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Right Wing Blogger Liberty Paige (Whoever She Is) Has a Lot  to Say

By Liv Styler, October 12, 2022

Shrouded behind a myriad of patriotic memes and Americana avatars, political blogger Liberty Paige, a self-proclaimed Tea Party conservative, is a near-daily presence  on the website of Michigan right-wing talk show host Steve Gruber. 

If her true identity is a mystery – The Righting’s attempts to contact her proved futile – the personality of the person writing the articles, certainly shines through. The headlines alone leave no doubt about her point of view. From “Why are the Democrats Trying to Wipe Us Out,” to “All Lives Still Matter,” and “The Time is Now, Let’s Divide Up the Country,” they pull very few punches.

The frequency of Paige’s articles is impressive, the literary quality not so much. Her  stories read more like long-winded Facebook rambles, written in the shadows of a blue screen at three a.m. while old Strom Thurmond speeches play in the background rather than structured opinion pieces that have had the benefit of careful editing.

If her feverish and unpolished style might make mainstream journalists cringe, it’s thriving on the right side of the media fence. Indeed, right wing bloggers like Paige are succeeding with little effort in much the same way Donald Trump managed to get himself elected president. Trump utilized a mixture of disillusionment with the ruling class (ironic considering he’s a member), patriotic clichés and vitriol to successfully finagle a large swath of voters from both sides of the line. Paige and her ilk are tapping into the same rich vein of resentment.

Searching for Liberty

Paige’s following seems to be fairly minimal, with all of her social media accounts totaling fewer than 1,000.  But the platform provided by the Steve Gruber Show significantly expands her reach. When researching Paige, next to nothing appeared beyond what is directly connected to the Steve Gruber show. A visit to her website directs you back to Gruber’s. The “About Me”  on her site vaguely indicates that she writes for another media group, but doesn’t include the name, and her Muckrack profile shows nothing beyond Gruber’s site.

When I attempted to contact to Paige, it became evident that there is no direct way to get in touch with her. The messaging features on both her Twitter and Facebook profiles are disabled. I could not locate an Instagram account for a person named Liberty Paige that reflected the interests or activities of a fervid right-wing blogger. The Righting reached out directly to Steve Gruber, the radio host who publishes Paige’s work. Gruber has yet to respond. 

Rage and Scraps of Facts

“Are hurricanes Black or white? Native American or Hispanic? Are they gay or straight, non-binary, asexual, agender… and do the hurricanes target minorities? Our race-baiting-slept-her-way-to-the-top VP Kamala Harris wants to make sure we have hurricane equity…”

That was Paige’s response to the Vice President stating that the Biden Administration would take equity into account when dispersing disaster relief. The insults and aggression are typical of Paige’s work. Her targets – immigration, abortion rights, Black lives – are as predictable as her opinions.  Mixed in with the rage, though, are just enough bare bones facts to give her arguments the slightest sheen of legitimacy. Harris did bring up equity when discussing hurricane relief and she did mention the need to consider marginalized communities. 

The scrap of facts littered among the rhetorical ruins of apathy and anger is one of the things that gives right wing media personalities like Paige influence. They are following the playbook of the most successful internet troll to ever become President.  

It seems easy enough for the left to dismiss the idea that the words of Paige, Gruber and their counterparts carry any real weight. And that is the danger. When it comes to the politics in 2022, weight isn’t based on logic or reason. As Liberty Paige clearly knows, there are other factors at work.

Fear is often worth its weight in gold. 

Liv Styler is a California-based writer.

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The avatar for the busy conservative blogger Liberty Paige anchors the home page of her small website.