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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Dept. of Nattering Nabob of Negativity: Donald Trump has a list of the more than two dozen “most outrageous moments” from DNC Day 2. (…Last night, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff gave a first-rate speech that underscored the humanity, decency and joy of the Harris/Waltz ticket.  Still, it was Michelle Obama who gave the show-stopper  call-to-arms address (see speech here). The one-two punch of Michele and her husband and fellow headliner Barack Obama raises the bar for Kamala’s acceptance address tomorrow night. Hard to top that duo.…The Daily Signal has an even-handed list of takeaways from DNC Day 2…Minnesota’s Attorney General Keith Ellison, a practicing Muslim, will speak at the DNC tonight about achieving peace in Gaza. Given the rift Gaza has caused among the Dems this could be one of the convention’s most consequential speeches. (The Nation)…Will coastal Albania be the new hot holiday destination?  Jared Kushner  is betting on it.  According to the Washington Post, the former first-son-in-law wants to build a luxury resort on an undeveloped stretch of Albania’s Mediterranean coast. Environmentalists are opposing Mister Ivanka’s plans...According to TheRighting’s monthly Trump Link Tracker, The Donald  favors linking to outlets, such as Fox News and the New York Post, despite repeated Trump World rifts with Rupert Murdoch’s media empire.  In addition, Trump is linking more to mainstream news organizations, including the New York Times, but only when they’re taking swipes at his adversaries…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Michelle Obama Endorses Porn in School and Transing Kids on DNC Day 2

source: Washington Stand

Former First Lady Michelle Obama celebrated "children" identifying as transgender, vilified concerned parents' efforts to remove pornographic books from children's sections of school libraries, and embraced life-destroying fertility methods during the most celebrated speech of the DNC to date Tuesday night.

Obamas Lecture America on Decency as the Democrats Lie

source: NY Post

Not only do Democrats fashion themselves the protectors of “democracy,” they claim to be champions of decency.Well, if the second day of the Democratic National Convention is any indication, the left doesn’t have any claim on the high moral ground.

The Harris Plan to Lower Your Wages

source: Wall Street Journal

The Vice President wants to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%, which will ultimately be paid by workers.

Kamala Would Be Our Most Pro-Hamas President

source: WND

Kamala Harris supports Israel like Barack Obama supported traditional marriage in 2008. Just enough to win the election.

Kamala Isn’t Ready to Fight Trump

source: Fox News

Directly interacting with the voters is the essence of politics, but Harris skipped it

Kamala’s Authoritarian “Joy”

source: Townhall

By Ben Shapiro: Joy is a sword to be used against opponents. Donald Trump, we are told, is a candidate of darkness and revenge. JD Vance, his vice presidential candidate, is "weird" and authoritarian. Why can't they feel the joy?

Kamala Is Coming for Your House

source: American Thinker

If you thought Kamala Harris's price controls scheme was straight out of the Book of Nicolás Maduro, wait till you see what she has in stores with her proposal for a 25% tax on unrealized capital gains.

Yes, They Are Communists

source: Washington Examiner

Democrats might not like it, but Vice President Kamala Harris has a record littered with communism, and she is adding fuel to the fire as her presidential campaign takes shape.

Trump Links Most to Murdoch-Controlled Media

source: A Righting Research Exclusive

Murdoch-controlled media outlets received the most links from Trump in July on Truth Social and his website, according to new research released today by TheRighting. led all news websites with 40 links from Trump

Did Brad Raffensperger Illegally Change Absentee Ballot Rules in 2020?

source: The Federalist

Georgia voters deserve to know whether Brad Raffensperger, the state election board, and county boards of election violated the law in the 2020 election.

Corrupt Media Couldn’t Save Disney’s “The Acolyte” from Cancellation

source: Hollywood in Toto

The series doubled down on Disney’s progressive agenda, from the cast’s aggressive diversity to the creation of a lesbian witch coven. The media became Disney’s extended PR team, swatting away naysayers without giving fans credit for sussing out a shoddy series.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Joe Biden, late night host?  Most of the East Coast was probably asleep by the time the President took the stage just before 11:30 at last night’s DNC.  That was a kick in the dentures to POTUS Joe, as well as a disservice to his supporters who wanted to see him take a bow and graciously anoint Kamala Harris.  Still, there was a lot to like last night, such as call-to-arms speeches by Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez and Hillary Clinton (her best ever, IMO).  The pundit class has been busy all morning showering praise on the DNC high points.  One of my favorites was Golden State Warriors coach Steve Kerr who led  the USA basketball team to Olympic  gold.  He was funny, irreverent, insightful, and best of all he was succinct. Kerr’s basketball credentials give him strong appeal to young male voters the Dems want to pull it. Hope Kerr’s  full-throttled support of democracy and the Harris/Waltz ticket won't cost  him future employment and endorsements but he’s got my vote for whatever he does...A Wall Street Journal op-ed appears strategically timed for the start of DNC. GOP Veep hopeful and cat lady hater JD Vance writes in the WSJ that Kamala Harris is waging a war on U.S. energy…Week’s weirdest headline from the right, courtesy of WND: “How the German Gay Movement Groomed Hitler.” Apologies, but I can’t bring myself to read it…In his latest column for us, TheRighting’s David Lieberman reveals that Wall Street has soured on right wing media companies including one owned by a certain ex-president…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Dems Bury an Angry, Shouting Joe at 11:30 in Final Disgrace

source: NY Post

That wasn’t an accident. The first night of the convention was losers night, featuring Biden and Hillary Clinton along with duds like Kathy Hochul and zealots like AOC.  Democrats lined up an endless list of speakers ahead of Biden to push his speech back as far as they could, so as few people as possible would hear it.

Poor, Unwanted Joe

source: Wall Street Journal

The Democratic Party gave him a Monday night speaking slot to bid his farewells, collect his encomiums and then get out of town as fast as possible. That’s when the real party can begin.

The Final Ride of Adderall Joe

source: PJ Media

His handlers got the uppers cocktail timed right. Screamin' Joe was back. If you like emphatic finger-pointing, Biden's DNC farewell speech was the motherlode. The puppet masters also seemed to have had him practice shaking his fist a lot. Even when he stuck to the script it was nonsensical

Dems Shove Biden Out of Prime Time for Last Gasp of Presidency

source: Daily Caller

As the speakers leading up to Biden on the schedule began dragging on and on, speculation swirled about how and why the president had been shoved aside to speak when many Americans would already be asleep.

Biden’s Final Indignity

source: Liberty Nation News

A sitting president reduced to an afterthought delivers an off-Broadway farewell to Democrats.

Good Riddance to Biden

source: Fox News

Biden gets pushed aside by Democrats after he helped them clobber the middle class