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One Thing Certain After Fani Willis’s Big Courtroom Embarrassment

source: Fox News

Fox News

Fani Willis did herself no favors in the court of public opinion.

Brandon Johnson, Chicago’s Tragically Stupid Mayor

source: National Review

National Review

For those of us who live in Chicago and still, against all reason and odds, love this town, it’s yet another low in incompetent governance.

Trump Is Blessed with the Best Enemies

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Most everywhere Trump looks, Lady Luck seems to be shining.

Trump Controls the Media Narrative Because He Knows How to Create It

source: Human Events

Human Events

Donald Trump is proving that some minds only get sharper with age and he is still outsmarting all of us. 

Dems Are Too Resigned to Biden

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

By Peggy Noonan: If he steps aside, he’ll be a hero to his party. If he stays, his legacy may well be a second Trump term.

Shameful Biden Tries to Reward Hamas Terror with a Palestinian State

source: NY Post

NY Post

So long as the Palestinians celebrate terror, encourage terror and pay for terror they should not have another state. Two-states? It’s not a solution. It’s part of the problem.

Is Tucker Carlson Right About American Cities?

source: Newsmax


Why are thieves allowed to steal from businesses without fear of prosecution? Why are criminals released without bail after committing violent crimes? Why do so many students think they can scream obscenities at their teachers or attack other students?

Tucker Carlson Is Wrong About Moscow

source: Townhall


if you're an average person, Moscow is awful. The average Muscovite is most likely to live in some grim outlying apartment complex, many of which were built during the Soviet era.

Radio Soros Is Going to Commie Up the Airwaves

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Conservatives have long dominated talk radio, and no one was too worried about the news stations. Soros looks to be taking an "If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em" approach, and that's fraught with disturbing possibilities for the future of this country.  The kinds of things that might make us wish we were only dealing with a rampaging virus. 

The Great Electric Vehicle Con

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Americans are starting to open their eyes to the absurdity of the Biden administration’s E.V. push.

Mr. and Mrs. America, You’re Being Lied to

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

We outsourced raising children to the government, through the public schools and day care, in exchange for two-car garages, microwaves, color televisions, women’s liberation, and TV dinners. The Baby Boomers chose their careers and keeping up with the Joneses over the well-being of their kids.

Skewed News


Reporters overwhelmingly lean Democrat. A survey by The American Journalist found that for every Republican in a newsroom, there are 10 Democrats. The reporters claim to be objective. They aren’t.


The House Should Impeach the Entire Biden Administration

source: Washington Examiner

Impeach Biden for Obstruction of Justice

source: FrontPage


New report shows Biden interfered into investigations of himself, his son and Trump.

Impeaching Mayorkas Over Border Crisis Is Justified, But Pointless

source: NY Post

NY Post

The impeachment of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over the Biden administration's handling of the migrant crisis at the US border was warranted.

Biden Kowtows to Dearborn’s Terror-Justifying Mayor to Retain Antisemitic Votes

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Abdullah Hammoud is able to make the White House shake while critics of his city’s cheerleading for mass murder are called Islamophobes.

With Biden Incapacitated, Who’s Running the Country?

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

It is clearly under leftist Democrat rule.