He dominates on the core issues that people say they care about most. And voters have more confidence in him on the issues of war and peace.
Topic: Trump
Trump Becomes More Popular as Attacks Intensify
In the face of unrelentingly negative coverage, at a high level now but negative for a long time, the public views Trump more favorably than it has since he entered politics.
Trump Is Funny and Kamala Is Petulant
Despite her constant cackling, we learned last week that Vice President Kamala Harris isn’t very funny. In fact, she can be downright grouchy if you ask her a difficult question. On the other hand, the guy the left and corporate media have painted as the next Hitler is a hoot.
To Be or Not Be America — After Election Day
Trump is all that’s standing between the fanatics’ dreams of destruction and the right path.
Dem Lawfare Launched Trump’s Comeback
The legal war meant to end his political career actually revived it.
Kamala Is Priming Dems for Violence if Trump Wins
The purpose of constantly invoking the specter of a dictatorship under Trump is to condition Democrats to react violently if Harris loses.
America Needs Trump Because We’re Standing on the Edge of a Moral Abyss
By Glenn Beck: It is up to us, the people who still know the difference between right and wrong, to step forward, to vote, and to defend the republic from the growing forces of tyranny.
Finally, a Good Trump Movie
On-screen, the former president has always been depicted as either evil or a buffoon. But “The Apprentice” makes him human.
Bob Woodward’s War on Trump
His new book should be labeled as an in-kind campaign contribution to the Harris–Walz candidacy.
“The Enemy of My Enemy Is Donald J. Trump”
The American author Rod Dreher on why he unapologetically supports the deeply flawed GOP nominee.
Owner of Nazi Boat That Appeared at Trump Boat Parade Is Not a Registered Republican
Dems and the mainstream media have attempted to smear Trump supporters as extremists due to a Nazi boat appearing at a Trump parade in Jupiter, Florida, on Sunday. However, records show that the boat is owned by Dylan Thomas Ammeson who is not a registered Republican or a Trump supporter. He is a member of the Goyim Defense League, an organization that has attacked the Trump campaign for being “too Jewish.”
Anti-Trump Film “The Apprentice” Bombing at the Box Office
Far-left hit piece scores microscopic debut in opening frame.
Will Americans Vote for Their Own Survival or Choose Trump Hatred?
Will voters take the rational route of voting for their self-interest and against the ruination of their happiness? Or will they ignore their family’s self-preservation and fall for the rabid pushers of orange man bad Trump Derangement Syndrome?
Media That Hid Biden’s Decline Now Interested in Trump’s Cholesterol
In a fascinating turn of events the Regime Media, formerly intellectually incurious about anything having to do with Joe Biden’s rapid mental decline, have now developed a sudden interest in medical transparency.
Classy Barack Obama Mocks Trump and Implies He Wears Diapers
Former President Barack Obama, whose wife Michelle famously said, “When they go low, we go high,” decided he had no interest in dignity, lampooning former President Trump as someone wearing adult diapers.
America Needs Trump’s Brand of Diplomacy Now More Than Ever
The current state of U.S. policy toward North Korea is not sustainable. Sanctions and diplomatic efforts under the current administration have proven ineffective. Trump’s willingness to engage directly with Kim Jong Un showed that diplomacy does not have to come at the expense of national security.
Don’t Rule Out a “Narrow Landslide” on November 5
By Kellyanne Conway: Trump has successfully grown his coalition with more Hispanics, Blacks, union households, men, working-class, non-college educated and younger voters. If Trump maintains his gains among these key groups, and continues to outperform Republicans from historical standards, the 45th president will be the 47th president.
A Vote for Trump Is a Vote for Normalcy
Trump may be an abnormal politician, but when it comes to delivering actual normalcy, he’s the better choice this November.
Musk and Trump Are Birds of a Feather
Musk bought his peace for years, as did Trump, by pretending to be a Democrat. Musk was the hero of the left when he was a Democrat. They have viciously excoriated him ever since he decided to think for himself. It has been the best trade in political history. We got Musk and they got the warmongering Cheneys. We got Elon and they got Dick.
How Trump Can Win the Popular Vote
Democrats should brace for a shock four weeks from now — the possibility not just of a victory for former President Donald Trump but a win so big Trump even beats Vice President Kamala Harris in the popular vote.
Trump Stands with Israel
It seems clear that a President Kamala Harris will be the least supportive American president of the Jewish State in Israel’s 76-year history. By contrast, the argument is solid that Trump in his first term was at least the equal of any previous president when it comes to a record of support for Israel in peacetime.
NYT Front Page Probes Alleged Trump Mental Decline After Ignoring Biden’s
After years of politely ignoring President Joe Biden’s mental decline, the New York Times suddenly puts Donald Trump under its metaphorical MRI a month before Election Day, while shrugging off concerns about the actual man supposedly in the White House and running the country, Democrat Joe Biden.
Expect Trump Landslide Like Reagan in 1980
By Dick Morris:While the polls suggest a close race, the underlying data raises the possibility of a landslide. Trump wins all the issues. He is seen as better on the economy, immigration, inflation, crime and foreign affairs. Even abortion, Harris’ strong suit, has been muted and muddled lately by Trump’s pledge to veto an abortion ban and by Melania’s courageous defense of “individual freedom” for American women.
Republican Loyalty and the Self-Delusions of “Never Trump”
Presidential politics since Goldwater demonstrates the fecklessness of Republican Party turncoats.