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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The National Review has crowned Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff Man of the Year. That’s not a joke. The deal-making Tinseltown lawyer is known as the hidden hand guiding Kamala Harris’s vice presidency.  Emhoff would be wise to  brace for scrutiny – good and bad -- with this spouse now the presumptive Democratic standard bearer…Clever! Here’s the latest New  York magazine cover story: Welcome to  Kamalot.  It features a beaming Harris photoshopped atop a giant coconut being swarmed by A-list supporters like Barack Obama beneath her.  Right wing media like Townhall finds fault with  the cover and features critical tweets from failed GOP presidential hopeful Ron DeSantis and others…The Gateway Pundit reports that veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh claims Obama forced Joe Biden to end  his reelection bid by threatening him with the 25th Amendment…Popular podcaster and controversy magnet Matt Walsh has a documentary debuting September 13 in select movie theaters guaranteed to raise hackles on the left.  Am I a Racist? features Walsh going undercover as a DEI expert with the obligatory man-bun. “Prepare to be shocked by how far race hustlers will go and how much further Matt Walsh will go to expose the grift, uncovering absurdities that will leave you laughing,” touts the MAGA-friendly promo for the film.  Walsh’s previous feature-length documentary outing was the cringey What Is a Woman?...If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Trump Campaign’s Simple Plan to Destroy Kamala

source: Daily Caller

Get her off script. Her penchant for gaffes and awkward moments in interviews and live events will help drive voters away, they told the Caller. After all, that’s what ultimately killed Biden’s reelection bid.

Election Interference Against Trump Has Already Begun with Google First Out of the Gate


Republicans are up in arms because Google’s search engine is seemingly hiding the recent assassination attempt on Trump. When users type “assassination attempt of Tr” into the search bar, they’re served a history lesson about Harry S. Truman instead in the company’s autocomplete feature. How quaint.

Biden’s Illegitimate “Reforms” Are a Political Bid to Tilt the Supreme Court on His Way Out

source: NY Post

By Rich Lowry: Court-packing by stealth proves Joe Biden's sad slide to the left — while cementing Kamala Harris as a radical.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Monday laugh:  In a weekend tweet, Anthony “the Mooch” Scaramucci, who only lasted 10 days in the Trump White House, thanked JD Vance “for knocking me out of the position of the worst Donald Trump hire.  I didn’t think it would happen, but here we are and I’m grateful”…In a scathing editorial, the reliably right-leaning Wall Street Journal threw shade on Vance’s rocky first weeks as The Donald’s No. 2: “An old political saw is that the best VP choice is one who gets applause upon announcement and then is never heard from again. You can tell that doesn’t apply to Mr. Vance since Mr. Trump is being asked if he still believes he made the right choice. He says he does, but the Trump campaign can’t be happy about having to defend Mr. Vance instead of focusing on Kamala Harris’s many extreme views”…Melania Trump’s memoir Melania drops on September 17.   I’ve made a promise to myself not to  snark about the ex-First Lady’s foray into the world of letters.  Now if there was an iota of a chance that the Sphinx-like former First Lady was going to pull back the covers on her bizarre relationship with the ex-POTUS, I might be eager to read it. Instead, I’ll have to settle for 2020's Melania and Me, by ex-senior advisor Stephanie Winston Wolkoff…Ninety-nine days until the election. Nail-biting time….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

The 2024 Olympics Turns into a Demonic Pride Parade

source: FrontPage

Because Western cultural elites today are overwhelmingly cultural Marxists, the organizers of the 2800-year-old athletic competition decided to jettison any connection with sports, athletic excellence, or national pride, and instead promote the normalization of sexual perversion, gender ideology, and anti-Christian bigotry.

The Woke French Win the Gold Medal for Mockery

source: Townhall

French organizers thought it was clever to make a satirical spectacle of Leonardo da Vinci’s famous painting of The Last Supper. Filling the role of the apostles were drag queens and a transgender model.  Representing Jesus was a scantily clad overweight woman. For many Christians, the presentation was sacrilegious and a blatant attack on the religion.

Well, Jill Liked the Olympic Ceremony

source: American Thinker

Our First Lady attends a presentation that mocks the Last Supper and the wife of the Catholic President is cool with it. Not a word attacking that part of the show!

Drag Queen Olympics Is What a Kamala Presidency Will Look Like

source: PJ Media

By Stephen Kruiser: The thought of a Kamala Harris presidency is truly the stuff of nightmares. It will be a Pandora's box of leftist ills unleashed upon the Republic that will all but guarantee its demise. The drag queens will love it, though.

Paris Olympics Follows Kamala’s Lead and Opens with Christian-Bashing Cross-Dressers

source: American Greatness

While this Olympics cross-dressing catastrophe was watched by millions, another cross-dressing clown show went under the radar earlier in the week, as Kamala Harris opened her campaign on the set of a cross-dressing TV show.

Kamala Made a Career of Pretending to Be Marginalized

source: Fox News

Equal opportunity doesn't matter to Kamala Harris. It's equal results or something radical called "equity."

Nothing Is Out of Bounds in Attacking Kackling Kamala

source: Townhall

By Kurt Schlichter: We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh. We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire. And, of course, we’re not supposed to talk about her sordid history of sexual ladder climbing.

Kamala Is VP, Presidential Nominee and Honorary Sex Worker

source: Victory Girls

This is one of the hidden stories the media will not tell you. It is a story that bears repeating. We go back to 2008, when Kamala Harris said she wanted to be an “honorary sex worker” and this quote was brought up on national TV.

Meet Kamala’s Radical Pastor

source: Washington Free Beacon

Pastor Amos Brown has  history of radical, anti-American remarks that have elicited blowback even from San Francisco Democrats, including former House speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Will Kamala Snag Taylor Swift’s Coveted Endorsement?

source: Hollywood in Toto

If Swift stays out of the 2024 campaign and Harris loses to Trump, the media won’t be happy. Expect a flood of furious think pieces blaming her for a second Trump term, no matter how specious the argument may be. For that reason alone expect Swift’s silence to end between now and Election Day.

Will the Media Makeover of Kamala Work?

source: American Spectator

The electorate knows her too well and time is too short.

Fake Republicans Are Pimping for Socialist Kamala in Swing States


The latest laughable group of “Republicans” who are pushing ANY candidate who goes up against Trump is a group called “Republican Voters Against Trump." They announced that they have launched a $500K campaign to support Kamala Harris, the poster child for socialism.

The Biden Coverup Comes Back to Bite the Dems

source: The American Conservative

We now can surmise that the 2020 basement campaign, supposedly compelled by Covid, was actually a subterfuge, a way to spoon-feed good images and sound bites of Biden to the public and hide his ongoing condition.

Biden Gets It Wrong on Trump, NATO

source: Newsmax

By the end of his first administration, Trump had collected $130 billion in increased military outlays by America’s NATO allies.