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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Since Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, right wing media has engaged in a full-frontal assault on the Veep’s character and candidacy. Just one example from today:  FrontPage charges that Harris’s “anti-Israel advisors brought on the October 7 attacks''…Dept. Of Pretzel Logic:  According to a statement released by The Donald’s campaign, he won’t debate Harris for the following reason: “There is a strong sense by many in the Democrat Party - namely Barack Hussein Obama - that Kamala Harris is a Marxist fraud who cannot beat President Trump, and they are still holding out for someone ‘better’”…Wall Street Journal columnist and ex- George H.W. Bush speechwriter Peggy Noonan believes Kamala Harris can beat Donald Trump. In today’s op-ed, Noonan implores the Trump campaign to cease showing images of the ex-POTUS  with blood dripping from his ear and face.  “Stop obsessing on the assassination attempt,” she writes. “It excites the unstable. I can do that too. The sick and the evil don’t need more inspirations”…Add one more clown to the circus:  If there’s a Trump-Harris debate ex-Major League Baseball star Jose Conseco has offered to moderate it…Happy birthday Mick Jagger, The age-defying Rolling Stones frontman turns 81 today, the same age as a certain White House denizen..  Hope that gives Joe Biden some  satisfaction…Weekend Watch:  Anything interesting happening in Paris?  In case the Olympics aren’t your cup of Beaujolais,  and you’re a fan of the great American summer pastime, check out the four-part HBO documentary Charlie Hustle & the Matter of Pete Rose.  It’s a fascinating character study of an extremely talented, yet fatally flawed athlete …If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

History Books May Not Be Kind to Biden

source: Daily Caller

Decades from now, history will recall the massive debt he accumulated, his disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, the border he did not secure and the innocent lives his policies worked to destroy.

When Secret Service Puts DEI First, Its Protectees Are Endangered

source: Fox News

Worship at the unholy altar of DEI has become de rigueur within federal law enforcement’s senior executive ranks.

A Country That Picks Its Leader on DEI Grounds Is Doomed

source: The Washington Examiner

Civilizations, Arnold Toynbee said, die from suicide, not murder. The U.S. has chosen to commit seppuku through the unusual method of identity politics and has picked VP Kamala Harris as its sharpened blade.

Democrats Are Racists

source: WND

When race is the factor for making a decision, then that is racism. According to many sources, the top contenders to be the Democrat party nominees for VP are all white guys. All of them. All white males.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Irony: The National Association of Police Organizations endorsed convicted felon Donald Trump for president…Dept. of Sticks & Stones: In a Truth Social post yesterday, Trump referred to the ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos as “liddle George Slopadopolus.” Clever (for a 5th grader)…Dept. of Corrections:  Yesterday I erroneously wrote that “The Gateway Pundit claims to have one of the first images of Trump with a bandage on his ear.” I meant to say “without” a bandage on his ear….Speaking of damaged ears, David, a subscriber from Boston, suggests a “Curb Your Enthusiasm” episode where a bee stings Larry David in his ear the week after the Trump assassination attempt and he has to wear a  large white bandage to cover the wound.  Naturally, his liberal Tinseltown pals are appalled because they believe he’s a MAGA acolyte…Andrew Torba, founder of the right-friendly social platform Gab, suggests that suspected would-be assassin Thomas Crooks supported Biden’s policies. Torba points to several of Crook’s Gab posts as evidence…President Oliver?  And I don’t mean Emmy-award-winning political satirist John Oliver.  Notorious contrarian John Stossel, a veteran of ABC News and most recently Fox Business News, thinks 38-year-old fellow Libertarian Chase Oliver could be a viable candidate for president this November ...And  finally, podcasters and social media influencers Jake and Logan Paul have offered The Donald  $12 million for the hat he was wearing during the attempt on his life. (Outkick)… If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden’s Mumbled Oval Office Speech Was Nothing But Lies and Gaffes

source: PJ Media

Biden’s speech from the Oval Office was so chock-full of outrageous lies and slurred gaffes it’s hard to know where to start when fact-checking it. But one thing is certain: when NBC called it a speech “for the history books,” they were spreading even faker news than usual.

Old Joe Biden Glitched Out During Address to Nation

source: The Gateway Pundit

Only 6,603 people tuned in to watch Old Joe on the White House YouTube Channel.Americans just aren’t interested in listening to this old corrupt, serial liar who has destroyed the lives of millions of Americans.

Biden Vows to Cure Cancer in Slurred Primetime Speech

source: Washington Free Beacon

Biden's slurred, semi-coherent address marked his first public appearance since last week, when he fled to Delaware on Air Force One after allegedly testing positive for Covid.

Biden’s Platitudes, America’s Truths

source: American Thinker

Biden’s goodbye speech said nothing about Democrats’ real agenda for Americans.

The Greatest Biden Lies of All Time

source: Townhall

There is nothing he hasn’t lied about, from his own childhood and academic accomplishments, to how and where his own son died. That shows a dedication to the craft unrivaled in modern times and a shamelessness that would make a Kardashian blush.

Biden Still Hasn’t Said Why He Dropped Out of the Race

source: National Review

Biden’s words Wednesday night leave the American people to fill in the blanks as to why he needed to drop out.

Biden Dropped Out to Save Dems, Not Democracy

source: The Federalist

The American people are owed an explanation for the Democrat elite’s coup of their democratically elected nominee for president.

Biden Ducks the Farewell Question

source: Wall Street Journal

Biden explained his abrupt departure from the presidential campaign in a speech to the nation Wednesday. . . actually, no he didn’t. He said it was time to “pass the torch to a new generation.” But why was he all-in for re-election five days ago but all-out now? He didn’t say.

Was Kamala’s Ancestor a Notorious Slave Owner?

source: Western Journal

This resurfaced family discovery could ruin her.

The Media Loveliest for Kamala Is Just Getting Started

source: Washington Examiner

Liberal media are fully in the tank for Vice President Kamala Harris. You can expect the lovefest to continue into her presidency should she win, as the media turn into her unofficial public relations team.

Kamala Is the Failed Border Czar

source: Fox News

Democrats scramble to erase this part of her resume. It won’t work.

Kamala Begins Her Campaign and It Will Be Ugly

source: Conservative View from NH

It was a pathetic day for America as it highlighted the disregard for Democracy by the Dems and the total avoidance of the truth by the media.

Kamala Should Not Have Snubbed Bibi

source: The Free Press

The VP missed an important opportunity to show Americans where she stands on Israel.