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Nikki Haley Is Just Embarrassing Herself at This Point

source: Townhall


She has gone from being an example of something for girls to aspire to, to a cautionary tale on arrogance and self-destruction.

Nikki Haley Wins the DC Swamp Primary

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

The very fact that there were a mere 2,000 votes cast speaks exactly to the political makeup of the Swamp. It is filled to overflowing with left-leaning federal bureaucrats and lobbyists who have not a conservative bone among them.

Another Crooked Black Leftist Female Politician

source: Kevin Jackson Network

Kevin Jackson Network

Black Leftist women are the worst politicians; some might argue, the worst human beings. Democratic Dolton, Illinois, Mayor Tiffany Henyard is the latest crooked Black Democrat woman who finds herself under investigation.

Democrats Are the Real Extremists

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

The recent unanimous Supreme Court ruling should be a stark reminder that Democrats aren’t playing by the rules anymore.

When Is Gov. Whitmer Going to Stop the Damn Swearing?


While Growling Gretch’s use of profanity continues, one might wonder why she’s decided to turn her governance into a stand-up comedy routine and a state pastime. To appeal to younger voters? To get a few laughs? The motive behind the cursing is unknown.

What’s So Great About NATO?

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

A U.S. withdrawal from NATO would be good for both Europe and the U.S. For that to happen, Europe must rearm itself, and the U.S. must accept that Europe will no longer be in the position of vassals.

“Gender Exploration” Group Hosted by College Seeks to Encourage “Transitioning”

source: Young America’s Foundation

Young America’s Foundation

Instead of providing vital resources to students who are clearly going through a mental health and identity crisis, Palomar College in San Diego “affirms” the students’ psychotic fallacies and aims to help them discover a state of so-called “gender euphoria.”

The Biggest Funders of the Radical Transgender Movement Are China-Linked Billionaires

source: Breitbart


Pro-Beijing groups financially backed by two China-linked billionaires are pushing the radical transgender movement as a means of advancing a Marxist agenda in the United States, author Peter Schweizer reveals in his new book “Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.”

Doritos Hires Controversial Transgender Influencer

source: The Lid

The Lid

The maker of Doritos snack chips has hired Samantha Hudson, a transgender influencer, as a “chip ambassador.” Hudson has mocked children who are victims of rape, has admitted to fantasizing about pedophile, and has advocated for the destruction of the traditional family unit.

DEI Goes to Die in the Florida Swamp

source: Washington Stand

Washington Stand

The University of Florida’s recent decision might not wring every molecule of DEI-laced ideology from the university at once. It provided a 12-week severance package for the employees whose positions were terminated, and it offered them expedited consideration for other open positions, at the guidance of the university’s HR department.

There Needs to Be Firings and Expulsions at Berkeley

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

The University of California, Berkeley, is a cesspool of bigotry and anti-freedom sentiments. It is well past time for heads to roll among both the student body and the administrators who have allowed the situation to fester.

Food Inflation Is the Worst in 30 Years

source: Liberty Nation News

Liberty Nation News

It is excellent that laundry appliances and televisions are experiencing deflation. But when the basics of life, be it shelter or groceries, are still unaffordable, it is unsurprising that many Americans are sour on the economy.


In a Deep Blue City, Will Locals Get Tough on Crime?

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

Crime in Austin has soared under a progressive district attorney. On Tuesday, Democrats will decide: Is it time to put a moderate in charge?

Launch of Woke Gemini AI Is Google’s Bud Light Moment

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

Gemini is an AI tool and language model made for a general audience that can do all kinds of things. It’s acting like the wokest, smuggest person working in a university “diversity, equity, and inclusion” bureaucracy. After the program launched in early February, people soon began noticing how some prompts produced ridiculously—and sometimes hilariously—politically correct answers.

UCLA Med Students Are Taught “Anti-White,” “Anti-American” Hatred

source: Daily Wire

Daily Wire

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro posted a thread Friday on X revealing how students at UCLA’s medical school were mandated to learn about “colonialism” and “liberation” during their first year in medical school. Shapiro obtained internal emails from UCLA’s medical school documenting how med students have to take a class called “Structural Racism and Health Equity.”

“Dermatologists Like Me Are Being Doxed for Opposing DEI”

source: Fox News

Fox News

By Dr. Kathleen Brown: Our colleagues are calling us racist in public and calling for our professional destruction.

Dems’ New 2024 Boogeyman Is Christian Nationalism

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Dozens of articles have started popping up about this fictional political movement that is Democrats’ thinly veiled attack on Christianity, the Bible and America itself.