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Moronic Al Sharpton Defense of Claudine Gay Is a Pure Race Hustle

source: NY Post

NY Post

Al Sharpton, the original racial grievance merchant, has chimed in on the Claudine Gay firing — and is getting slapped for his trouble by sports media legend Sage Steele. 

JFK Protestors Show That They’ve Learned the Lessons of the George Floyd Riots

source: FrontPage


And they’re proudly flaunting the Hamas flag.

A Response to Claudine Gay

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Claudine Gay should have stuck to plagiarism. Her mind-numbing academic prose may have been lifted from her colleagues, but at least it didn’t gaslight the public in a self-serving—dare we say, bad faith—attempt to salvage her career and her reputation at the expense of the truth.


So Who Wants to Go to Harvard Now?

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Why on Earth would an institution like Harvard sully itself by appointing the likes of Claudine Gay?

Harvard Jumps Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Gay’s removal is not the end of Harvard’s dilemma. Rather, it is the beginning.

Black Women in Charge

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Iintersectionality has mostly placed a lot of black women in high-profile jobs far beyond their abilities. I think we’re all on board with the idea that one shouldn’t be denied a job because of his race or sex. What we’re learning the hard way is that no one should be given a job for these characteristics, either.

Claudine Gay and a World Without Standards

source: Townhall


The funny thing about having low standards for hiring is whoever you hire based on them will have difficulty meeting them. When you lower the bar you inevitably end up with a candidate who needed the bar lowered, and someone like that will never exceed expectations.

The Usual Suspects Claim Gay’s Ouster Was a Coordinated Racist Attack

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

It doesn’t go well.

Leftist Media Claim Conservatives Weaponize Plagiarism to “Trap” Claudine Gay

source: Campus Reform

Campus Reform

Several leftist media outlets were quick to place the blame on conservatives for Claudine Gay’s resignation.

Claudine Gay and America’s New Class System

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

By Hugo Gurdon: Kendi, West, Sharpton, Bowman, and all other members of the outrage gang demand special treatment because Gay is black. They will not acknowledge, but evidently believe, that black people in lofty positions should be regarded as members of a race-based high caste above criticism.

Did Claudine Gay Finally Kill DEI?

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

Claudine Gay might be the most prominent individual in academia to exemplify the dangers of DEI in the decision process for those placed in positions of authority.

Claudine Gay: Another DEI Success Story

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

In our Brave New World — actually a Cowardly Old World — where DEI rules education, the great Ivy League universities have moved toward DEI Great Pretenders as presidents. At a minimum, a woman. Better if black. Even better if colored and Muslim. Or black and gay. Or, if not gay, then black and Gay.

DEI Is Still Alive and Well

source: Fox News

Fox News

Don’t think the battle is over after Harvard’s news.

Trump Is a Juggernaut That Can’t Be Stopped

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

By Corey Lewandowski: Trump’s biggest concern, that is until the Supreme Court weighs in, is liberal, self-aggrandizing individuals who are using the power of their office to keep him off the ballot.

The Left Will Roil the Country If Trump Beats Biden

source: NY Post

NY Post

Given what happens after 2016, expect more violence and screaming from the US left is Donald Trump beats Joe Biden in the 2024 election.

Was Barack Obama Guilty of Insurrection?

source: WND


If there were one president guilty of insurrection in recent years, that president would have to be Barack Obama. In late 2016 and early 2017, Obama knowingly conspired with others to subvert the presidency of Donald Trump.

If Biden Can’t Defend His Own Skin How Can He Defend America?

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

The 81-year-old presidents suffers severe sunburn on vacation less than a year after surgery to remove cancerous growth.