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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Most Americans celebrated yesterday's release of the 16 prisoners held by Russia.  But not Donald J. Trump.  For weeks, The Donald had been promising that if reelected to the White House, he’d quickly secure the  release of Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich, the most prominent of those held by Putin and company.  However, it was Joe Biden who engineered the art of the deal, leaving The Donald to whine about the good news (here’s what he wrote) … Worth mentioning (even if it’s most likely wishful thinking): Anthony Scaramucci predicts on X that Trump will drop out of the race…The social media analytical company Zelf, which specializes in examining content produced on Tik Tok, released its first political report this week.  The company studied 153,300 videos from June 27 to July 26 mentioning Trump, Biden and Kamala Harris.  Since Biden dropped out July 21, Zelf reports that Harris’s Tik Toks received almost two billion views.  Worth mentioning: There’s a new Substack which interprets the Zelf data.  The newsletter just reported that more than three-fourths of Tik Tok posts referring to Vance in the last week were negative…. Weekend Read: Guilty Pleasures: Sex, God and Murder in Tallahassee, Florida.  It’s the true story of a love triangle gone horribly wrong involving two young devout Christian couples.  I can’t stop reading it…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Biden’s Prisoner Swap Encourages Taking American Hostages

source: FrontPage

The only way to disincentivize hostage-taking is to stop rewarding it.

Antisemites Target Josh Shapiro

source: Wall Street Journal

The attack on Mr. Shapiro is part of a far-left campaign to portray Jews as perpetrators or enablers of genocide. The logical extension is that either the Democratic Party should refuse to embrace Jewish candidates because of their identity, or that such candidates should renounce their Jewish identity to please the antisemitic mob.

Who’s Behind JD Vance?

source: The Kennedy Beacon

Is he a CIA candidate because of his ties to government contractor Palantir Technologies?

Elon Musk Is Right: End the Online Censorship Racket

source: The Hill

By Jonathan Turkey: An alarming new report of the House Judiciary Committee details the Global Alliance for Responsible Media's work to censor conservative and opposing viewpoints in the media by targeting figures such as Joe Rogan and entire social media platforms such as X.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Donald Trump’s interview yesterday at the annual National Association of Black Journalists confab is being described as his “worst ever.” Here’s one recap of the debacle from veteran Democratic strategist and investigative reporter  Scott Dworkin.  If you’re interested in the entire 34-minute trainwreck, go here…After reading all of The Donald’s vicious Truth Social posts yesterday, I deduced that the vile nickname he’s settled on for our duly elected Veep  is “Crazy Kamala”…Trump’s third self-serving tome since leaving the White House drops on September 3.  Save America looks at his so-called accomplishments during his presidency and his vision for a second Trump dynasty. It sells for – hold on to your MAGA hat -- $99.  Signed copies balloon to $499.’s Liberty Paige suggests a way to avoid the ridiculous price tag:  “If you want to read it for free, start bugging your local library NOW to get a copy or two for their shelves. If they can use taxpayer dollars and time to order transgender books and host drag show queen reading hours, I’m sure they can spare a few minutes and a few dollars to get a Trumpian memoir or two”…And finally, TheRighting has an article today, written with tongue firmly inserted in cheek, pondering Trump’s tough choices for VP should he decide to dump beleaguered JD Vance. One selection is a certain Chicago mobster…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Lefty “Masculinity” Applauds Men Who Beat Women in the Olympics

source: Victory Girls

Democrats, especially the illiberal, Queering-the-culture, Leftwing of America’s authoritarian party need to be confronted now that the world has watched a man physically beat up a woman at the Olympics. We have been protesting the alphabet mafia’s cant, transwomen are women, for years, warning about the consequences of putting biological males in females spaces.

The Invention of Obama and Kamala’s “Blackness’

source: FrontPage

When it's convenient, she's black, when it's convenient she's Indian or even Asian.

Kamala Is Obama’s “Ding-Dong”

source: American Spectator

She's a Xerox of a Xerox of a Xerox.

Trump Explodes Heads: Kamala Was Indian Before She Was Black

source: Hot Air

So former President Trump did what only he does best and walked into the proverbial "lion's den" at the National Association of Black Journalists conference. It was by invitation - they also issued one to his opponent, whoever it was at the time and now isn't - but Trump is the only one who showed up.

Trump and the Black Journalists

source: Wall Street Journal

The former President meets his critics head on. Where was Kamala Harris?

Trump Unloads on Reporter at Black Journalists Event

source: Daily Caller

Former President Donald Trump criticized ABC News reporter Rachel Scott on Wednesday for how she questioned him to start his appearance at the National Association of Black Journalists convention in Chicago. 

How Kamala Climbed the Peaks of DEI

source: Ann Coulter

DEI proponents have denounced the suggestion that Harris is a DEI hire on the grounds that Biden did not expressly say his VP had to be a black woman. As Whoopi Goldberg indignantly pointed out, “[Biden] never said that. He said that he was thinking about a woman. He never said her color.” Oh, cut the crap.

Kamala’s Campaign Paying Social Media Users to Say Positive Things About Her

source: Loomered

Is there anything authentic about Kamala Harris? The answer to this question is a resounding no.

Two Outrageous Bills Kamala Sponsored Would Crush Taxpayers

source: Fox News

Kamala Harris backed climate equity and crisis payments that would have spiked national debt another $20 billion

Let Trump Be Trump

source: Human Events

Trump attained the highest office in the world by behaving exactly as he is now. For nearly a decade, the perpetually anxious ‘right-wing’ media has called for Trump to change, fearing he will turn away more voters than he will bring in. In reality, the opposite is true.

Trump Is Streamrolling Kamala’s Honeymoon

source: PJ Media

The Kamala Harris honeymoon momentum has been nothing more than timid, well-choreographed political theater. It's the 2020 basement campaign but with more trips outside.

Three Possibilities to Replace JD You-Know-Who (Satire)

source: A Righting Original

To: Donald J. Trump: The bearded guy you selected seems to be tanking bigly in the polls. As you did in The Apprentice, there seems to be no reason why he should not be shown to the elevator for the long ride down.

Late-Night Propagandists Come for JD Vance

source: Hollywood in Toto

Oliver, Colbert promote Fake News attack on Trump's VP choice.