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Biden’s Desperate Student-Loan-Relief Giveaway

source: National Review

National Review

After getting slapped down by the Supreme Court, Biden keeps taking more steps to buy youth votes.

A President in Need of a GPS


Let’s start a fundraiser to help Biden exit the stage.

Biden the Political Opportunist Might Sell Out Israel to Save His Hide

source: NY Post

NY Post

Biden is moving to sell out Israel, with a UN Security Council resolution calling for a “temporary” cease-fire and opposition to an Israeli attack on the last major Hamas stronghold.

Trump’s Chances of Winning Are Better Than Ever

source: Townhall


By Kurt Schlichter: His persecutions have made him more popular. Every time they pull this nonsense I’m exponentially more eager to go and pull the voting lever for Donald Trump in November. And I am not unique.

Trump Is Blunt and Right About NATO

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Trump’s rhetoric may be crude, but his point is correct.

Tulsi Gabbard Would Make a Great Trump VP

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

From her skepticism of U.S. involvement in foreign conflicts to her willingness to embrace the commonsense idea that men should not be allowed to compete in women’s sports programs, Gabbard has shown a propensity to buck the political forces around her. It makes her a true outsider with an independent voice, much in the same way Trump is.

Reagan’s Conservatism Is Worth Another Look

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Conservative groups today are splintering into sects squabbling over what true conservatism is. The last Republican president to unite these sects was Ronald Reagan. He won election and then reelection by wide margins, turned over the White House to his own party, and restored America’s self-confidence, prosperity and global appeal.

Wyoming Is the Epicenter of America’s Fake “Red State” Problem

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Wyoming Republicans are governing more like blue-collar Democrats than principled conservatives.

The Specter of Covid-Era Tyranny Is Still with Us

source: WND


The danger of martial law persists. Any government so willing to weaponize one national crisis after another in order to expand its powers and justify all manner of government tyranny in the so-called name of national security will not hesitate to override the Constitution and lock down the nation again. You'd better get ready.

What Shall We Call the New State?

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

In three short years, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Alejandro Mayorkas have let enough illegal migrants breach our southern border that if we brought them all to one spot, they would total more than 36 states in our Union.

U. Penn Wants to Slash Conservative Professor’s Pay

source: The College Fix

The College Fix

The University of Pennsylvania wants to cut a conservative professor’s pay in half as part of its sanctions against her. Former law school Dean Ted Ruger’s efforts to punish Wax for comments she has made through the years, including criticizing Asian immigration into the country, are now coming to fruition.

We’ll Get to Defending the U.S. Later

source: Ann Coulter

Ann Coulter

Protecting our border has lost out to defending every other country’s border so many times that we currently have 750 military bases around the world. There are only 195 countries in the world.  Since 2001, the U.S. military has been involved in combat in at least 25 countries. Name five. That’s how important these military interventions are to the average American.

“What I Learned from My Talk with Tucker Carlson”

source: Blaze Media

Blaze Media

By Glenn Beck: Journalism is still alive — barely. No thanks to professional journalists. The good news is, Tucker is keeping free and open dialogue alive.


Putin Killed Navalny But Biden Is Killing America

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Russia may very well be a frightful example of autocracy under Putin, but the United States is becoming itself a frightful example of the same under Biden and the Democrats.

Biden Also Hopes to Imprison His Rival Until He Dies

source: WND


The hue and cry about the recent death of Putin critic Alexei Navalny in a Russian prison overlooks that Biden and the Deep State are trying to imprison Trump until he dies, too. Anti-Trumpers in our country have been misusing the legal system with a vengeance ever since Trump defeated Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Putin Endorses Biden for President


A nod to the “Make America Suck Again” movement.

Biden Is Betraying America and Israel by Demanding a Gaza Ceasefire

source: NY Post

NY Post

Terrified of losing Michigan and other states with sizable numbers of Muslims, the president is willing to endanger Israel’s existence to gain the support of a voting bloc where Jew hatred is prevalent.