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TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Tucker Carlson's big “get” for this week’s  X interview (behind a pay wall) is Jake Chansley, aka the QAnon Shaman.  Chansley is the whack-job who stormed the Capitol on January 6 bare-chested, in warpaint, with a  furry horned headdress atop his insurrectionist dome.  A screenshot of Chansley from the Carlson interview has him garbed with an American flag kerchief around his head, complimenting a sharp white sport jacket, over a black shirt with matching pocket square. It's an astonishing fashion makeover that I dub insurrectionist couture…This is not an early April Fool’s story: the National Review thinks Jets conspiracy-spouting QB  Aaron Rodgers should be RFK Jr’s running mate…Beware of Islam in Iceland! FrontPage sounds the alarm after a meeting of the country’s governing body was interrupted by three Muslim protesters in late 2023.  FrontPage’s  Bruce Bawer cautions, “How soon before tiny Reykjavik starts looking like the iciest ever version of Karachi or Lahore or Peshawar?”…Conservative comedian K-von says he was canceled by the University of Connecticut this week just three hours before he was about to hit the stage…Newsmax calls for a new Oscar category: Religiophobia.  “It would prove to be a very competitive field, and would have the benefit of raising awareness about Hollywood’s long suffering malady,” according to author Bill Donohue, presumably tongue-in-cheek…If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Panic Time for Dems as Biden Gets No Bump from Terrible SOTU Speech

source: RedState


Normal people do not share the opinions of wine-sipping elites who never have to worry about their grocery bill or how they are going to pay their mortgage. The numbers are in on Biden's triumphant State of the Union speech, and it's panic time for Democrats. 

Biden Genuinely Believes His Son Died in Iraq

source: FrontPage


There’s something seriously wrong there. And there may be other things wrong too. 

No, Joe, Illegal Immigrants Didn’t Build America

source: NY Post

NY Post

The idea that a fraction of all immigrants, whose numbers have only drastically increased the past couple of decades, “built the country” is a ridiculous fabrication and a profound insult to American workers, past and present.

Jill Biden’s “Work Husband” Is a #MeToo Disaster with Claims of Bullying, Sexual Harassment

source: NY Post

NY Post

Anthony Bernal, whose status as the first lady’s top aide grants him enormous clout in both White House operations and Democratic politics, has repeatedly speculated in the workplace about the penis size of colleagues, according to three sources with firsthand knowledge.

Dems Bring a Schiff to a Truth Fight, and Robert Hur Breaks Them

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

The Democrats had Adam Schiff running point for the effort. Any time that Schiff isn't talking to a friendly, he embarrasses himself. He's too stupid to know that he's embarrassing himself, of course, so he never stops doing it. 

In Prosecuting Trump, Dems Have Exonerated Him

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

Their actions now are elevating the former president.

The NIH Sacrifices Scientific Rigor for DEI

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

Its First program pushes institutions to hire medical researchers based on their ideological commitment.

Electric Vehicles Pollute the Environment 1,850 Times More Than Gas-Powered Cars

source: Infowars


The 2022 study from the United Kingdom-based independent global emissions testing and research firm Emissions Analytics found that, during a 1,000-mile journey, EVs release 1,850 times more pollutants into the environment than their gas-powered counterparts due to the heavier weight that eats through the tires of EVs.

Haiti Prime Minister Resigns While American Media Try to Debunk Cannibalism

source: America First Report

America First Report

For the record, cannibalism is definitely occurring on the island no matter how often Twitter and Facebook delete video evidence.


TOP OF THE DAY by Howard Polskin

Greetings! Good for a laugh: Bill Maher is pushing for a unity ticket of Biden and Nikki Haley, according to Club Random, his podcast where he and his guests smoke spliffs. Victory Girls blog viewed his proposal skeptically, but nonetheless added this humorous observation about the pot-puffing pundit: “There’s no point in asking what Bill Maher has been smoking, because he does so pretty openly on his Club Random podcast all the time. The question is, which side does he think will agree to his personal pipe dream?”…Angel Studios, the company behind 2023’s box office sleeper hit “Sound of Freedom” (a favorite of the right and a certain ex-president under indictment), just released a new film, “Cabrini.” Not surprisingly, the right wing blog Hollywood in Toto gives Cabrini” a rave review…Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has a National Review op-ed criticizing progressives who push for “noncitizens” to have the right to vote. Raffensperger famously stood up to Donald Trump in early 2021 as he sought to overturn the election results in Georgia…Government agencies are going woke. So claims Ted Cruz according to a document obtained exclusively by the Daily Wire…Bookmark this cool new website: Republican Voters Against Trump….If you keep reading, I’ll keep Righting. Howard

Joe Biden, Old Yeller

source: Wall Street Journal

Wall Street Journal

He now has two faces he shows in public: diminished old man and angry president.

Angry Joe Rallies His Partisans

source: American Greatness

American Greatness

Biden's address was ineffective if the goal was to unite the country, win over undecided voters, impress the public with his reputed empathy, or explain the desirability of his policies.

Biden’s Renewable Energy Scam

source: John Stossel

John Stossel

Requiring all new homes to have solar panels is a big reason California has the most expensive housing in America. The average house costs almost $800,000. If you can afford that, you get government money for generating solar power. But the handout goes mostly to the rich. Poorer people are more likely to rent.

GOP Making Biden Impeachment Way Too Complicated

source: Conservative HQ

Conservative HQ

Many of the Republican Party’s alleged “leaders” lack the courage and communications skills to push the inquiry forward, while more capable others, such as Representatives Jim Jordan, James Comer and Jason Smith have gotten bogged down in the minutia of the Biden family’s many corruption schemes.

Biden Thinks John McCain Was His Predecessor

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

Remember how the media gushed over Biden’s SOTU speech? Well, he mentioned "my predecessor” a total of 13 times. So it seems like at the time he knew he was talking about Trump. Apparently, sometime between Thursday and Monday, Biden’s brain has decided that McCain — not Trump — was his predecessor.

Call Them By Their Name: Illegal Aliens Are Illegal Aliens

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

Biden again puts American citizens last.

Did Biden Just Hand Hamas a Big Gift in Its War Against Israel?

source: Daily Signal

Daily Signal

Biden’s opposition to a Rafah ground assault would hinder Israel’s military options, allowing Hamas to bolster its defenses and embolden foreign adversaries around the world.

Biden Actively Seeking to Overthrow Israeli Government to Save Hamas

source: FrontPage


Since Oct 7, the Biden administration pivoted from backing Israel’s effort to remove Hamas, to backing the effort by Hamas allies from Dearborn to Qatar to overthrow the Israeli government in order to save Hamas.