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Destroying the Rule of Law to Get Trump

source: WND


The Democratic Party (and some of the GOP's old guard) have decided that Donald Trump is the devil and they are willing to cut down every law in the United States to get to him. It started in 2016 with the baseless accusations that Trump had somehow "colluded" with Russia to win the 2016 presidential election.

Drive-By Smears of Clarence Thomas Never End

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

In a new article with five names in the byline, anti-Supreme Court outfit ProPublica takes a decades-old offhand complaint that Thomas made about his salary and spins it into a nefarious conspiracy.

Leftist Hatred for Heterosexual Fathers

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Leftists are waging war against nuclear families that include biological fathers.

The Islamization of Spain: from al-Andalus to the Migration Crisis

source: The European Conservative

The European Conservative

We must refute the myth that Muslim-occupied medieval Spain was a bastion of peace and multiculturalism.

Colorado Court’s Weak Case Only Strengthens Trump’s Chances for 2024

source: NY Post

NY Post

The Colorado Supreme Court’s decision to try to kick Trump off the ballot on Tuesday was the decadent, spurious, irresponsible, inevitable, and logical conclusion to the long-standing practices of the Resistance, which for six years has been the former president’s greatest asset.


Why Harvard Can’t Fire Claudine Gay

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Anyone suggesting that Ms. Gay deserves the same treatment as Ms. Magill stands accused of racism by liberal elites who maintain that all black people not named Clarence Thomas are off-limits to criticism.

SCOTUS Should rule Constitution Matters More Than Defeating Trump at Any Cost

source: NY Post

NY Post

The Colorado decision to bar Donald Trump from the ballot will be overturned because it is wrong on the history and the language of the 14th Amendment.

Barring Trump from Ballots Is a Recipe for Violence

source: WND


By Ben Shapiro: The weaponization of the legal system creates an all-consuming fire, burning everything in its path. There is simply no 2024 result likely to result in anything but complete – and perhaps violent – chaos at this point.

Buy Your Kids Toy Guns This Christmas

source: Townhall


By Kurt Schlichter: Boys must be exposed to toy guns at a young age. And toy firetrucks and race cars and airplanes and the rest of the actiony, adventury toys that begin to teach little boys to be big men. And for girls – and only girls, because only girls will ever be mothers – there are baby dolls as well. Play is play, sure, but play is also practice.

Mayor Pete Has Spent Thousands in Taxpayer Cash Traveling on Government Jets

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

Buttigieg has racked up almost $60,000 in plane tickets on government jets. That means that his current carbon footprint is bigger than some American cities, and he accomplished that with other people’s money. It must be nice to be a Democrat.

Colorado Uses Shoddy Reasoning to Remove Trump from 2024 Ballot

source: Newsmax


Democrats repeatedly go on about protecting "our democracy," while using every underhanded trick they can conceive of to win an election. Their mantra in this case is: If you can't beat them, disqualify them.

Poster Boy for Covid Jab Dies Suddenly at 39

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Another tragic loss as an otherwise young and healthy man suddenly drops dead. Lt. Col. Jered Little, “commander of Public Health Activity-Hawaii,” was proudly advertised en masse to encourage uptake of the Covid vaccine. He died on Nov. 30 of a heart attack or stroke.


There Is No Nonpolitical Case for Trying Trump Before Election Day

source: National Review

National Review

The arguments for trying the former president before the election belie the claim that these prosecutions aren’t political.


Elon Musk Is Making All the Right Enemies

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

What really annoyed the lefties was not only that Musk purchased one of the crown jewels in social media, but that he did it on a whim. It was his casual, You commies are annoying, I think I'll just buy the place, attitude that got the poor dears right in the feelings. 

Ex-Steelers Star Tries to Play Victim After White People Criticism

source: Fox News

Fox News

Former Pittsburgh Steelers running back Rashard Mendenhall tried to play the victim on Monday after he directed criticism at White people for commenting on football.

The Senate Sex Tape Is Also Textbook Sexual Harassment

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

It turns out that the taxpayers aren't the only people getting screwed in the storied halls of the Senate. In the scandal that everyone in the Beltway can't shut up about, the now-infamous Senate staffer who filmed a sex tape in a hearing room in the Hart Senate Office Building is insisting that he is the real victim.

The Campaign Against Clarence Thomas Misfires Again

source: National Review

National Review

The continuing effort to discredit the Supreme Court justice is growing ever more desperate.