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JD Vance Is Crushing It as Trump’s Running Mate

By Kurt Schlichter: The Democrats may think he’s weird, or at least claim he is, but that’s only because they are weirdos. JD doesn’t think that women can become men, nor does he think that socialism is the answer, nor does he create elaborate reasons for dodging his duty – when duty called, JD Vance, unlike Tim Walz, didn’t let it go to voicemail. He’s normal. Like us

Veterans Will Not Be Fooled by Tim Walz

By Kurt Schlichter: What Kamala doesn’t know is that Tim Walz is going to alienate vets, except for the pinko blue falcons like the loathsome Vindmans and those Twitter goofs who insist you shouldn’t have an AR15 because they are experts, having once qualified “marksman” on an M4.

White Dudes for Having Some Personal Dignity and Self-Respect

By Kurt Schlichter: In one of the least surprising developments of all time, this week’s White Dudes for Kamala Zoom call was a festival of estrogen where a bunch of weirdos, losers, mutations, sissies, whiners, dorks, geeks, and other key sub-sections of the Democrat Party gathered in the electronic ether to humiliate themselves at the feet of their mediocre candidate.

Nothing Is Out of Bounds in Attacking Kackling Kamala

By Kurt Schlichter: We’re not supposed to mention that she’s a goofy weirdo with an evil laugh. We’re not supposed to mention she’s an incompetent DEI hire. And, of course, we’re not supposed to talk about her sordid history of sexual ladder climbing.

Biden’s Final Humiliation

By Kurt Schlichter: Alleged President Joe Biden’s cowardly capitulation to the will of the Democrat elite validated the cruel truth that we have always known about him – and that he has always known about himself. He’s a quitter. He’s a loser. He’s weak, and he’s stupid

They Tried to Kill Trump

By Kurt Schlichter: The nerve of Donald Trump, inciting that scumbag to shoot him by being literally Hitler, according to the regime media and the regime husk. And then his supporters shockingly dared to get mad about it.

Regime Media Is Toast, Too

By Kurt Schlichter: The regime media was perfectly happy with Biden being a senile, decrepit, corrupt, old, perverted weirdo as long as he wasn’t Trump. So they either lied about it or did not do their job competently. Either way, they suck, and their sucking cannot be hidden or excused.

Do You Feel a Draft?

By Kurt Schlichter: The normal Americans who used to make up our military are refusing to play along. The cannon fodder has found better things to do than pursue the agenda of a globalist ruling class that hates them and everything they stand for. This, of course, is unacceptable, so we’re starting to hear some rumblings about a new draft

Trump Should Announce His 2.0 Dream Team Now

By Kurt Schlichter: Remember, much of the federal government is dominated by lazy communist parasites who will do everything they can to undermine the will of the people, all in the name of Our Democracy. Every Trump department and agency head must understand that he’s entering hostile territory.

America Can Choose to Be Great Again

By Kurt Schlichter: America is not over, no matter how dire everything looks. And it is dire – we’re becoming an impotent and impoverished banana republic that is pushed around by foreign scumbags overseas and perverts, crooks, and commies here at home.

Trump 2.0 Must Achieve Total Media Domination

By Kurt Schlichter: The regime media must be shunned. Cut out, iced out, kicked out. They don’t get called on. They don’t get talked to. They get ignored. Starve them. Mt. President, lose Maggie Haberman’s number. If you want to call someone, call a real journalist, like Salena Zito. Punish the haters, reward the fair and honest.

How to Neutralize the Campus Communists

By Kurt Schlichter: They get nothing – not deference, not respect, not even an opportunity to be heard. That’s how you beat them. And the authorities who fail to do this, who treat these communist kiddies as special snowflakes, will get broken and humiliated. The enemy feeds on weakness. The answer is simple – don’t be weak.