The press is attacking states like Georgia, Florida, and South Carolina, because those journalists are based in major metropolitan areas and simply do not understand life in these rural areas. They, you’ll note, are still employed. They are still working. They aren’t hurting in the economic ways people in these states are. They are based in and around Washington D.C. and New York City.
Publication: RedState
Brian Stelter’s Meltdown Does a Disservice to Real Journalists
How many hours has CNN’s Stelter lost because his employer has seen ad revenue drop? How much of that 7-8 figure salary is he losing, and how dire are the straits he is in right now because of it? Sorry, Brian, but you get paid to watch clips of Fox News and President Trump and critique them all day. You offer base-level commentary and no real substance to the world of journalism. You’re a glorified PR flack.
Please Stop Trying to Make Stacey Abrams Happen
This love affair that several in the media appear to have with her doesn’t really make sense. She hasn’t done anything truly noteworthy, and she obnoxiously spent months saying she considered herself the real governor of Georgia despite clearly losing that race.
Obama’s Endorsement Might Do More Harm Than Good
He would like to think he led a scandal-free presidency, but even if you took that claim as true, it is impossible to look at electoral results and think that his presidency wasn’t an overall net loss for the Democrats. His presence here could be just as devastating if Biden’s team isn’t careful.
Cue the Liberal Implosion: Trump Has the Highest Approval of His Presidency
Looks like despite the constant media hounding of President Donald Trump over the virus response, people are disregarding the media’s negative attitude and are giving the president the highest approval rating of his presidency on Thursday.
We Have Sacrificed Our Constitutional Freedom to Fight a Virus. Will We Ever Get Them Back?
The extent to which the government, at all level, driven on by the frenzied bleating of our national media has used this virus to lay siege to our civil liberties has been nothing short of astounding. The degree to which Americans have gone along with this slow motion revolution has been shocking.
Infectious Disease Specialist Says This Is the Beginning of the End of the Pandemic
Dr. Stephen Smith, whom Laura Ingraham describes as one of the preeminent infectious disease specialists., announced some very good news which, if true, would be a game changer in the fight against the Chinese coronavirus. Dr. Smith said, “No person who has received five days or more of the hydroxychloroquine-zithro combination has been intubated. The chance of that occurring by chance [sic]…are .000 something. It’s ridiculously low no matter how you look at it.”
Biden’s “Plan” for Dealing with Wuhan Virus Was Mostly Plagiarized
If you strip out the policy preferences, Biden does nothing more than plagiarize what the Trump administration has already accomplished. Not what they still have to do but what they have already done.
Biden Is Not Qualified to Be President and the Dems Know It
In Biden’s public appearances, he increasingly displays fleeting moments of awareness because his memory just isn’t there anymore, and he can’t recall things that are common knowledge to almost everyone. He is lucid one moment and disoriented or belligerent the next.
Intellectual Giant Whoopi Goldberg Already Has a Job Picked Out for Jill Biden
Whoopi, delighted by Joe Biden’s blowout Super Tuesday victory, told the panel, “I’m hoping Dr. Jill [Biden] becomes the Surgeon General.” Strangely, the audience who may not have known that Jill Biden is a doctor of education, rather than medicine, applauded wildly.
Biden Is Still Biden and He’s Not OK
This is a man who can barely remember where he’s at on any given day, and that’s not an exaggeration. He slurs his words constantly (no, it’s not a “stutter”) and mixes up issues, not from ignorance, but from an ability to process what he’s trying to say…The physical decline is real and it’s being presented to us in flashing lights.
Even in Massachusetts, It’s Clear Elizabeth Warren Is Done
There’s no route to the White House for her, and she has to know it by now. If she doesn’t, she is living in a fantasy world, and there may no saving her from it.
Bernie Says He Will Help Minorities Start Businesses to Sell Drugs
Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders has an idea on how to help the black and Latino communities, and it’s not as compassionate and woke as he thinks. Sanders thinks that in order to really give minority communities a leg up, then he’s going to help them sell drugs legitimately.
Debate Was a Total Disaster for Dems
Each and every candidate came across as unlikable (yes, even Amy Klobuchar, who had some seriously cringeworthy moments). They yelled, they bashed each other, they got exposed for their hypocrisies, and oh yeah, they were also awful on policy.
Dems Are Screwed for 2020 and Should Focus on 2024
The Democrats are going to kill themselves on the way to Milwaukee and it starts in earnest tonight in Las Vegas. Bloomberg appears on stage for the first time with the other midgets and they take aim at him and his money and his record of saying really stupid things.
AG Barr Conducts Damage Control After Trump’s Reckless Tweets Nearly Spark Impeachment 2.0
Trump’s reckless tweets were the equivalent of handing a gun to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and saying “shoot me.” Democrats have been trying to sabotage him since 2016, he doesn’t have to provide assistance. This time, Trump’s tweets have placed Attorney General William Barr into the crosshairs of the left, forcing him to conduct some damage control.
Adam Sandler’s Independent Spirit Award Speech Is the Perfect Oscar Antithesis
If you’re struggling to identify with most of the people honored at the Oscars, we bring you an award acceptance speech with which you might identify. Adam Sandler was snubbed by the Academy, but snagged the award for best male lead in the 2020 Independent Spirit Awards for Uncut Gems Saturday. His speech was perfection.
The Remarkable Mr. Trump
Elizabeth Vaughn: What liberals call unhinged and dangerous, I call smart and courageous. After eight years of Obama’s appeasement of our enemies, America required a man with the stones to take bold actions to restore American leadership in the world. His leadership has transformed America and he will be remembered as one of the greatest presidents in American history. Hail to the Chief!
Meanwhile, Trump Advances Peace in the Middle East
While his legal eagles deftly flay the Democrat impeachment case along with the House Managers who flog it, President Donald J. Trump continues the 3-D chess match. Yesterday, he unveiled his proposed plan for peace in the Middle East.
Pam Bondi Makes Case Why Hunter Biden Is Relevant to Trump’s Defense
The President’s defense team, led by Pam Bondi, scored major points yesterday despite the media’s wall to wall coverage of Bolton’s explosive book excerpt. The leaking of the excerpt will probably secure Democrats at least one witness which will probably be John Bolton. But it will come at a steep price and that price will be compelled testimony from Hunter Biden.
Do Not Be Afraid, Republican Senators
If you watch cable news or broadcast TV, one meme you will hear constantly is the “stark choice” faced by “vulnerable” Republicans in swing states. What these leftists are trying to sell you, the Republicans, and everyone else is that if those vulnerable Republicans don’t roll over and vote with the Democrats to bring in additional witnesses, then they will take a beating at the polls in November.
“Objective” Liberal Media Journalists Fall All Over Themselves to Praise Schiff
It’s enough to make one hurl. Yet not one of them will get/admit how compromised, how lacking in objectivity and how contrafactual they actually are.
No, History Isn’t Watching and It Won’t Even Care
This isn’t some grand moment in history that will go down in history. We’ll remember Trump as the President who got impeached. The details surrounding it will become vaguer and vaguer over time, and the Democrats will have accomplished nothing.
Ted Cruz Dropkicks Chris Cuomo After His Nasty Attack Against Martha McSally
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) unloaded on Cuomo this morning in two tweets, noting that Cuomo, ya know, kinda sorta proved the points people often make about how CNN is full of nothing but liberal hacks.