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The Vibes Veepstakes

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Tulsi Gabbard is considered a front-runner and Haley persona non grata in the Republican veepstakes. In the case of Gabbard, it doesn’t even come down to sycophancy — it’s a sheer matter of vibes. Gabbard hits the right beats as she rails against “globalization,” the “Democrat” Party, the “warmongering elite,” Bud Light, and NATO.

Nikki Haley Is the New Liz Cheney

source: WND


She had a good resume until she decided to backstab Trump; accept tens of millions of dollars in donations from Democrats, RINOs, deep staters and assorted villains with "Trump Derangement Syndrome"; support wasting billions of taxpayer dollars in Ukraine; promote wars all over the globe; defend open borders; and destroy her career by insulting conservative MAGA voters.

Biden’s Cognitive Decline Continues Apace

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Biden has never been an honest man, but his inability to tell fact from fiction puts the nation at risk.

This Could Be a Sign of Joe’s Dementia

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

The President often brags about “good sex” with Dr. Jill. Individuals suffering from Alzheimer's disease may become "overly interested in sex," a condition known as "hypersexuality." These individuals "may masturbate a lot and try to seduce others," the NIA website warns.

Biden Keeps Teaching the Same Class on How to Fail as President

source: NY Post

NY Post

President Biden continued his wobbly ways by mucking up the two-year anniversary of the war in Ukraine.

Obama’s Fourth Term

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

In the coming months, while Joe blankly stares and bobs his head in robotic agreement, expect to see fundraisers and campaign ads featuring a greying Barack Obama pontificating about “democracy at risk.”

Michelle Obama: September Savior or “Suicide Mission”?

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

Just how desperate are the Democrats to get Biden off the ballot?

Death of “Nonbinary” Student in Oklahoma Used Politically by the Left

source: New American

New American

Despite an autopsy indicating that the student did not die as a result of trauma, both local and national media are using the girl’s unfortunate death as a political club against public officeholders, particularly in Oklahoma. Nex identified as “nonbinary.”

Trans Activists Want Women Erased

source: Newsmax


Threats to our women and girls in restrooms and changing rooms are only a symptom of a larger movement to intimidate and eliminate biological women.

Lefty Courts Kidnap Gender-Confused Kids for Ideological Ransom

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The sane population within America needs to take this seriously and fight it with every tool at our disposal.

Google Is Run by the CIA

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

And it’s rigging the elections.

Progressive Prosecutors Build a New Kind of Police State

source: FrontPage


They’re not defunding the police; they’re funding the thought police.

British Democracy Has Surrendered to Islamist Intimidation

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

British democracy is now dictated by Islamist mob intimidation, in alliance with the far Left. The useful idiots of the far Left comprise the glove that covers the Islamist fist. The direction of a parliamentary debate, as irrelevant and farcically deluded in it.


Is Mike Pence Plotting to Throw Another Election?

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

Turncoat Mike Pence was in the news again after announcing he was spending $20 million to fight the Republican Party’s turn to populism. Mike Pence made this announcement to slow down President Trump. Once again dirty Mike Pence is doing the will of the DC elites and Democrats to hurt Donald Trump and the country.

Trump Has Always Put America First, So Let Him Finish the Job

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

By Mike Huckabee: Mr. Trump showed tremendous leadership by imposing tariffs on all foreign aluminum imports to protect us from cheating countries. Mr. Trump stood with workers. It’s time we stand with him.

A Bunch of Anti-Trump Ninnies Are Worried They’ll Have to Flee the Country If He’s Elected

source: RedState


The fact of the matter is, once he makes it to the White House, you're no longer an obstacle. You're a loser, which in Trump's eyes is worse than death. You aren't worth going after.

Trump Is a Victim of Government Theft

source: Human Events

Human Events

By Judge Andrew Napolitano: The government enacted a statute that permitted it to claim harm where none existed and then steal from a wealthy entity; and a judge — sworn to uphold the Constitution — let the government get away with it.