This then sparked the discussion what happens if he were to pass before the election is certified by Congress. The answer to that is that Kamala Harris not assured of succession….
Publication: RedState
CNN’s Resident Potato Is Really, Really Upset the Hunter News Is Being Covered
CNN’s Brian Stelter does indeed resemble a potato, but it’s what comes out of his mouth that will make a grown man go cross-eyed in disbelief. The supposed media reporter is obsessed with Fox News, and you’ll be less than shocked to learn that his take on the Hunter Biden affair isn’t that the media failed to cover and eventually covered up what was a huge story. It’s that those dastardly Fox News devils are covering it now.
If Biden Is Sworn in, the Investigation of Hunter Will Lead to Joe’s Resignation
Health reasons will be the public explanation, but there is no way for Joe Biden to escape the web of criminal entanglements that Hunter Biden was involved in with the Chinese and others based on the information that became public prior to the election.
Biden Has Figured Out How to Stop the Virus and It’s Stunning
How long has it been since we were told that all we needed to do was “15 days locked down to slow the spread?” How many 15 days has that been now, since March? And now places are locking down again. But never fear, folks, Biden says he has the answer! We just need 100 more days of wearing a mask. Because 262 days is not enough.
AOC Is Selling Anti-Rich Sweatshirts That Only Rich People Can Afford
Apparently, AOC is selling merch. You can buy all sorts of things like a Green New Deal hat, hoodie, and yes, even posters to remind us of communist propaganda. But the real star of the show is the “tax the rich” sweatshirt currently going for $65. You’d be better off purchasing a hoodie at Walmart and then writing it on there yourself.
Biden Injures Himself While Playing with His Dog and Tongues Are Wagging
Biden’s folks weren’t allowing any pictures of the visit to the doctor, they prevented the reporters from leaving their vans and are refusing to answer any further questions. We get that they’ve tried to hide Biden in the basement for most of the campaign, but why would they hide pictures of a simple visit to the doctor? Do they just not want to people to see him limping because people already believe he has issues, or is it more?
The Media’s Most Fevered Conspiracy Theory Just Died a Fiery Death
Trump just blew up the media’s most current, fevered conspiracy theory. Namely, that the President would have to be frog-marched out of the White House to the cheers of the far-left because he would otherwise refuse to leave office.
Biden Loyalists Start Drawing Blood as Infighting Begins
It’s all fun and games until a bunch of Washington D.C. insiders start getting their feelings hurt. That’s apparently what’s happening within the Biden transition, with some of his loyal backers feeling shunned by the Obama bro contingent that seems to actually be running the show.
Biden and Musk Owe China Billions. They Shouldn’t Be Working for Government
At what point do people who can’t get security clearances to deliver sandwiches to people with security clearances – get disqualified from anything government?
If Gambling Sites Have Not Yet Called the Presidential Election, Why Should We?
If you are one of the tens of thousands of people around the world who placed bets on the 2020 Presidential Election between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden you might be wondering why you have not yet been paid. Well, the simple answer is that neither Donald Trump nor Joe Biden has yet been declared the winner according to the people who run the sites. Take that MSM.
Voters Had a Chance to Reject Covid Tyranny, Now a Price Will Be Paid
We’ve seen his advisors recommend a new 4-6 week lock down. We’ve also seen Biden assert he will put in place a national mask mandate despite the clear ineffectiveness of masks. These are the consequences of putting Democrats in power.
The 1984-ing of America Is in Full Swing
Ticketmaster is working on an app to verify the vaccine status of concert-goers before being allowed entry to venues…Now we’re being told that in order to return to business and life, we first must inject something into our bodies that we may or may not be comfortable with. Regardless of the private vs. public sector nuances, it seems like a good constitutional lawyer could have a field day with this type of monitoring.
Trump Must Never Concede This Election to Biden
By continuing the fight, Trump will keep the issue of vote fraud before the people. If he continues to make this a public battle over the next two years, especially through the use of rallies, he can stoke enough anger to limit the ability of our latent quislings in the Senate to become overt collaborators with the Democrats, to make life tough for vulnerable House Democrats in following Pelosi’s lead and flip the House to the GOP in 2022.
Pfizer Announces Big Vaccine News and It Sure Looks Like They Purposely Waited Until After the Election
Keep in mind that Covid media star and frequent Trump critic Scott Gottlieb is on the board of Pfizer. You’ll also be less than shocked to learn that the top two places Pfizer big wigs gave political donations to were the Biden campaign and the Democrat Senate Campaign Committee.
Trump’s Presidency Was Worth It
No one should hang their head after the last four years. Those on the “right” who proclaimed that Trump’s previous election would cause doom for the party’s future have been absolutely repudiated. A Hillary Clinton presidency would not have preserved conservatism over the long term, it would have fully and completely destroyed it.
Heads Should Roll in the Biden Camp After Big Hispanic Vote Shift
Win or lose, Biden just suffered an absolutely embarrassing loss of Hispanic voters that typically swing in heavy numbers toward the Democratic Party. Instead, it was the Trump campaign that made major in-roads into the Hispanic community and that appears to be what helped him hold on to Florida and Texas.
Former Biden Family Business Partner Lays Waste to the Biden Family in Tucker Carlson Interview
Tucker Carlson broadcast approximately 45 minutes of his interview with Tony Bobulinski done earlier in the day on Tuesday from a hotel room in Los Angeles. The broadcast involved lengthy passages of Bobulinski speaking largely uninterrupted, setting forth a detailed narrative of his involvement with members of the Biden family — Joe, James (Joe’s brother), and Hunter.
Biden Lies His Way Through Debate
Joe Biden emerged from his basement Thursday to lie his way through the final debate with President Trump, and boy were there some zingers.
Should Hunter Biden Be in Jail?
There’s a mystery about to unfold about Hunter Biden’s connection to an Indian bond fraud scheme that happened from 2014-15, for which some business associates of Hunter Biden have gone to federal prison Bottom line: Hunter Biden followed his partner, Devon Archer, into bed with some unabashed Wall Street fraud merchants.
Fauci Has a New Demand of You, as His Shameless Media Tour Continues
You need to cancel Thanksgiving, you dangerous peons. How about Fauci bite the bullet and go jump in a lake? Given the epic failure of the past lockdowns to actually reduce the spread – which Fauci still promotes – there is no logic in continuing to try to enact them on the micro level by forfeiting holidays.
Fauci Isn’t Stupid. He Just Thinks You Are
Trump should have removed him months ago, political consequences be damned.
Pence Destroyed Kamala
Mike Pence debated Kamala Harris last night, and it was not a pretty sight for the Democrat. As per her usual arrangement, Harris ended up grimacing, cackling, and making faces most of the night because she had no ability to respond substantively to most questions.
CNN Immediately Dives into the Gutter Over Trump’s Covid Diagnosis
CNN is a dumpster fire. Even MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow managed to remain gracious. You don’t try to take political shots when people get sick. It’s not just decorum in play. It’s being human. Don Lemon and the rest are incapable of abiding by the even more basic tenants of common decency though.
Chris Wallace’s Disgraceful Performance
Fox News doesn’t deserve any leeway here. They went with a known hack like Wallace, who may not always be predisposed to oppose Republicans in general, but has clearly shown his disdain and hate for Donald Trump over the years.