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The Candidates Travel to the Border

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

Hopefully, Biden has scoped out a good ice cream shop for the visit.

Border Surge Brings Killers and Criminal Gangs

source: WND


The left denies migrant crime is a problem. The public knows better.

Illegal Alien Migrant Released by Biden, Sexually Assaulted 14-Year-Old Girl

source: FrontPage


Cops shot, toddlers murdered and a migrant monster covered in blood.

Reckless Lefties Celebrate Aaron Bushnell’s Suicide by Self-Immolation

source: NY Post

NY Post

Social-media posts praised Bushnell as some form of hero, telling millions of people that suicide is a courageous form of political protest. It’s particularly disturbing that millions of impressionable young people likely saw these TikTok videos because mentally struggling young people are among the most vulnerable to suicide contagion.

The NFL Has Become a “Woke,” Discriminatory, Anti-American Institution

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

The Black national anthem is just the start.

Gemini Rollout Exposes Leftist Rot Permeating Google

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The recent rollout of Google’s Gemini AI was an absolute disaster by any measure. Over the course of several hours, users across the internet quickly realized the large language model developed by Google had erased white people. The AI model wasn’t just prejudiced based on skin color, but would only give far-left ideological answers to various questions.

U.S. Military Recruiting Falters Under Dems

source: Newsmax


Biden has caused the deleterious shrinkage of America’s military by implementing DEI indoctrination, Covid vaccine mandates, an investigation of supposed white supremacy and other horrendous policies.

Former Pop Singer Accuses Taylor Swift of Including “Demonic Rituals” in Concerts

source: LifeSiteNews


‘You watch one of her shows and she has two or three different demonic rituals to do with the pentagrams on the ground,’ said Shane Lynch, who said he used to be ‘very interested in satanic stuff.’

Rob Reiner’s Anti-Trump Movie “God & Country” Bombs

source: Hollywood in Toto

Hollywood in Toto

Far-Left documentary attacking 'Christian Nationalists' can't draw a crowd.

Hamas’s Death Cult Comes to America

source: National Review

National Review

Aaron Bushnell’s self-immolation was an act of moral blackmail, and those who have lionized him want to see more such acts.

Dems Defending Pedophiles

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Democrats famously walked out of a session of the NH House when a Republican began reading smut from a book they want to be left in public schools. Books that include drug and alcohol abuse, suicidal ideation, and adult-child sex. If they aren’t groomers or abetting the practice, what then is this?

Biden’s Brain Malfunctions as He Claims Trump Is the One Suffering from Mental Decline

source: The Gateway Pundit

The Gateway Pundit

This is the Democrat-media complex’s new thing. Project Biden’s obvious dementia onto Trump.


State Universities Are Teaching Students to Blow Up Oil Pipelines

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

At least sixteen universities are promoting the book “How to Blow Up A Pipeline,” which outlines how to commit eco-terrorism — oftentimes making it required reading, a Daily Wire investigation found. The book was published in 2021 by professor Andreas Malm and calls for terrorism, acknowledging that people will be killed as a result.

Biden’s Border Crisis Claims Laken Riley

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The story of her death, particularly the details of how her alleged killer, Jose Antonio Ibarra, came to be living in an apartment complex next to the University of Georgia campus, may hopefully spur Biden to reverse course and start valuing American lives over the supposed right of immigrants to come here.

Say Her Name, Joe. Her Death Is on You

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

What is he going to do to take responsibility for the premature death of Laken Hope Riley? Whatever he does, it will be inadequate but will beckon the spirit of Beau.

An Illegal Immigrant Allegedly Killed a Georgia Student. You Wouldn’t Know It from the Media Coverage

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

It's the latest example of the media playing defense for President Joe Biden's failed immigration policies.

Biden’s Inane War on Packaging

source: National Review

National Review

Biden has met the enemy, and it is smaller packaging for foodstuffs.