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Trump Won Election Fair and Square

Since Trump returned to the White House, Democrats and the media have been in full meltdown mode, insisting that the country is collapsing. They claim democracy is at risk and Trump is a fascist. In reality, the only thing falling apart is the left’s ability to manipulate the American people.

Trump Is Cleaning Up DC

Supporters of President Donald Trump have said for years that he would clean up Washington, D.C. While they were usually talking about the federal government, it turns out Trump is cleaning up the district as well.

Make America Normal Again

The left has abandoned America and religious-based values. Donald Trump’s goals as he outlined in front of the nation would have been uncontroversial 30 or 40 years ago. Today, his drive to normalcy is simply revolutionary.

Dems Want Trump and Musk Dead

They must lie, and since they’ve been lying for a very long time, the lies have to keep getting bigger to get the same result.They don’t care if it inspires someone to take a shot at the President or Musk. Hell, they’ve already inspired 2 people to try to kill Trump