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The 25th Amendment and a Disabled President

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Some have suggested that the 25th Amendment should be invoked. It is exceedingly unlikely for a host of political reasons that Kamala and a majority of Biden’s Cabinet would send Congress that notification. We are, however, living in dangerous times where we need a president who has the ability to protect the nation.

Defeating Michelle Obama (or Any Other Democrat)

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

We can’t let Democrats get away with a bait-and-switch and ‘wipe away’ all of Biden’s failures.

Biden Says KC Shooting Should “Shock” Us into Passing Gun Control

source: Bearing Arms

Bearing Arms

Well, the first thing to do would be to wait for the facts to emerge before deciding what the right response should be. Of course, for anti-gunners, any act of violence that involves a firearm is automatically cause to infringe on our Second Amendment rights.

The Left Slams Jon Stewart for Mocking “Elderly” Joe Biden

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

'Daily Show' host's return met with liberal rage - you can't attack Democrats!

The Tide Turns in Trump’s Favor

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Biden is an old, unpopular incumbent whose weaknesses can no longer be hidden and whose best hope of winning a second term is to jail his political opponent, an increasingly elusive contingency.

Trump Should Select Sen. Tom Cotton as His Running Mate

source: Fox News

Fox News

If Trump wants to put this election away early, he announces Cotton as the running mate and allows the contrasts with Harris to begin. 

Trump Effect? 18 NATO Members Hit Defense Spending Targets

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

Western Europe may be upset with Donald Trump, but his tough approach has hastened the strengthening of the military alliance.

Trump Is His Own Worst Enemy


By Liberty Paige: instead of laser-focusing on the country, the border, the economy and presidential stuff, he’s talking about Taylor Swift, Nikki Haley’s husband and other B.S. His mouth could cost him the presidency.

Biden Can’t Win Without Help from Trump

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

By Karl Rove: Victory would require Mr. Trump’s cooperation in making truly outrageous appeals to his hard-core supporters that alienate swing voters. Fortunately for Mr. Biden, the former president has done his best to help.

The Pandemic Years Accelerated GenZ’s Departure from the Institutional Left

source: The Daily Torch

The Daily Torch

Under pandemic-era law, Americans were forced to remain in their homes and stripped of freedom of movement, assembly, and medical autonomy on and off over a span of three years. Furthermore, the pandemic appears to have pushed parents of school age children toward the right politically due to school closures and mask and vaccine mandates.

White People Embarrassing Themselves

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

At the Grammys, Taylor Swift had to attach herself to a black person. This she did by becoming part of the show when Tracy Chapman reprised her 1988 hit “Fast Car” at the Grammys. Taylor rose from the audience, like a mushroom popping up amid the moss, and sang along for the entire song.

Is This the End of Women’s Sports?

source: Newsmax


How many college scholarships must young women continue to lose in furtherance of some bizarre ideology?


Valentine to the Future: Marriage Is the Glue That Holds Society Together

source: WND


Blessed are the single and sterile, for they shall inherit – absolutely nothing. Love, marriage and children are the natural order. Government and the culture interfere with that at our peril.

Biden Is Slowly Losing the NATO Argument to Trump

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

The former president was crude but effective when it came to the alliance’s burden-sharing.

Biden Hasn’t Lost Sycophant Stephen Colbert…Yet

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

President's age-related woes papered over by late-night propagandist.

MSNBC’s Jen Psaki Forgets She Doesn’t Work for Biden Anymore

source: Western Journal

Western Journal

She rages at the media for covering his mental decline.

Chaos Reigns in the Streets as Epic Crime Wave Terrorizes U.S.

source: America First Report

America First Report

If you were hoping that the United States would become a lawless society, you have now gotten your wish.