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The Un-American Campaign Against Trump

source: National Review

National Review

Trump’s enemies are moving to destroy his business, drain his resources, blacken his reputation, sink his campaign, and, if they can, lock him up.

Biden’s Terrible Student Loan Gamble

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

The president's latest betrayal of the working class is costly, irresponsible, unconstitutional, and ineffective.

Will Student Debt Racketeering Save Biden in November?

source: NY Post

NY Post

Team Biden has not explained how the president became the Czar of All Debts, personally entitled to shift endless burdens from individual borrowers onto taxpayers in general. Biden’s student-loan racketeering is becoming almost comically brazen.

The Biden DOJ Continues Its War on Christian Americans

source: Fox News

Biden Has Declared War on Faithful Christians

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

According to Trump, “Ultimately, the radical left is coming after all of us, because they know that our allegiance is not to them — our allegiance is to our country and to our Creator.”

Why Can’t the Networks Investigate James Biden?

source: NewsBusters


ABC, CBS, and NBC could barely mention the president’s brother after he testified, except to repeat his transparently false claims that Joe was never involved in his lobbying schemes

The Democrats Paying for Nikki Haley to Stay in the Race

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Thousands of Nikki Haley’s donors are Democrats doing everything they can to stop Trump and undermine the GOP.

Breakdown of Global Security Accelerating Due to Lack of U.S. Presidential Leadership

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Before Mr. Biden potentially leaves office in January 2025, it is increasingly clear that America’s adversaries see 2024 as open season to cash in on the weakest American president in history.

Alabama’s Embryo Ruling Embodies America’s Legal Heritage

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Those decrying the ruling hate human life.

Are Frozen Embryos Really People?

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

By Robert Arvay: The deliberate thawing out of these frozen embryos, leaving them to die, is therefore, according to my interpretation of the Alabama law, an act of killing them.

A Person’s a Person No Matter Where They Are

source: 1819 News

1819 News

We have come a long way as a nation in recognizing that people are not property. Well, most of us anyway. The IVF industry hasn’t seemed to catch on yet. And, as you can imagine, the left has lost their ever-loving minds over this decision.

“Transwomen” Are Milking It for All Its Worth

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

The use of newborns as ideological guinea pigs is morally repugnant and must be stopped.

Why Old TV Shows Are Beating Hollywood’s Billion Dollar DEI Machine

source: FrontPage


Directors, writers and actors hired to fill DEI quotas make garbage that turns off viewers.

Dems’ Fake News Sites Face Plant in Wisconsin and Tennessee

source: Townhall


Across America, highly-localized “news” outlets with innocuous sounding names like The Dogwood, The ‘Gander, and Iowa Starting Line have cropped up, ostensibly to keep local populaces informed, but in reality they are actually just Democrat propaganda outfits.


Jill Biden Is Forcing Sleepy Joe to Run Again Because “She Likes Power, Craves Revenge”

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

According to presidential historian Douglas Brinkley, the president's wife and primary caregiver, Dr. Jill Biden, Ed.D., was the driving force behind the decision to run again in 2024.

It’s Been a Basement Presidency

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Critics of President Joe Biden have begun dusting off the “basement campaign” allegation now that the 2024 election cycle is in full-swing, but a low-profile, press-free campaign would fall right in line with how Biden has conducted his entire presidency.

Biden Offers a $1.2 Billion Taxpayer-Funded “Loan Forgiveness” Election Bribe

source: FrontPage


The last time Biden pushed “loan forgiveness” was in the summer of 2022. Now he’s at it again. What do those two dates have in common? They’re election years and they’re not only election years, but Biden did it both times months ahead of crucial elections, midterm elections in 2022 and Democratic primaries in 2024.