tonight


Expect more drama than a bingo hall brawl and more hot air than an overinflated hospital bed.

Three Hoaxes to Watch for in Tonight’s Debate

source: Breitbart

They include: the Russian disinformation hoax, the inflation hoax and the threat to democracy hoax.

Will Biden Dare Repeat the Big Charlottesville Lie Tonight?

source: Townhall

Biden continues to insist, with no media pushback, Trump called white nationalists "very fine people."

Can Biden Resist Calling Trump a Nazi?

source: WND

It's not just "the Charlottesville lie," it's his ongoing compulsion to tie DJT to Hitler.

Debate Day Brings Bad News for Biden

source: Washington Examiner

Yesterday, we saw a wave of new polls and analyses that added up to terrible news for the Biden campaign. The short version is that the race could be returning to the state it was in before Trump’s trial and conviction in Manhattan.

Shouldn’t Kamala Be Up on the Debate Stage Tonight?

source: National Review

The Biden team wants the country to have faith in Vice President Kamala Harris, but they clearly have limited faith in her.

Biden Stamina Concerns

source: Fox News

Most of Biden's rally appearances have been shorter than a sitcom.

Biden’s Open Border Has Infected U.S. with “Femicide” Plague

source: NY Post

Femicide is visible every step of the way from South America and the Northern Triangle countries to Mexico’s northern border. Rape trees, where women’s underwear hangs from branches, dot the route. Do you think the rapes stop when illegal immigrants cross into the United States? No.

Initiate the 25th Amendment Now

source: Washington Times

By Tom Fitton: The time has come for Vice President Kamala Harris and the president’s Cabinet to do their duty under the 25th Amendment and consider whether the president’s cognitive issues preclude him from continuing to discharge his duties.

“Pride” Madness Won’t Stop Until Conservatives Use Government Force

source: The Federalist

The extreme sexualization of ‘Pride Month’ events won’t stop until conservatives use state power to crack down on it.