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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! The right is beginning to turn on Donald Trump for his sagging polls numbers. Liberty Paige,’s prolific and fiery right wing blogger, advises Trump to avoid the petty grievances because the country has more important issues to deal with.  “Drop the nicknames and the B.S. at the rallies and especially on Truth Social and stay on message,” she wrote over the weekend.  “Issues matter, not your harping on the past. The country is going to go down in flames if you don’t get your act together and defeat these socialist lunatics.” Townhall’s Scott Morefield expressed more disdain for Trump’s response to Kamala Harris’s surging  campaign. He urges the Duke of Bedminster. “to clean up his act and stop making unforced errors to hurt his chances.”…The Granite Grok is insinuating that images of huge crowds at rallies for Kamala Harris have been photoshopped to inflate the size of her audiences. As “proof” the Grok published a pic of Kamala and Walz exiting Air Force II to a sea of people.  However, the Grok claims only two people are visible in the reflection of the left engine’s metal in the image they posted… In Butler, PA, site of  last month’s assassination attempt of Donald Trump, a local artist made a life-size sculpture of the ex-POTUS entirely from nails. Doug Secunda wanted to portray Trump “tough as nails.” Wonder how it might look in the foyer at Mar-a-Lago.  (Fox News) …Don Jr. thinks it’s weird that Tim Walz greets his wife with a handshake and not a kiss, according to this video post on X. Is Mini-Me Trump questioning Walz’s sexual orientation? Weird…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Hamas-Loving Harris Is Working Hard for the Dearborn Vote

source: PJ Media

With Michigan being so important to victory for either Trump or Harris, the Dems have decided to keep it in play by giving a "wink-wink, nudge-nudge" to the substantial number of Muslim voters in the state. Who knows if anything short of completely disavowing Israel will play with the all-important "free Palestine" Dearborn portion of the Michigan electorate.

Is Obama Covertly Running Kamala’s Campaign?

source: Townhall

Would you be shocked if we discovered later that Obama was the secret quarterback here? The former president worked behind the scenes to jettison Biden after his disastrous June 27 debate. He knew Biden couldn’t beat Trump and felt the same way about Kamala. Like the rest of the party, he’s obsessed with defeating Trumpism in America.

Kamala Is Being Recast as a Centrist Dem

source: NY Post

But the radical truth is plain to see.

Women Must Wake Up to the Dangers of the Harris Platform

source: Newsmax

Women, particularly in our Hispanic communities, must wake up to the dangers of Harris's platform. Her vision, draped in the deceptive cloak of "progressivism," seeks nothing less than to replace our cherished freedoms with an oppressive socialist regime.

Don’t Let the Camo Hat Distract You from Walz’s Radical Record

source: TheFederalist

Tim Walz’s record as governor of Minnesota is every bit as bad as that of the Biden-Harris administration, if not worse.

Kamala and Walz Are the Radicals

source: American Spectator

It’s long past time to label Harris a radical progressive. Walz deserves the same.

Walz Is the Squad’s Radical Sidekick


The takeover of the Democrat Party by its most fringe elements is complete this week as Kamala Harris picks a guy who seems to be to the left of her, Bernie Sanders, and completely embraced by the radicals in the Squad.

The Next Assassination Attempt

source: WND

Behind that carefully inculcated fever of bloodlust boiling in leftist America now, there are the calmer minds that created it. And they will have developed any number of plans to take Donald Trump out. Good and well, they think, if some lunatic does the job for them, but there's no counting on that. They are gaming it now, full-time

Who’s Getting “Bidened” Next?

source: FrontPage

Now that a party forced out its own presidential nominee in a game of electoral Moneyball, what’s to stop it from happening again? Let’s say your party’s nominee isn’t a mildly stewed vegetable, but his poll numbers are poor. He got through the primaries, but his VP pick polls better? Why wouldn’t you ‘Biden’ him?

Dem Voters Can Evict Another Antisemite By Defeating Ilhan Omar

source: Washington Examiner

Voters in Minneapolis have a chance in Tuesday’s primary to defeat Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN) bid for renomination, thus extending a growing backlash against the most radical Democrats. The Minnesota voters would be following the lead of Missouri Democrats who voted to evict Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), as well as New York Democrats who chose to oust Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY) in June.

“Twister” Whips Up Lessons for Disney and Far-Left Hollywood

source: Fox News

We will soon see if far-left Hollywood learns a valuable – and profitable – lesson from 'Twisters'

Will There Always Be an England?

source: European Conservative

There will always be an England, but only if there are Englishmen. There will only be Englishmen if Englishmen are willing to struggle for their identity as a people.

MSNBC Frets Gay Illegal Immigrants Not Entering U.S. Quickly Enough

source: NewsBusters

On Friday morning, MSNBC's Jose Diaz Balart devoted a segment to complaining about both the Biden and Trump administrations slowing down the entry of illegal immigrants as the liberal host fretted that limiting immigrant entry makes it take longer for LGBT asylum seekers to enter the country.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Here come the Donald Trump books  just in time for the last 90 days of the White House race.  First up, Trump in Exile, by Meredith McGraw, which looks into his post-presidency life as the Count of Mar-a-Lago (my phrase). Maybe a better title would’ve been “The Man Who Wouldn’t Go Away.” The Donald tell-all I want to read is the one that peels back the covers on his marriage to Melania.  I’d settle for a fictionalized version patterned after the excellent novel Rodham, about relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton…Fifty years ago today, Richard Nixon slithered away from the White House.  Just in time for this dark anniversary, there’s a new biography of Pat Nixon, Tricky Dickie’s First Lady. American Spectator’s Ben Stein,  a former Nixon speechwriter gushes that it’s about “the Mrs. Nixon I have always loved”…Dept. of Surprises: The Wall Street Journal reports that Tim Walz and his wife Gwen  have a net worth of only $330,000 based on his 2019 financial disclosure…The Wall Street Journal’s  Peggy Noonan observes that Trump is showing his age and it’s become a campaign issue.  Noonan writes, “For the first time this week I thought people were wondering about the impact of Mr. Trump’s age. He is 78. He hasn’t been able to focus, make his case. Is he, in another irony of 2024, turning into Joe Biden?”  To quote singer Smokey Robinson: “I second that emotion.” And so apparently does The New Republic which referred to The Donald  in a headline today as “Old Man Trump”…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting.  Howard

Does Kamala Really Want to Be President?

source: Liberty Nation News

Her actions and statements – or lack thereof – suggest she is not serious about governing.

Kamala Harris: Mystery Commander in Chief

source: Wall Street Journal

Kamala Harris is all but telling Americans they’ll have to elect her to find out what she really believes, as the Vice President ducks interviews and the media give her a free ride. This is bad enough on domestic issues, but on foreign policy it could be perilous.

Kamala’s Counsel Defended Hamas Supporters Harassing Jewish Students

source: FrontPage

Meet one of Kamala’s top lawyers: an Afghan immigrant who protected terrorists.

America Under Kamala Would Be Unsafe and Unaffordable for Women

source: Fox News

By Lara Trump: Kamala Harris needs women voters to win, but prices have spiked for diapers and childcare.