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God Bless Fraternity Brothers, Defenders of the USA

The American flag is still standing here on the University of North Carolina campus, days after a mob of anti-Israel protesters  replaced Old Glory with the “Palestine” flag. In a scene as iconic as the U.S. Marines raising the flag over Iwo Jima, these valiant gentleman kept the flag from touching the ground amidst an onslaught of abuse and debris hurled limp-wristedly by filthy libs.

College Patriots Crush Hamas Rallies

This weekend was downright bizarre and awesome all at the same time. Let’s give major props to all the heroic patriots on college campus who are refusing to let terrorist sympathizing students win. The pro-Hamas side tries to rise up…….to immediately get crushed by people who love this country.

Hamas Fangirls Are Hurting the Feminist Cause

They stomp around their college campuses, pitching tents, holing themselves up in buildings and demanding pizza delivery, these saviors of terrorism. They are cheering for a bunch of womanizing rapists who beat their women into submission and strive to keep them silent