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Trump-Hating Media Silent on 25th Amendment for Biden

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

It’s amazing to think how radio silent the accomplice media have been on the subject of the 25th Amendment over the past few years. 

Trump’s Still Got It

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

The main attraction of CPAC — and the conservative movement — put on a tour de force.

Et Tu, Costas?

source: American Thinker

American Thinker

Bob Costas has joined the ranks of sanctimonious hacks who think they know best, and anyone who disagrees is wretched refuse.

Tulsi Gabbard Emerges as a Front Runner for Trump’s VP

source: Big League Politics

Big League Politics

“She has a potential outreach to millennials, she has a potential outreach to Democrats,” said former Trump advisor Roger Stone.

The Woke/Equity Movement in KC


The woke/equity movement now controls many American towns, including Kansas City, Missouri. That mass shooting during the Super Bowl parade on February 14 remains undefined. Of course, at this point, the authorities know what exactly happened but refuse to tell the public. Why?  Because race is in play.

One Blue State Is Turning Back the Clock in the Worst Possible Way

source: Daily Caller

Daily Caller

Thanks to a corrupt deal between the labor bosses, the Democratic state legislature, and Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, Michigan will no longer be a right-to-work state. Is Ms. Whitmer intentionally TRYING to lose jobs in Michigan?

Why Are Historians Suddenly Discovering So Many Transgenders?

source: European Conservative

European Conservative

The dead are once more called upon to endorse the delusions of the living. 

The “Airman” Who Set Himself on Fire for Hamas Was Antifa Ex-Cult Member

source: FrontPage


A former leftist cult member who hooked up with anarchist and socialist groups and then killed himself for their approval.

Kari Lake and Common Sense

source: Townhall


What you will find in Kari Lake is someone running hard against a representative and supporter of the values of today’s Democratic Party.  It is a party that turns a blind eye and deaf ear toward rioting and elevated to Vice President someone who encouraged such rioting and helped bail out the rioters.

Are Some NATO Countries Allies or Dependents?

source: Newsmax


When America threatens to pull back even slightly from the world or declines to provide economic aid to some needy country thousands of miles away, it is accused of betraying its obligations.

Ex-NYT Editor Behind Tom Cotton Op-Ed Publishes Epic Tell-All

source: NewsBusters


After nearly four years of relative silence, former NY Times op-ed editor Adam Rubenstein sounded off Monday in an essay at The Atlantic about the embarrassing episode from June 2020 in which Rubenstein was pushed out over the paper's publication of Senator Tom Cotton’s (R-AR) infamous op-ed calling for using the military to quell the costly and deadly BLM riots.

Syracuse Microaggressions Workship Says Looking at Service Animal Could Be a Micro-Assault

source: The College Fix

The College Fix

Also: Can be ‘hurtful’ to say ‘hey guys’ to refer to ‘any gender’ other than men.

UGA Student’s Alleged Killer Was a Venezuelan Immigrant Employed by Uber

source: Loomered


Loomer’s past comments on Uber and Lyft’s unsafe hiring practices were proven true as news broke that Laken Riley’s Venezuelan illegal immigrant murderer, Jose Antonio, was employed by Uber Eats.


No Virginia, Trump Has Not Lost a Step

source: Epoch Times

Epoch Times

By Roger Simon: He is sharper than ever. That’s what experience does. The attempts to draw an equivalency between the mental fitness of Mr. Trump and President Biden are absurd malicious propaganda.

Trump’s Approach Has Redefined Electability

source: Human Events

Human Events

Trump’s approach to the 2024 campaign differs from any other candidate who has run over the past hundred years. He is coordinating a nationwide effort to recruit voters based upon what he did in his first term, ideas to oppose Biden, and counteracting establishment ideologies that would give power to federal government bureaucrats.

Will the Dems Let Trump Be President If He Wins?

source: Townhall


By Kurt Schlichter: Imagine if Trump is elected by a very narrow margin and you get a Democrat majority in the House of Representatives.. Maybe the Democrats look at each other and say, “Wait a minute, we can pull some shenanigans with the counting of the electoral college ballots!” Why wouldn’t they?

Mike Pompeo Is Obvious and Best Choice for Trump’s VP

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

He would immediately provide the campaign with a frisson of energy and composure and add a sense of steadiness of purpose and calmness of mind to a candidate who does not always project those qualities.