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Every Black History Month Celebration Should Honor Clarence Thomas

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Just because Justice Thomas lives rent-free in the left’s collective racist mind doesn’t mean we shouldn’t celebrate him and his life.

When Will Black Americans Stop Letting Biden Disrespect Them?

source: Townhall


The Biden Administration felt politically safe allowing the Iranians off the hook got killing three black Americans because it believes that black people in America will take whatever garbage it hands out. And it seems to be right.

Standing with Texas Means We Stand with America

source: Newsmax


Texas is fighting back to secure its border, to protect its sovereignty, and to protect its citizens. Yet Biden and the Democrats are doing everything possible --- including a lawsuit against the Governor of Texas --- to keep the southern border wide open for illegal immigration and to perpetuate this massive chaotic crisis.

One Huge Mistake Is About to Rock the GOP Primaries in Texas

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

It’s all about the loopholes. Covid-19 vaccine mandates are a growing issue in the Republican primary in Texas despite two separate laws that supposedly protect Texans from being forced to choose between their career or getting vaccinated.

Hundreds Rally After “Take Our Borders Back” Convoy Reaches Texas

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

The rally kicked off with performances of Christian music as the convoy settled onto the ranch, with many spending the night on the 10-acre property, located just hundreds of yards away from the Rio Grande River. An estimated 300 vehicles were present at the event.

Biden’s South Carolina Victory Is a Joke



Biden Gets 4% of the state’s registered democratic voters to show up for him.

Is Biden Malicious, Incompetent or Conniving?

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Things are so strange, so surreal, so nihilistic in contemporary America that the chaos can only be deliberate. Chance, incompetence, and accident could not alone explain the series of disasters.

Those January Job Gains Never Happened

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

When are 335,000 new jobs not 335,000 new jobs? When Washington makes them up and the media dutifully report them with all due breathlessness.

Dems Deserve Zero Police Protection

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

So let’s get this straight: If you’re a cop in New York City, and get beaten by a band of criminal migrants who’ve been allowed by Democrats to cross into the country illegally and to live at taxpayers’ expense in one of the city’s many hotels — then you have to just sit down and shut up when these thugs get bail? Apparently.

Tucker Carlson Goes to Moscow and the Left Has a Cow

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

What are they afraid of?

Hateful Media Trashed Limbaugh After Cancer Diagnosis

source: NewsBusters


Instead of respectfully permitting conservatives to honor a cherished leader, media liberals felt compelled to use the moment to unleash a nasty stream of rhetoric tarring Limbaugh as a bigot, a “racist,” and a “misogynist” mere hours after he disclosed what would turn out to be a fatal cancer diagnosis.

Conservative Pundit Under Fire for Post Suggesting Trump Die

source: Western Journal

Western Journal

Conservative political pundit Ann Coulter ignited a social media backlash for suggesting that the best thing former President Donald Trump could do to make America great again is to die. She made the morbid recommendation Saturday.

Trump Shreds Nikki After Rival’s Appearance on “SNL”

source: Conservative Firing Line

Conservative Firing Line

Donald Trump wasted no time this weekend responding to Nikki Haley’s appearance on “Saturday Night Live” where she trashed the former president. He called her “Tricky Nikki.”

Researchers Awarded $200K to Create “Transgender Voice-Training” App

source: The College Fix

The College Fix

A transgender professor and two speech therapy experts have teamed up to create software designed to teach men how to sound feminine – and were awarded $213,878 in taxpayer funds for the effort.

How Far Will Ilhan Push Us?

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

Let’s stipulate one fact, and that is Ilhan Omar hates America and Americans. She went too far recently with that angst.

Christian Nationalism Benefits All Americans

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Unlike the progressives who attack them, Christian nationalists understand government cannot command a better society.

Ohio’s Racist Mayor Shammas Malik

source: FrontPage


Akron, Ohio’s first Pakistani Muslim mayor is convinced that America is racist. Despite winning a challenging mayoral election by 97% in which he was the only candidate on the ballot after the Republican candidate was disqualified, Shammas Malik has never stopped talking about how racism is everywhere in the country and the city that elected him.