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Princeton Fetes an Anti-Semite

Washington Free Beacon

The English department’s decided to host, for its Edward Said Memorial Lecture, the anti-Semite Mohammed El-Kurd. As “Palestine correspondent” for The Nation, he has distinguished himself chiefly for his slanders of the Jewish people including the claim that Israelis “harvest organs” of martyred Palestinians to “feed their warriors.”

This Shocking Detail Could Destroy What’s Left of Sen. Fetterman’s Credibility

Washington Free Beacon

Sen. John Fetterman’s (D., Pa.) communications director, Joe Calvello, is a former collegiate lacrosse player. Generally speaking, lacrosse players are among the most loathsome individuals and should never be trusted. Calvello’s ties to the sport, not to mention his sub-six-foot height, undermines his credibility and raises serious questions about Fetterman’s judgment.

Happy Valentine’s Day: Find Someone Who Loves You the Way Journalists Love Themselves

Washington Free Beacon

The most profound form of love known to science—the love professional journalists profess to each other on social media in a futile effort to conceal their unfathomable self-loathing—grew even stronger as the mainstream media struggled to find a purpose in the second year of a Democratic president they have no interest in holding accountable.