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The Compelling Evidence to Impeach Alejandro Mayorkas

source: Fox News

Fox News

Evidence gathered by the House Homeland Security Committee more than enough to initiate impeachment proceedings.

Merrick Garland Vows to Go After All J6 Suspects Even If They Weren’t There

source: Conservative Firing Line

Conservative Firing Line

Never mind 31,000 Chinese nationals crossing our border.


A Trashy Speech by a Trashy President

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Betraying just how misanthropic, bleak, and hateful Team Joe is.

Biden’s Scary J6 Speech

source: Townhall


Politically speaking, the purpose of the speech was clear. Given that Biden has among the lowest favorability numbers ever recorded for a sitting president, he cannot make the election about his achievements.

Biden Makes It All About Trump. Will It Be Enough?

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

For the first three years of his presidency, Biden tried to avoid saying the words Donald Trump. On Friday night, he mentioned the man 44 times.

Biden Goes Full Hitler

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Mr. Biden has come unglued with hateful rage for American citizens who support his political adversary — a dangerous new low for our country.

The Obamas Think Biden Will Lose

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

Barack and Michelle Obama apparently don't think Joe Biden has what it takes to win reelection. Rather than projecting confidence in Biden's political talents, they are sounding the alarm.

Biden’s Campaign Doesn’t “Brief” the Media

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

It colludes with them.

Lloyd Austin Disappears as Team Biden’s Incompetence Is Showcased

source: Newsmax


It almost makes you wish for a reappearance of Al Haig, so someone could claim to be in charge.

The AWOL Defense Secretary

source: National Review

National Review

Loose lips may sink ships, but a spectacularly dysfunctional lack of communication at the top of the U.S. government is its own problem.

The Bizarre Case of a Missing Defense Secretary

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

This potential disaster is without precedent in the Defense Department.  There has never been a week when the Pentagon’s chain of command broke down to such an extent that—for all we can discern—no one was in charge.

Out of Office

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

While there is a lot of talk of accountability and integrity among military professionals, a culture of casual and self-serving dishonesty persists.

As Penn and Harvard Presidents Fall, Let’s Seize the Opportunity to Reform Education

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Magill and Gay represented some of the worst aspects of our contemporary universities. They perpetuated ideologies tied to ultraprogressivism, an ideology that denigrates our founding, denies essential aspects of human nature, and treats its dogmas as replacements for actual religious faith.

Bill Ackman’s War to Make Universities Accountable Has the Left Panicked

source: NY Post

NY Post

Hedge-fund tycoon Bill Ackman is waging war to make universities accountable.

Houseplants? Is the Family Dog Next?

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

By Ray Cardello: Bill Gates believes we can replace all of our delicious proteins with plant-based alternatives. To him, I say, take your paws off my medium-rare fillet.

Apparently, Houseplants Now Contribute to Climate Change

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Climate change fearmongering is chockful of bad ideas and terrible solutions to nonexistent problems.

Trump Should Name His VP and Cabinet Now

source: Fox News

Fox News

Americans are electing not just a president but 3,000 political appointees.