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Tide Turning Against Trans Theory in Women’s Sport and Elsewhere

source: Newsmax


The National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) announced that only biological women will be permitted to compete in NAIA-sanctioned women's sporting events. The NAIA is the governing body for intercollegiate sports at small colleges in the United States, Canada, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. The decision wasn’t even close. The board voted 20-0.

You Can’t Legalize Shoplifting and Keep 99 Cent Stores

source: FrontPage


You can have legalized shoplifting or discount stores. But you can’t have both.

Ramadan Bully Wants Woman on Bus to Stop Eating

source: FrontPage


Islamic supremacism on full display.

A Mostly Peaceful Castration: CNN Eulogizes a Terrorist

source: Washington Free Beacon

Washington Free Beacon

CNN has done it again, folks. This time, instead of celebrating the "mostly peaceful" rioters hurling Molotov cocktails for racial justice, the esteemed news network has published a nice little eulogy for a terrorist.


How NPR Lost America’s Trust

source: The Free Press

The Free Press

An open-minded spirit no longer exists within NPR, and now it doesn’t have an audience that reflects America. That wouldn’t be a problem for an openly polemical news outlet serving a niche audience. But for NPR, which purports to consider all things, it’s devastating both for its journalism and its business model.

Insider Confirms Leftist Bigotry Destroyed NPR

source: PJ Media

PJ Media

It's refreshing to hear an NPR insider admit that veering to the left and smothering right-leaning beliefs has destroyed trust in the taxpayer-supported state media entity. The problem is, however, that NPR Senior Editor Uri Berliner doesn't go nearly far enough in his critical breakdown of the network's implosion.

When Will the Brave NPR Editor Exposing Woke Broadcaster Be Shown the Door?

source: NY Post

NY Post

NPR brags that one in three Americans believes what he or she hears from WAMU in the East to KQED in the West. Never mind those two out of three who don’t trust what their tax dollars pay for. Conservatives and moderates who used to listen to NPR are fleeing.

Trump Has Erred Gravely on Abortion

source: American Spectator

American Spectator

His stance amounts to retreat on an issue that has animated national American politics for the past five decades and galvanized conservative support at pivotal moments. In fact, abortion was the key reason Trump won the presidency in 2016.

Abortion Shows Us Trump’s Populist Essence

source: The American Conservative

The American Conservative

The dictum: Hug the middle, avoid being tagged as an extremist.

Dems Don’t Want You to Know How Moderate Trump’s Abortion Stance Is

source: The Federalist

The Federalist

Come to think of it, the GOP’s federal bill is also pretty moderate.

Dems Have No Sanctity for Life

source: Conservative View from NH

Conservative View from NH

The Dems want you healthy enough to get to the polls, pull the D lever, and then get back to your life. They will lie to your face, sell you a bill of goods, and have their media reinforce the story.

Buttigieg Mocks Crime Concerns from His Personal Security Bubble

source: Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Buttigieg doesn’t have to worry about the consequences of crime because he has his own personal security. It is the purest of Democratic bubbles, which allows Buttigieg to dismiss the concerns of (mostly black) residents of Washington, D.C., who are being subjected to the city’s crime surge.

The Reality of Migrant Crime

source: Townhall


Illegal immigrants don't have to be disproportionately criminal or violent as a group in order for Americans to feel extra, righteous disgust over violent crimes being committed by perps who have no right to be in the country -- many of whom have amassed significant rap sheets before committing their most serious attacks.

Threat from China Is Growing at Our Southern Border

source: Washington Times

Washington Times

U.S. Customs and Border Protection recently revealed that at least 22,000 Chinese nationals have attempted to cross our southern border unlawfully since Oct. 1. Illegal immigration by the Chinese via the U.S.-Mexico border is soaring because of the Biden administration’s lax policies.

The Biggest Corporate Welfare Scam Is Green

source: Fox News

Fox News

A lot of people are getting really, really rich off climate change hysteria and President Biden is helping them do it.

Covid Clots

source: Sharyl Attkisson

Sharyl Attkisson

For whatever reason, America’s health officials haven’t seemed publicly interested in answering a crucial question: How many illnesses and deaths can be attributed to COVID versus the vaccines or some combination?

Woke Pope Comes Out Against Trans Surgery and Gender Theory

source: Granite Grok

Granite Grok

Pope Francis of the Left is a reliable progressive advocate. He is so bad that there is likely talk in the church of a schism the likes of which we’ve not seen in centuries. Francis has come out on the wrong side of just about every issue until now.