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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Trump is practically begging visitors on his website for campaign contributions.  The home page copy reads, “PLEASE please give just $10 to STAND WITH TRUMP ASAP”… The Federalist CEO Sean Davis has a bone to pick with Kamala Harris about the interview she and running mate Tim Walz are doing with CNN’s Dana Bash tomorrow night. “Joe Biden can’t get into a car or up a flight of stairs without a handler, and apparently Kamala Harris can’t even talk to a CNN reporter by herself.  Embarrassing,” Davis  tweeted…The University of Colorado  has appointed a “conservative thought professor” at the famously progressive school.  Prof. Patrick Deneen’s reading list for students in his class includes works by Leo Strauss, Allan Bloom, Wendell Berry, Matthew Crawford, Robert Nisbet and Christopher Lasch. (The College Fix)… Serious concerns continue to be raised from the right about Trump’s campaign appearances that have become increasingly erratic since Joe Biden exited the White House sweepstakes.  The Daily Caller urges the Bedminster Bloviator  to stop with the tired schoolyard name calling schtick before it’s too late. “Trump can’t beat Harris with insults,” advises writer J.D. Foster.  Agreed! … Just in time for back to school shopping!  Tucker Carlson has opened an online store, but you’re going to have to open your wallet wide to order anything.  T-shirts start at $30, and hats, including a MAGA red one emblazoned with Carlson’s mug, sell for $32. There’s even a Kid Rock collection offering two types of t-shirts….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Musical Chairs in the Oval Office


Trump stopped at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to show his respect for the 13 military members who died during Joe Biden's and Kamala Harris’ botched exit from Afghanistan. In a normal world, the ceremony at Arlington would be attended by the President or the Vice President, but Biden, having been exiled by his party a month ago, is on another extended vacation.

Rome Is Burning, Joe Is on Vacation

source: Uncategorized

Both of our leaders have deserted us, and if anyone thinks this has not gotten the attention of our enemies, they are a fool. The Iranians, Chinese, Russians, and North Koreans are pulling for Kamala as she will be a ticket for whatever they wish for four years.

Biden-Harris Refused to Stop Houthi Attacks on Ships to Avoid Offending Iran

source: FrontPage

The lives of American sailors were valued less than appeasing Iran.

Secret Service Agents “Violently Push” Americans Out of the Way So Jill Biden Can Go Shopping

source: WND

"She is a power-hungry elitist who loves watching peasants get manhandled so she can stroll and shop on taxpayer dime."

Trump Is Running for a First Term, Not a Second

source: American Spectator

He was undermined every step of the way during his first term.

NASA and Boeing’s Failure Reminds Us of What’s at Stake in This Election

source: The Federalist

America’s space program is no longer a nationalist vanity project but a serious matter of strategic interest.

Biden’s Social-Media Censorship Regime

source: National Review

Mark Zuckerberg confirmed that the administration pressured Facebook into suppressing speech — including jokes — during the pandemic

The Media Aren’t Biased. They Are Democratic Agents

source: Washington Examiner

If President Richard Nixon had been a Democrat, he almost certainly would have avoided impeachment and resignation, and if a Democrat ended the Cold War without firing a single shot, well, he’d probably be on Mount Rushmore.

Josh Shapiro Plots a Course for His Political Future

source: The Dispatch

Though Pennsylvania’s governor isn’t on the Democratic ticket, he still made the most of last week’s convention.

Arrest of Telegram Founder in France Should Scare Americans Worried About Free Speech

source: NY Post

When it comes to European social media censorship, what happens in Europe doesn’t stay in Europe. Americans should be worried.

TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Donald Trump reminds the world on his website that it has been 37 days since Joe Biden dropped out of the race and Kamala Harris has yet to give an interview.  When she finally relents, Trump offers 11 questions that reporters should ask her, including this whopper: “Do you regret releasing terrorists in the country?”… Trump’s Mar-a-Lago Club could soon be shut down.  The Palm Beach Post reports that the city’s town council is considering the drastic action because of the closure of a busy road near the club out of safety concerns after the assassination attempt.  If the club was shut down, the road could be reopened…Trouble is brewing for the new CEO of Starbucks and it could land him in hot water with environmental groups, according to the Wall Street Journal.  As part of his deal with Starbucks, honcho Brian Niccol is allowed to commute by company jet from his home south of Los Angeles to the Seattle coffee giant’s HQ.  It’s estimated that his round trip air travel releases nine tons of carbon dioxide.  For years, Starbuck has touted its long-standing commitment to battle climate change. Right wing media will probably pounce on this apparent hypocrisy from the socially aware Starbucks…In case anyone cares: the Washington Examiner has begun putting many of its editorials and opinion pieces behind a paywall…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard 

The Democrats’ Platform Proves That They Are Now a Socialist Party

source: Human Events

The Democrats are telling the American people that socialism has now become the official doctrine of their party. Nowhere was this more evident than in the platform’s healthcare section.

Goodbye JFK Democrats

source: Townhall

President John F. Kennedy was a staunch anti-communist who fought against union and government corruption. Democrats are now for higher taxes: They ignore and excuse union and government corruption and they don't even talk about growth. It is all income redistribution.

The Democrat Machine Has Dumbed Down the Left

source: Conservative View from NH

Anyone watching the happenings of the last five weeks with an open mind has to agree that we are no longer a government of the people but one that looks down on and uses its people to preserve the power of those at the top. It is truly a sad and disheartening time for America, and we are approaching a point of no return.

Defecting Dems

source: PJ Media

An increasing number of people are waking up to the fact that the Democrats, in their current incarnation, have become the party of the wealthy elite, no matter how much they accuse conservatives of being members of the white wine spritzer/camembert set.

Kamala’s War on Food Prices Is an Assault on Freedom

source: Daily Caller

Kamala Harris recently rolled out a proposal to tackle food prices, framing it as a response to “price gouging” by grocery stores and producers. This proposal is not just flawed, it is a classic example of overreach by the left that seems more interested in expanding bureaucratic control than addressing the real issues.

Kamala Is America’s Most Left Wing Major Party Candidate for the Presidency Since WWII

source: Fox News

And it isn’t even close. Independents and moderates of both parties should break heavily for Donald Trump.

Kamala’s Biggest Lie on Race and Inequality

source: The American Conservative

Kamala glorifies Berkeley’s failed school busing regime, which leaves black students five years behind white students.